What Ails You Howard Residents??????

Started by genealogynut, August 10, 2006, 08:16:00 PM

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We have noticed in the Flint Hills Express there seems to always be news columns regarding the towns of Longton, Grenola, Moline and Elk Falls, but nothing seems to be in there from Howard.  And we have also noticed that not very many people participate in posting on this forum.

How do you expect to keep this forum going, when you will not post any items to the boards :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(      :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(

Janet Harrington

Ah, Mrs. Morgan, the reason that we don't have any local friendly Howard news in the paper is because no one wants to take that responsibility to gather the news and get it to the paper.  The paper will accept news by e-mail.  The way that the Moline info gets in the paper is because Pat McAlister calls people to find out what has been going on in their lives.  The Elk Falls writer lives next door to the cafe' and used to be the post master there, so she knows everyone and the Longton news, the many columns of Longton news, are done by people who are active in the town and get out to see people.  We used to have Rose Leo who would gather the news and put in a column.  Pauline Smith used to do the same thing.  They are both gone.  Pastor Robin Haines has tried to keep a column going, but he is so busy that he meets himself coming and going.  That is the way that I see the situation.  I am as guilty as anyone about not sharing anything with the newspaper, but then again, maybe I just don't want everyone knowing what is going on with me and my family.  There ya go.  My opinion.


O-k-a-yy. ;D  The reason we subscribe to the Flint Hills Express is because we live about 35 miles away and like to keep up with the happenings around Howard. What we are interested in would be newsworthy items, not the local gossip.   Both of us are originally from the Howard area. 
Didn't mean to step on anyone's toes.


I think you're NOT stepping on any toes - just our lazy bones -  ;).

I'm as guilty as all the rest.

I do send some school articles into the paper, so the ones about music are often from me. I definitely don't send everything I could.

But even on this forum, I'm more of a lurker than a poster.  ::)  I like to read more than I like to type?  ???

I also feel uneasy posting about other people, even when what they do is public information, and I can't imagine anyone wanting to know who I visit, etc.


What we would like to see in the paper or on this forum in the General category are items relating to accidents that happen, fires that have occurred, updates on road construction/road closings, business news, etc.  We think there has been a misunderstanding of what we were trying to say.

We were not talking about personal lives, like who visited who.  We are not the world's best communicators.

For example:  We were disappointed not to see anything in the newspaper or this forum about one of the doctors leaving the Bluestem Clinic.  That would have been the kind of  news item that we were talking about.  We had seen an article in the online edition of the Eureka Herald about six weeks ago, where a doctor was leaving and relocating his practice in Fredonia.  He was one of the doctor's that came to the Howard branch.


So then you're talking about things like the Doughnut Shop has been sold?  ???

Shucks . . . I don't always know those details.  :-\

Maybe someone else can post more information (hint, hint).

But I understand where you're coming from. I just don't know that stuff. Sorry. :(


That's what we had in mind.  :)  We would like to commend the person who did the write up on the Family Market. 

It seems to us, that is about the only business news that we have read about recently.  Unless we somehow missed it, I do not recall anything in the paper about Helms Tire business opening.  We knew his business was to go in there, but knew nothing about it being open, until we happened to be in Howard one day and drove by.

Folks that live in the area, seem to take the news for granted without giving it much thought, but to those that aren't around every day to see or hear about the changes that are often made--we are out of touch, unless we can read about it from some media source.

Wishing everyone a super nice weekend!   :) :) :)   It's Friday!!!!!! ;D ;D ;D


I am from Louisiana i came deer hunting in howard when i was in high school, on mr. nichols farm right outside of howard he died and and the family sold it, i was wondering who bought it and maybe if there is anybody up there with some land that i could pay to let me come hunt on or lease some land to hunt on yall have a beautiful town i would appreciate any help on this matter


Deerhunter. I wrote you an e-mail and I also replied on the other thread.

As for the Howard Happenings... Well, I don't think you stepped on any toes.
I do believe that it is real hard to get people to talk and visit.. ( Unless it is gossip) and most towns have way too much of that going on .. this one included. ( I know that I am a whole lot leery on saying anything to anyone .. because in less than an hour the story is twisted ansd turned so much that I don't even know it was my story in the first place..  ::)

But if it is news and just stuff that you are wanting.. let me see............................
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.. tapping my chin and looking upward thinking.

The Daylight Doughnut Shop did sell. Robert and Christina Cookon bought it and I believe that Young Mark Cookson ( their oldest son) will be working in there. Notihing is in stone yet, but they are considering expanding, so who knows how many extra donut customers  there will be.
Since we are in the Old Farm Bureau office building which they also own ,and which is going to be (part of the expansion, Kjell and I are going to have to move our office to another location.
Right now we have not a clue as to where that will be. It is kinda exhausting because we just got all settled in here and it is a perfect spot for us work wise, but that's what happens when you only rent and you don't own.
So... we have the feelers out and our ears open for any small single office space that can hold 2 desks and a couple computers and 2 worn out tired people.. LOL

David Helms has a wonderful tire service. I called him awhile back as someone had come by the house at night and stolen my water cooler out of the back of my truck and then left me a slashed tire. He was at my house in less than 15 minutes and had a new tire put on right there at the spot. And then in a great trusting gesture , he just left. I didn't even know it was done until I went out an hour or so later. I was thrilled with the service. So I immediately took him out a check for the amount I owed him and he was really busy in his shop with customers tires etc that had been brought in.
I had David at my house a lot when he was in high school as he and Danny were buddies. So to see him do so well makes my heart smile.

The Grocery store has their fresh meat market set up and let me tell you .. the meat that is coming from there is better than any that I have ever had. Last night we all got together and had big rib eye steaks fresh cut to order ..11/2 inches thick.  Derek did the honors of cooking all of them and you could have cut them with a fork. The prices are excellent in that dept as well.

Is this the kind of news you want? LOL
My computer is now protected from 141,985 virus's.. and all my spyware etc has been updated.
Now is THAT for some added ground breaking news.. hahaha ;D
(Ohhh I DO crack myself up) ;D :D ;D

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Thanks, Teresa!!

That is the kind of news we would like to see posted and in the newspaper. 

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