What Ails You Howard Residents??????

Started by genealogynut, August 10, 2006, 08:16:00 PM

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Now that you mention it, why is there room for 2 or 3 columns from Longton, but not room for NEWS from Howard?  Would more Letters to the Editor do any good?  I am thinking if the paper doesn't improve, I might consider not resubscribing.  As I said, I am getting more news from the Forum than I am from the newspaper.

A bigger paper would cost us more, but I for one am willing to pay more for local news.  I can't help comparing today's paper with what used to be.  The Howard Courant-Citizen carried information about what was happening, along with school news, school schedules, etc.  you name it, they carried it.  But then the Howard Courant-Citizen was locally owned.


Unless the newspaper changes drastically in the next few months, we have already decided not to renew our subscription.  It's like you've already stated.........there is more news to be found on the Howard Forum.  Why not make the Howard Forum the No. 1 news source for the Howard area?  Anyone can put their news on it, and at any time, no limits on length, no "stupid" rules, etc..

Janet Harrington

I don't remember seeing an ad for putting the paper online, but I am sure that if he does put it online, it is going to cost you to subscribe to it then.  One reason there isn't much Howard news, (and I have already said this), is because no one wants to be in charge of getting the news.  I'm sure that he doesn't have enough help to do all the typesetting etc.  That's why the like to get the news by e-mails because they don't have to do anything to it.  As for the news about wrecks, ambulance runs, the fire, things like that, you have to have a sheriff that actually cares about the community to submit the news.  That is something that we don't have here and I'm not saying that just because I am not the sheriff any longer.  I'm saying that because it is the truth.


You mean to say that you missed seeing that big ad?  I've already put that paper in File #13, or I'd tell you what page it was on. It gave the URL for the coming website.  If I remember right the ad said something about "coming soon"..........

Janet Harrington

I still have the paper so I looked.  It's on page three.  My thoughts are this, if he puts it online and doesn't charge to subscribe, I'll quit paying 75 cents every week for it.  Now take the Homecoming ad.  I used to pay $15.00, I think, just to have my name on there.  He had 29 names.  29 X 15 = $435.00.  He took in $435.00 just for that page and it wasn't a full page.  Now, the names could have cost $10.00 a name, so that would have been $290.00.  I just can't remember what they used to charge.  Now days, I don't even get asked.  I can't explain why his ad was so big.  We will just have to wait and see what happens.  Rudy Taylor has always been good to me, so it is hard to watch this paper sorta of go downhill.


I wouldn't mind reading an account of Friday's game.  I hear it was a good game and if someone wanted to write it up for the Forum, who could object?

Janet Harrington

Let me look on the WEst Elk page and see if there is one.  If there is, I'll copy it and put it on the forum.

Janet Harrington

Sorry.  The last game on the WEst Elk page is for the September 1 game.  They are way behind.  I already threw away the Sunday paper for Independence.  However; if we still have the Sunday paper at work, I'll post it tomorrow.


I think all of us should call and talk to the editor and let him know just how displeased we are. I am sure if enough of us call they will take notice. Can some one get me the telephone # and I will be the first to call.
Army Mom


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