Vice Presidential Debate

Started by sixdogsmom, October 02, 2008, 06:44:18 PM

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Hubby says that Joe Biden shouldn't have any problems debating a woman, that after all he has been married for 29 years. I didn't know whether to hit him or kiss him. I settled on the kiss though!  :-* :-*



Well.. before I call it a night ( have to get up early.. 5:30  so I can be ready for the garage salers) :) I would like to give my 2cents .. (shocker I know.. ;D)
I thought that  Joe and Sarah both did well in their own elements. Joe Biden is a natural in the debate dept. and he does know his stuff. He didn't put his foot in his mouth at all I didn't think.. he was very respectful and other than misrepresenting a few "facts" about Obama and his voting record.. he did darn good. Kjell thought he was a bit grumpy .. I actually thought he was a bit charming.
Sarah was her warm and down to earth self. She did excellent on energy and taxes and the areas that she is an expert in. She  held her own on the foreign affairs and I thought for her lack of being in that position ( by her own admittance, 5 weeks) she did really good. She also was respectful and I thought really connected with the mainstream people.
I thought that Gwen did a wonderful job moderating. Regardless of her personal choice..she was fair and gave each candidate equal time and the questions were more than fair to both parties.
Overall. ... I think the debate on both sides could actually be called a success.

Now.. I have to get to bed and try to ge some shut eye. I usually go to bed between 1-3 AM.. 10:30 is totally out of my norm, but I am going to break the record tonight and head that way.

Goodnight all..
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


hahaha... you are oh so a brat!

Quitter is

I just said a job well done by both.. to say otherwise..would be lying.....

But Quit??
NEVER  my good man...NEVER!   ;D ;D
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Diane Amberg

Teresa, I agree, they both did a good job under huge media pressure. She got the general's name wrong, no big deal, and still can't pronounce many she says nuculer.


Pretty good debate. Much better than the Presidential debate and a much better moderator. I wish Sarah Palin could find a better moniker for us average citizens than Joe Six-pack it just rubs me the wrong way.





Even though I personally find Sarah Palin to be preferable to the other side, I also find her repeated use of the same descriptors to be a bit annoying.  I think she's trying to do this somewhat on her own...and needs to pay more attention to the writers employed by her party.  They'll polish her up, I expect.


All the Senators seem to have the gift of gab. After all that is what they do all day. I think Sarah Palin did a good job for someone that has not had to talk on national TV. I say let her be herself and the American people will like how she comes off. Tell the handlers to leave her alone and let her talk.


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