So I was thinkin.............................

Started by pam, October 08, 2008, 11:57:45 AM

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I've been thinkin today........yeah I know everybody is goin oh crap not again  :P but nevertheless............don't know if this belongs in politics or not...............

A lot is said on here about the "rich" and the injustices they suffer just because they are "rich". What exactly IS "rich"?
A big house? or seven or eight.....a huge bank account?.........a bunch of fancy cars? designer clothes?(that you hardly ever wear ). Rich gourmet food flown in especially for you? diamonds and other "precious" gems big enough to choke a horse?
Is it knowing half the people who hang out with you hate your guts but love your money? Is it havin kids that on the outside look like they are livin the perfect life, goin to the best schools while in reality they are self-destructing because everybody gives them STUFF instead of what they really need? Is it havin more money than you could spend in ten lifetimes but bitchin about the taxes you pay that if your accountant didn't tell you about you would NEVER miss?

I don't think so.........all you can live in at a time is ONE house and it don't have to have marble bathrooms and 10,000 square feet to be a home, hey money is nice but there are a LOT of things it can NEVER buy you, like happiness for instance; cars are kinda like houses you can only drive one at a time;clothes wear out no matter WHOs name is on em; plain ol country cookin is way better than most of the "gourmet" food I've ever eaten; hey diamonds and emeralds and such are real pretty but they ARE just rocks y'know  :P; if your kid is happy and doesn't have all the gadgets etc. he/she is WAY better off than the other way; and the truth about money is you really CAN'T take it with you, somebody ELSE is gonna spend what's left when you die and they are PROBLY gonna piss it off on stupid stuff!

I have a piddly ol trailer but it's pretty nice, it's out in the boonies in beautiful country, and I have LAND which is one of them things they ain't makin any more of; we eat every day, we got clothes on our backs, our bills are paid, we are all healthy, my kids and my grandkids are doin VERY well in their lives in the stuff that counts like family, I have one small diamond Joe gave me when we got married, an old truck that starts every day, and I'm just as rich as any CEO, Sultan, or bigshot in the world, in fact I'm richer than some of em and I bet a lot of you are too.

Plus the fact I live in America.....................
So that's what I was thinkin about ......................................

Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats

Jo McDonald

Pam, you ACED it this time !!!! 
You are rich - and so am I.   Rich has many meanings, but money it not the main one.  Yes, it is necessary, but it not the ONLY.
We count our blessings every day.  God is good - life is good - and the world we live in is wonderful.

   God Bless us all in this great country we call  The United States of America, and God Bless America !!!


And those things that make us "rich" can't be taxed! :D


Pam... Pam......... Pam..............................................................

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

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