Why are you Republican?

Started by mle0142, October 04, 2008, 03:10:05 AM

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That is my question.  I personally don't get it.  I grew up in Elk County, and turned out to be a flaming liberal.  What have the republicans brought us except a failed policy in Iraq and a terrible economy.  I came of political age during the Clinton era, and I've never quite understood why so many in our area hated him.  He demonstrated how a responsible politician can create a good economy with a surplus.   This must be done by having our highest earners pay a higher tax rate.  I will be one of these higher earners soon, hopefully earning 150k myself and my partner contributing another 60k.  I hope to have a higher tax rate than we currently do for earnings of that amount.  I wonder why others in my position wouldn't be willing to pull their weight.  Anyway, I'm sure this post will get some good responses, so I will leave it at this for now. 

Michael, a flaming liberal looking forward to President Obama!


To start with im not a democrat nor republican.  But to answer your question on the taxation,
There is a little ole rule that was set 4000+ years ago. Thou shalt not steal.

forcing the top 5% producers of this country to pay 60% of the taxes is theft.  It is technically armed robbery cause
if they don't pay it, the government comes with guns and takes it.  The middle class gets to make up the other 40% of the taxes
while the lower class lives for free.
What are they stealing?  Couple things. Money and  lives.   It takes time out of our lives to make that money.  Now days people have to work like 5 months for the other half that doesn't work.  Thats unforgivable.  The Government isn't chartered to take care of us, it is chartered to defend us from enemies, collect import export taxes, and make laws. Thats about it.   The rest of what government does is a usurping of authority it was never granted. Those powers were granted to the states.

So when people work to pay for the others that don't have to pay taxes, they are having their life stolen from them as they put those hours into working that they can never reclaim in any form.

Finally, Please don't comment on the iraq war. It is not failed. I have three sons who have been there, told me the truth on what is going on not what the media has fed you.  :)   It is successful but like germany, japan, in ww2, it will take time to stablize that country to where they can defend against attackers.  I have sons that keep going back there cause it is working.  They say the job isn't finished and to leave it would be a insult to everyone there as well as those who died.  :

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Hey everybody, I haven't been lurking as I usually do, but had to have surgery so I am just catching up.  As to why I am Republican, probably because my parents were republican and more than likely my grandparents.  I have found over the years that Democrats love to tax and spend and of course, Republicans are more conservative in the other direction.  The main problem I have with politcal parties is the issue of wars.  In the 60's Kennedy (DEM) introduced us to Vietnam in the form of military advisors.  By the time Johnson (DEM) had escalated the war over 56,000 or so Americans died.  Nixon (REP) (love him or hate him) ended the war and brought the troops home and then proceeded to open relations with China to expand more trade, albeit, by todays standards now slightly lopsided in favor of China.  Carter (DEM) almost got us into a tussle with Iran trying to rescue hostages and several people were killed in a failed rescue attempt.  Reagan (REP) got the hostages back without killing anybody.  Clinton (DEM) really didn't accomplish much more than bring moral issues to light as to his personal affairs.  However, no system is perfect as both the Bushes (REP) have gotten us into wars and under Dubya, the economy has tanked.  But I still remain a Republican by name more than anything else and will vote that way next month just because I think Obama is not good enough to run the country and unfortunately, I think that the American people are just not quite ready for a black president, sadly.
HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...

momof 2boys

You witty Republicans crack me up! :laugh:


This answers why I would be a Republican, if I were to ever register as one:

There was once a young couple who, being devout Democrats, were raising their little girl to also be one.  They went to see the little girl's grandmother, who was a Republican.  The grandmother decided to take the little girl out for some ice cream.   On the way to the ice cream parlor, they passed a homeless man sitting on the curb.  "Why doesn't someone give him a home?" asked the little girl.  The grandmother looked at her granddaughter and said, "Well, we could start helping the man right now, without waiting for someone else to do it.  We can skip getting the ice cream and go back to my house, where you could clean my house and mow my lawn.  After you're done, I would pay you for your effort and then you could give the man the money you earned."  The little girl thought for a moment, then glared at her grandmother, saying, "Why don't you just have him come over and do the work, since he's the one who'll be getting the money?"  The grandmother said, "Welcome to the Republican party, my dear."  The young couple hasn't spoken to the old woman since.

By the way...I think someone may have posted this previously...if so, just bear with me...I just thought this was funny...and it's a major miracle that I remembered the thing in its entirety, being as old and senile as I'm beginning to get! lol


I keep seein this joke over and over and yeah it's funny............far as I know tho my family has been democrat since FDR and maybe before I don't know I never knew the ones from before. The moral or point of this joke is also how they raised my Dad and my Dad raised me and my sisters so it also ain't very accurate. They may have been Democrats but I think it was more because they thought EVERYBODY deserved opportunity not just the people who belonged to the "right" party or economic class or whatever. One thing I remember my Dad tellin me was " Get your ass in both hands and get it done cause nobodys gonna do it for you".

So anyway that's why I wish people who think just because you are democrat you are a lazy bum waitin for a handout would think of all the people who are democrats who work their ASSES off to take care of theirs and still manage to help whoever needs it.

Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats



Aw, guys...I just posted it because I thought it was funny.  I thought we needed a laugh! :laugh:

Jo McDonald

I, too, was raised a Democrat.  My Dad would have voted for the Dem. no matter who he was.  We had neighbors that were just as strong on the Republican side -- so at election time, there were a lot of "sittin' under the trees" - arguing about the ones and only ones to put in office.  I have been a registered member of both parties ( at different times of course ) -- I DO NOT believe your party has one single thing  to do with your work ethics nor your honesty.  Pam, we were raised just like you - do your work, earn your own rewards and never take anything that you were not entitled to - and sure as hell don't take what belongs to someone else!!--- I just can not vote for a man that is so much undercover - and no one seems to release any thing that shows his "coming up in the ranks" like he has to make me believe that he is the right one to sit in the oval office of this great free country and has the love of country and the dedication to lead us in the direction we need to go. If everything about his is so UP AND UP then why don't they answer the questions about him that has been raised...Many many stories - first one thing then the complete opposite ... Makes me very very uneasy!!


Oh I know Catwoman and it IS funny but....lol

I know what you mean Jo, and don't get me wrong I don't think Obama is any better of a candidate than y'all do. I'd sooner take an asswhuppin as vote this time.........
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats

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