Obama & Nra From Factcheck.org

Started by sixdogsmom, October 05, 2008, 09:57:18 AM

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Quote from: Teresa on October 05, 2008, 02:29:39 PM
yes.. I read it.
And excuse my language.. But it is pure bullshit...

Thank you i was trying to be nice :D  LOL.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: sixdogsmom on October 05, 2008, 05:24:38 PM
So---Factcheck.org is a function of the Obama campaign unless it agrees with your thinking? I would hate to think that my every waking thought was controlled by an organization that is driven by one goal only. This country is made up by many factions and many ideas. Senator Obama supports the second ammendment but also supports the right for communities to practise some gun control. Many public buildings also support gun control, do you not go into them? Do you check your gun at the door of the school?  :( :(
They can't stop what they can't see you know.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

Jo McDonald

For the Love of God --- don't you lefties EVER see anything except what the other Lefties write ---- Why, in the world can't you see..hear..and know that it is NOT SO that he is going to be your salvation????  I am not saying that the Republicans have all the answers, but I do know this --- McCain and Palin are NOT backed by all the communistic backers ----AND we do know where they come from...Where does the big bucks come from for this guy that never had any money -- yet used the high dollar drugs -- went to the high dollar schools - took the high dollar 'round the world trips - bought a million + dollar home and only had one teeny tiny job  - then emerged as a full blown know it all Senator? 
   Damn --- I just get so frustrated to think that you won't even try to look beyond "the Bush Years"  George Bush is not writing the script for the next Republican president!!! AND -- if you don't already realize it-----HE IS NOT A PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE !!!

momof 2boys

Thank God Bush isn't!  That in itself would be cruel and unusual punishment for our nation!  If I had to listen to 4 more years of him blundering through the English language, I'd scream! LOL!!! 

We "Lefties" aren't really as narrow-minded as our Conservative counterparts.  I read many items from both sides and can see beyond my own beliefs, unlike others.  Notice I said my own beliefs, they are mine to have; just as yours are yours to have.  So please respect that!

As far as trying to see past what the republicans have done so far and not using it as a predictor of the futue, that is pretty much impossible.  The Repulicans write the script for their party, as does the Democrats for theirs.  So change from this Presidency to a McCain Presidency more than likely will be more of the same.  And if that is what you want, more power to you.  That is your perrogative, and I respect that. 

Jo McDonald

I love your profile picture, little girl.

momof 2boys

Love you Jo! Tell Fred I need a new magic penny, I lost my old one and with two onery boys I am in desperate need of some magic!  LOL :P


I don't think that POTUS can change the constitution; o/w Roe v Wade should have been overturned many years ago as every republican president has run under that banner since its' inception.

Kjell, should you need some more action out of Teresa, just let me know. I got more!!  ;D ;D
Small fee of course!  ;D


I read it SDM My position is no matter WHO if ANYBODY says ok y'all I want you to turn your guns in today, they can kiss my rosy red butt!!! cause I'm keepin mine period.
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats


We're all gonna need em to feed ourselves before long anyway  :P
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats


Ain't it the truth! I'm gonna stop turning on the tv when I get up in the morning! The news this morning is certainly not rosy. Now, about guns; I am certainly not for the banning of guns, I have guns of my own. But I want to tell you when you live in an area where folks shoot indiscriminately, you think a little bit before you go out on your porch. Particularly at night. I used to live in Wichita, in a working class neighborhood that was a short distance away from a main traffic artery. You could go outside at night and hear the gunshots. We even dug slugs out of the front wall of our house! You CANNOT resolve that situation by shooting back, where and whom do you shoot except maybe your neighbors or some passerby. These people do not need to have guns, period! If it takes formal training to own a gun or some sort of responsible action then I am for that. Wyatt Earp did not tame Wichita by being the fastest gun in the west, he did it with gun control. All the wild and wooly cowboys were required to turn in their guns when they came to town. I know this is a highly pro gun area and I respect that, but don't put down the candidate because of a bogus charge of 'He's gonna take your gun!"

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