parking at a gas station

Started by littlelamb, October 10, 2008, 08:06:14 AM

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what is it with people just parking in front of the pumps and not getting gas i dont mind when its the elderly or disabled but come on the rest of us should be consideret of others i dont know how about the rest of ya maybe its just me.


Nope it isn't just you.
That gives me road rage ( or I should say gas pump rage.  :laugh: )
We were in Oklahoma and there was 6 big double stations. and they were all full. so we pulled in behind this woman who was filling her tank and used a credit card to pay outside. Then she left her car ..and went inside ..and did 'who knows what'.. and we waited and waited . We would have moved but all the other pumps were full and there was a man waiting behind us. It was almost 10 minutes and she finally meandered out like she was on a Sunday stroll with not an awareness that the place was full.This woman was in her 30's..and I was about ready to help her not see her 40's.. >:( >:(
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

W. Gray

A few years ago, who would ever have thought that one could pull into a station, fill up, and drive away or go inside for something else "without" paying for the gas.

I remember thinking there was no way this was going to work.

"If one of the many corrupt...county-seat contests must be taken by way of illustration, the choice of Howard County, Kansas, is ideal." Dr. Everett Dick, The Sod-House Frontier, 1854-1890.
"One of the most expensive county-seat wars in terms of time and money lost..." Dr. Homer E Socolofsky, KSU


Not trying to be argumentative here, but just thinking about my trips around the county this morning to post flyers, and thinking what poor parking the small gas stations have.  I wasn't quite sure where to park.  No, I didn't park at the pumps, but I just parked where I "thought" was best, as I was just running in and running out.   ???

I used to think all gas station attendants/employees were rude.  Now, having been in close proximity to some people who get gas at these places and hearing/seeing the way they act, I think the employees are unpleasant because of all the RUDE people they have to deal with on a minute-by-minute basis!   >:(


its not just the parking that bothers me its the dis respect for other people weither you know them or not its called good maners you know excuse me,thank you, yes mam ,please, where did all of that go?


Oh, you're SO right!  It's amazing (sad amazing).  You hold a door open for someone and they look at you like you're going to expect something in return... a cross between being pissed and ready to tell you they didn't ask for it.  Oh, and heaven forbid you actually smile at them, too!  Same thing goes for telling someone Thank You.  The proper response to that is not shock and awe, it's "you're welcome".

Not sure if I've shared this story before or not, but it's kind of funny.  I think manners (at least the Sir and Mam part) depends on where you were raised.  When I first started dating Chuck and took him home to my parents, being the polite southern boy, he called them Sir and Mam.  My mom chewed me out after he left about him acting like a smartass and disrespecting them.  I told her that he calls his MOM mam, and his DAD sir!  My dad summed it up perfectly in his speech he gave at our wedding rehearsal dinner.  Dad said that they were very confused by Chuck when he first came because he used the words Sir and Mam, and they didn't know how to react to that... because their own kids were never that polite!  Ha!   ::)


Yes it makes me mad.  I'm so old that I can remember when this wasn't a problem because when you went to the filling station you bought gas.  You did not have to go in and get your beer, ice, and lottery tickets.  And you sure didn't have to ice down your beer while sitting at the pumps. >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( And they call them Convenient Stores! ??? ??? ???  Thank you and come back.


Quote from: greatguns on October 10, 2008, 03:18:49 PM
  I'm so old that I can remember when this wasn't a problem because when you went to the filling station you bought gas. 

and while the attendant was pumping your gas he also washed your windshield, checked your radiator and tires and your oil if you asked him to.  Took your money and brought your change back out to you.  You didn't even need to get out.

Just a few days ago Marvin and I pulled into PJ's for gas in his "pasture jumper" and the gas tank is on the rider side.  The car in front of us pulled smack dab in the middle of the space between the bldg and the pumps, got out and went in.  There we sat till he came back out and left.  Very, very frustrating and very very poor manners.


A few years ago I went to Oregon to train hospital staff on a Radiology and Pharmacy management software system. To my horror I was reprimanded by a gas station attendant that told me it was illegal for me to pump my own gas. ??? :laugh:



Y'know i don't have all that much trouble with people bein rude except in wal-mart lol imagine that. I've got a bad habit of holdin the door when I see somebody comin, even guys and they always look kinda wierd for a second and then say thanks lol, it's funny.

If somebody is rude more often than not I laugh at em which ain't very polite but it tickles me  sometimes how hard people try to be sometimes.
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats

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