The Clothes Line

Started by Jo McDonald, July 31, 2008, 11:37:10 AM

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Judy Harder

I love to hang  up clothes on line.....and yes, it saves me money, but it is
also very good exercise for an arthritic person. As  long as I can get back up
I will lean over and then hang up a load or two of laundry.

That is one of the nicest features here at the Longton Housing. The clothes line.
Until weather gets too cold to be out and take the chill, I will continue to do it.

I still iron. I don't have as much as when Mom had the laundry.......she ironed every thing
but dad's briefs.......sure glad he did not wear boxers or I would have had to do them too.

It didn't hurt me and I learned I like to do it.
Would I go back to the old days, no, but I wouldn't mind a gossip session across fence line  while
hanging up the wash.

Guess I even have fond(???) memories of hanging up diapers in freezing weather and them freezing to line...but
when they got dry and in the house......were softer than I can get clothes with fabric softener.
NO I DO NOT WANT TO GO BACK.......been there and done that.
Again, thanks for the remember-whens.......I do like it.

Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

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