Concerning possible economic development ideas...

Started by Catwoman, October 04, 2008, 09:56:49 AM

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The city of Howard has hidden treasure in its museums.  Getting them to be accessible to the public would bring tourism.

Judy Harder

..........and Longton is getting a nice museum going, too.........Taking a little time as most of it is being done by Ammie and who ever she can get to help.

Bonnie Mustoe and her family got one diorama (sp) set up and it is very nice. We just need some more interested people in it and then the helpers that are needed to do it.

I (for one) miss the Wolf hunt that Longton use to host......that brought all kinds of money and interest into our area......but for the few ranchers that didn't want the dogs and people going through their pastures/ would still be a good venture.

Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Diane Amberg


I have to disagree with Diane and Wilma. If my husband were out hunting with my mother, I wouldn't be shopping!

Also, I hope I'm not one of the pimple-minded people to whom you were referring, Diane.

(Literallly LOL-ing as I type.)


I am sure there are a lot of people that resent being call pimpled minded. I believe that is name calling and I thought only children that had bad manners did that. I have been corrected, adults do it too.

Diane Amberg

No names were mentioned, so it was not name calling. Lighten up. Who would resent it, you?  Why?    Indy, you are one of the least pimple minded people I would ever think of. ;)


I am pimple minded and I don't take it as name calling.  I also have a good sense of humor. ;)

Rudy Taylor

It truly is "a wonderful life."

Diane Amberg

Sorry Great, you don't qualify either. Now Rudy, be nice or you'll be accused of name calling.


Oh Rudy, at this stage in the game I feel lucky to have a mind of any kind! ;)

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