Help Researching Geneology When Parent was Adopted.

Started by dnalexander, October 08, 2008, 09:41:19 PM

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I need help from you genealogy research experts. My father's birth parents divorced when he was very young. My dad's mother remarried sometime around when my dad was 5 years old. Her second husband adopted my dad and was always considered by my dad to be his "Pop" . I knew him as Grandpa. This was somewhat of a secret in my family. Not having any one to talk to about that part of my family tree I am looking for some suggestions on ways to maybe get around this obstacle. My dad was born in 1931 in Wichita and an only child. Basically  my brothers and I are the last of the branch of this family tree.



What is it that you need David? If you are wanting to know what his name was? it should be recorded where the divorce was recorded and you can go back from there I think. I have been tryin to do my Dads side of the family for a few years now and it's interestin as heck to find stuff. Computer recently crashed and I lost a LOT of stuff tho so here's a tip for ya, never leave anything to be copied do it while you are there cause you never know what'll happen lol.
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats


David,  If you haven't already done so, you might try applying for a copy of your father's birth certificate through the Ks Dept of Vital Statistics.  You have his birthdate and location, so it shouldn't be difficult to come up with a birth certificate.  Even if the records were changed following his adoption, I think the original information should still be obtainable.


I am very green at this genealogy research. I didn't realize I could get a copy of his birth certificate. When I had to get a replacement for mine it was a quite a chore. I did not realize vital statistics would send me his. Thanks for the info.


Ms Bear

If you know when and where your grandparents were married you might be able to get their marriage certificate.  It sometimes shows the brides parents and also the grooms parents.


Marcia Moore

     Adoption records in the state of Kansas are open, so this information should be available.  I was adopted in Oklahoma, and those records are sealed.


Any update on your search?  Did any of the leads provided prove to be useful?  We researchers are just as interested in the processes and challenges as we are in the actual information gleaned.  Keep us informed of your successes and failures.  Thanks.


Please go to their town and look in the library in the newspapers on microfilms, even if you have just the year. Yes it can take you days and hours.  (I read over 100 years worth of microfilmed newspapers and gained a total insight into 3 connected families.) 

you would be amazed  at what they printed, right down to who went to whose house for Sunday brunch.  if you have ANY dates and a town, PLEASE TRY THIS.

DDURBIN is a EK genealogical whiz, he helped me with some online research before I even moved here.


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