The Best Cup of Coffee

Started by Wilma, October 07, 2008, 06:19:35 PM

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Judy Harder

I agree with all of these but the best cup of coffee I ever had
was when I was a newly married and just learning how to drink the stuff
and my husband's family had an aunt I don't remember if third or fourth cousin or what
but she was in his family and
when we went to  stay with them for a weekend.
Bell made the best coffee on an old wood stove (that is all she cooked on) and
in the worst coffee pot I had ever seen and she made it without a basket or strainer.

I did not notice if she added an egg to it......but I do remember that you could have ate it with a
fork but that was the best cup of coffee I have ever had.

The closest I came to it was  when we were camping and I made coffee in an old perk coffee pot.......that was good
but not as good as Bells.
Boy I think that is where I got my first hair on my chest............Yum Yum!

Thanks for the memories.
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!


i like morning coffe with friends in the cafe in moline and on saturdays in longton to start my day coffe drinkers have some of the best conversations.



QuoteThe closest I came to it was  when we were camping and I made coffee in an old perk coffee pot

Boy you are right about campfire coffee Judy, I have an old pot I use and there ain't nothin like a cup of coffee fresh off the campfire when it's a little chilly and the mist ain't burned off yet and it's so quiet it's like you are in church............dang, now I'm gonna have to build a fire in the pit and make some coffee  :P
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats


The first drink of coffee around 8 am while I'm booting up my computer... before the e-mails start rolling in and the phone starts ringing.  The best whole cup is actually the 2nd cup, around 9:30 with my Grapenuts "stickers", when most of my e-mails are answered and there's a lull in the phone and I can log on to the Forum and catch up a bit.  Although, a Saturday morning cup is usually the best... when there's nothing to do but fold laundry and plan the weekend... no computer, no phones... except maybe to call my mom or grandma.
I only drink coffee as a medium for my caffeine, cream, and sugar.


no cream or suger in mine - just Coffee


Many years ago, we had moved into a house and the gas was not turned on yet. I did not have an electric coffee pot, but did have an electric popcorn popper, the kind that was a small kettle and sat on a hotplate type burner. I made creek bank coffee in that thing, and when the gas man did show up, I could see his nose twitching because it smelled so good. I offered him some but he got my furnace going first and then had a cup of that fabulous smelling brew. Boiled coffee is indeed the very best; I have a huge porcelain pot that my dad bought for me one Christmas; it makes the bestest there is. Next is  percolated coffee on top of the stove. Glass percolators are the best as they clean easily without the stale taste. But we use an electric drip maker for the ease and the warm holding.


The best cup of coffee is the one at around 2 or 3 am after walking the French Quarter in New Orleans when you stop at Cafe du Monde.  Cafe au lait (coffee and chickory) with beignets, I can taste it now.  A close second is at around 9 or 10 pm on a very cold night, a flavored coffee and a good book, curled up in the chair in front of the fire.


Jensarlou, you got me thinking. Everyone here mentioned a cup of coffee I would like to have. I am not a coffee aficionado and the cup I mentioned earlier is one that comes from the Arco gas station that I pick up in the morning while taking my dog for a walk before checking in on my forum friends. I started thinking the title is "The Best Cup of Coffee". And my previous post was has now moved to the best cup of coffee I have on a regular basis. I am still thinking about "The Best Cup of Coffee" and it is leaning now towards something more along the lines of your post. I'll have to get back to you on my true best cup of coffee.



Obviously, The Best Cup of Coffee can be either the one that tastes the best or the one that you enjoy the most or the one that gives you the best pick-me-up.  Or however you feel about it.  I have really enjoyed reading all the responses.  They kind of give an insight into one's character.


Hey two in a row got me thinking. Wilma you are so right about the insights into a person. Knowing what I know about myself I can see several things that might reveal things about me. This has really turned out to be a great topic. Thanks for starting it.


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