Started by DanCookson, October 09, 2008, 08:34:35 AM

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What a bunch of ass hats these people are.  I was watching CNN this morning and was amazed they were covering it as they are usually pretty left angled.

It is groups like this and the people that make excuses for them and support them that make me sick.  This whole election process is starting to make me sick...

McCain won't talk about the economy because it is a weak point....Well duhhh.

Obama won't talk about Character because he has none.....well duhhhh.

Just grows very tiresome......

Back to work.....sigh


Lol Dan, think that's about where we all are....
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats


Ive been watching cnn alot myself I think we all need to sart being more selfsuficent and learn to protect ourselfs because life as we know it is coming to an end our goverment is not intrested in what we need or how hard we have worked for what we have.and i sure do not need their help going in debt i do just fine myself. this election has made me ill also


You can add my 'throw up' to the pot.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


I don't understand why this thread was randomly titled "Acorn", and I didn't really want to start my own thread just to ask a random question that someone may have already pointed out on the many political posts run amuck... so here goes...

I was flipping around my DishTV channel guide and realized there is an OBAMA channel now.  Haven't felt the need to watch it yet (ever).  Just didn't know if anyone else knew that or not, or if it was on other satellite or cable stations?


Thanks, but I'm probably not going to click all those links.  That's what I get for not keeping up with all the political stuff.  I take it that it has something to do with voter fraud or something. 

Plus, you still didn't tell me if the Obama channel was on more than just DishTV!  Ha!   ;)


Tobina, this is the first I have ever heard of the Obama channel.


Yep... The ever adoring liberal mass media directors  has given Obama  his own TV channel on DishNetwork (73).
And the brainwashing continues................
Make yourself an aluminum foil hat when you watch it.  ::)
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Tobina, I think it is only on Dish network or satellite.  I have regular cable and it isn't offered on even the digital packages.

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