Presidential Debate : McCain vs. Obama

Started by Teresa, October 07, 2008, 07:02:36 PM

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In terms of facts and style, who did better tonight and why do you believe what you believe?  (Voting closes: October 10, 2008, 07:35:31 PM)

10 (62.5%)
4 (25%)
1 (6.3%)
Don't Care - Just Shoot Me!
1 (6.3%)

Total Members Voted: 15

Voting closed: October 11, 2008, 10:24:23 AM


I'm posting this before the debate. When you cast your vote give some definitive answers why you made your choice.

Part of the pundits say that McCain has to focus on the current economic crisis and avoid the negative stuff about Obama. Obama will of course pound away about McCain/Bush  being the reason the economy is try to convince the people that he and the government will take care of everyone by NOT raising taxes.
  Both candidates are woefully unqualified to speak on or address any possible solutions to this problem, but they are vying for the top job in our government so they have to give some answers.
I guess the real test will be who LOOKS like they know what they are talking about on this issue, and who actually can relate and talk to the common people...and convince them that they are the right man for the job.

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


The debate isn't over yet, but I am done with it.  I voted for McCain because I find him more understandable.  They both said a lot without saying anything, but McCain was more courteous to the moderator.  He also seemed to have a better understanding of what he was saying.  Obama talked in circles without saying anything except what McCain had already said.


Quote from: Wilma on October 07, 2008, 08:25:16 PM
The debate isn't over yet, but I am done with it.  I voted for McCain because I find him more understandable.  They both said a lot without saying anything, but McCain was more courteous to the moderator.  He also seemed to have a better understanding of what he was saying.  Obama talked in circles without saying anything except what McCain had already said.
Wilma, you took the words right out of my mouth.


I watched the debate tonite and as I have said many times Energy and the high cost of Oil and Natural Gas is the main cause of the crash in our economy and the world economy. Both candidates agreed that energy is the critical issue and that we must increase oil production now (I prefer to say oil and gas). They even elluded to the fact that the high price of oil has given Russia, the Worlds leading oil producer, the monies to commit aggresion, both economically and militarily against other countries, that the high price of oil has given Iran the monies to develop Nuclear Weaponry and threaten the world. The big point I am getting to is that if you believe that the energy crisis is the culprit there is only one candidate and one party that can help us get out of this situation. I have been involved in the Oil and Gas industry for 40 years and I have never seen the Democrats be a friend  or be pro Oil and Gas industry. Even the people on the forum that are Democrats are anti big oil, who in the hell do these people think discovered and developed nearly all of the big oil fields in the world. I see these people put out BS about oil company profits and they know nothing about the company's market cap, the high risk projects, the long term payouts, the dryholes. Out of one corner of his mouth Barack Obama said tonite that he can increase our oil Production, then shortly after that he was spouting about how bad it was that John McCain and/or the Republicans were going to give the oil companies a 3 Billion Dollar tax break. Three Billion Dollars would not even pay for 1/10 of the Natural Gas Pipeline that is critically neded to get the massive gas reserves that have been injected back into the North Slope because there is no way to move them. Barack Obama will be some of the same failed Democrat Policies against big oil as what Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter has done in the past. look at Nancy Pelosi, and her handling of the Oil Crisis, is that what you want, Nancy Pelosi didn't care about the energy crisis she just didn't want to do anything to help big oil. Barack OBama will not help our energy situation at all.


Of course I voted for McCain.

I didn't think McCain did badly in this debate, but I thought he could have done better.  For instance, the idea that Obama or any Democrat could be trusted to handle the economy is laughable.  When I think about liberals being in charge of America's wallet, drunken sailors on a binge is the image that comes to mind.

Here's a little tidbit McCain could have thrown in:  A recent list of the ten U.S. cities with the highest poverty rates shows that these major municipalities have one thing in common.  And just what is that one thing that connects them?  It's Democratic leadership, my friends.  Cleveland hasn't had a Republican mayor since 1989, Cincinnati hasn't had one since 1984, Detroit since 1961, Buffalo since '54, Philadelphia since '52 and St. Louis since '49.  It's been over a hundred years for Newark and Milwaukee.  Miami and El Paso have never elected a Republican mayor.  Is it merely an odd coincidence?  I don't think so.

But it's when Obama tried to blame the current financial crisis on George Bush and the GOP that McCain should have held his feet to the fire.  For one thing, it's the liberals in Congress who forced the banks and mortgage lenders to put prudence and commonsense aside in favor of political pandering by extending home loans to people who never should have received them, not because of race, but because they were bad credit risks.  People like Kerry, Pelosi, Reid, Schumer, Boxer, Barney Frank, Chris Dodd and Barack Obama, wouldn't in a million years lend any of those people ten bucks, but they saddled the rest of us with billions in bad loans.

