Obama 'Lying' About Muslim Past

Started by Teresa, October 10, 2008, 08:15:26 PM

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Sen. Barack Obama "is lying" when he insists that he has never prayed in a mosque and was never a Muslim, a prominent Middle East expert and journalist says.

Daniel Pipes, founder of the Middle East Forum think tank, says he fully accepts that Obama is a Christian now. But there is strong evidence that Obama received a Muslim upbringing during his years in Indonesia, Pipes said.

"It's fine with me that he was a Muslim and a convert to Christianity," Pipes told Newsmax. Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal "is a convert from Hinduism. I have no problem with his conversion. What I have a problem with is that he's lying" when he says he was never a Muslim.

Newsmax asked whether Pipes is alleging outright that Obama has lied about having a Muslim upbringing.

Pipes' response: "The evidence suggests to me that he is lying, yes."

Pipes told Newsmax, "It would start with the fact that his father was a Muslim — granted, not a practicing Muslim, but in the Muslim world, if your father is a Muslim, you're a Muslim. His father named him Hussein, which is a name only given to Muslim babies. He went with his stepfather to a mosque. They celebrated certain Muslim holidays at the mosque together. He had knowledge of the Koran. He had knowledge of Muslim prayers. You put all this together, he was a Muslim.

Rest of the story...................
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Well, to some, if it quacks, waddles, and lays eggs...it's most certainly NOT a duck...and they'll inform you quite vocally of that fact...are you blind???  It's actually a platypus...You're 'just too blind to see it'. 


Quote from: Teresa on October 10, 2008, 08:15:26 PM
Sen. Barack Obama "is lying" when he insists that he has never prayed in a mosque and was never a Muslim, a prominent Middle East expert and journalist says.

You know, I guess one would have to have a very weak mind to believe the crap Obuma spouts!  It is amazing to me how one could fall for the ramblings of this charlatan.  It is almost like this potentate muslim fakir has come to earth with a special potent potion called "Koolaid" and once people stupidly drink from his cup they are hooked.  It's amazing!

Great post. That lie you posted is one of many, many lies, gaffes and just plain stupity he has been associated with over the years, Teresa. 

Here's a list of them: http://www.theobamafile.com/ObamaLies.htm
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Actually, if you go by the beliefs of various members of his family his basic up-bringing would be considered agnostic, not muslim or christian either one. His father was from a muslim family but HE was an athiest. His mom was basically a dabbler with a healthy dose of skepticism thrown in. he was also exposed to christian, muslim and buddhist among others. Maybe he DID go to a mosque with his step-father, reckon it could've been out of respect for his step-father? I've gone to various churches I don't agree with out of respect for another person, doesn't make me a member.

I don't know much about Obama and I don't support him but I know enough about Islam to know he can't go around hangin out in bible beatin churches no matter what they spout and he HAS to pray facin towards Mecca like four of five times a day period, which I think somebody would have noticed or caught him at by now. There are LOTS of dietary laws etc. that have to be followed...so do I think Obama is muslim? No. Has he been exposed to it? Yes. Is it ok to lie about that? No, but ya gotta admit in this day and climate wouldn't you?

Since I have some knowledge of Islam does that make ME a muslim? Does knowledge of medicine make you a doctor?
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