This isn't to suggest that the lenders were entirely blameless or greedless, but they never would have made sub-prime loans in the first place if the federal government hadn't forced them to do it.  The fact is, when it comes to strong-arm tactics, liberals don't take a backseat to anyone, including Al Capone and Lucky Luciano.

The other thing that McCain could have brought up is the fact that two of the people who helped get Fannie Mae into its present pickle are a couple of ne'er-do-wells with close ties to Obama; namely, former Fannie Mae CEOs Franklin Delano Raines and James Johnson.  Raines has been accused of pocketing over $14 million in bonuses based on fraudulent accounting practices, while Johnson, who was initially named to head up Obama's V.P. search committee, was forced to step down when it was discovered that he had accepted a tasty little conflict-of-interest home loan from Countrywide, a loan which in less polite circles would be called a bribe.

If I were McCain, I would also have pointed out how similar Johnson's home loan was to the one the Obamas received through the kindness of convicted Chicago fixer Tony Rezko.

If I had been Sen. McCain after Obuma hit him with McCain's ditty, "Bomb, Bomb, Bomb Iran, "I would have taken the opportunity to remind everyone that Obama, the man who would be commander-in-chief, pooh-poohed Iran as a small country that posed no real danger.  It's one thing, after all, for the MSM to treat Sen. Obama as if he were treated with Teflon and quite another for his opponent to do the same.

Still, I would have closed on a positive note.  I would have praised Barack Obama for not suggesting, as Joe Biden did, that George Bush should have dealt with the current financial crisis by going on TV as FDR had in order to reassure the country when the Stock Market crashed..

What is it with these guys?  Obama told us there were 57 states and that Kennedy ended the Cuban missile crisis by sitting down across the table from Khrushchev, and Biden is convinced we all had TV sets in the 1929 and that FDR was serving the first of his five terms in the White House!  All I can say is that it's a good thing that these two shmoes can make a living in politics because they sure couldn't cut it as junior high civics teachers
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Home Run Warph..
"Over the Fence & OUT OF THE BALLPARK"
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Obama was a little overanxious, a little too anal about whatever McCain said. McCain was a little too brown noser. If I had to listen to him say now my friends about one more time I probly would of thrown my tv out the window, or that snicker he calls a laugh, give me a break.

They BOTH have some good ideas on healthcare, they both have some bad ideas on healthcare.

I'm real sick of the oh we gotta drill now spiel, it'll saave us. No it won't. It might save us in 5 or ten years. Obama is RIGHT when he says we got to go for alternative energy, it's more important. And nuclear isn't the great white hope at the expense of other alternatives.

As for the war, We HAVE to have a plan for comin home, the longer we stay the less likely we are to come out ahead. The Iraqis want to do it on their own, they keep askin when are y'all gonna go home on one hand and takin our money with the other hand.

As for Afghanistan, don't think either one of em came out ahead. has everybody forgot that Russia went in there, stayed for about 25 years and then packed their shit and went home? They didn't win for the same reason we can't. The mountains on the border with Pakistan, and Pakistan. Obama actually had a point on that one.

They both lose on taxes, anybody who says they aren't gonna raise taxes in this current situation is a bald-faced liar. They are gonna HAVE to raise taxes or sell out to foreign countries one or the other and personally I'd druther pay more taxes as learn to speak Mandarin.

But these are just MY thoughts and I already know they are "wrong" so..............................
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats


I Recorded it and had to watch it later, as I had a meeting, but I must have rewound one segment 5 times and made up at least 8 new curse phrases....I mean I strung some stuff together that would have made the commander of the USS George Washington feel uncomfortable!



I will be with Pam in looking for a new TV as I about jumped up and did a Chuck Norris on mine.(not Tobina's Chuck, the other one)

I voted for McCain......I don't have time to list the reasons as I must get busy making money to pay my taxes so Obama can ensure that everyone receives their RIGHT of Health Insurance.

I say "Balderdash", as a much wiser soul than my own would have said to this nonsense.


Lol, Dan

Y'know insurance is the biggest racket there is tho. Just think... I've been payin car insurance since I was 17 years old and I have NEVER had a claim. Lets see that's approximately 100 bucks a month average for what like 32 years........that comes to 38,400.00 I've paid give or take a little dependin on the ticket situation at any given time. That's a spankin new truck! with some pretty cool options! Think I could get a rebate?

As for health insurance, the few times in my life I've been able to afford it I never used it. If I can't fix it we pay cash out for it.
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats


I didn't hear much of any thing different from either one. I don't think the "debates" allow a platform for the candidates to really speak to us in depth you will have to find it elsewhere. John McCain's proposal to buy up bad home mortgages is new info. and may add a few voters to his side.For me neither won the debate. So for my vote I say John McCain won overall due the fact that I think he won some undecided voters (Took the long way around on that I know)


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