Barney Frank... "It's not my fault.....

Started by Teresa, October 04, 2008, 09:40:11 PM

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 Bill O'Reilly just tore him a new one!  Seems Bill ain't buying Frank's not taking any responsibility for the current mess.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Good He ripped frank a new one!  Now if we ever got that chance!  LOL.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Barney Frank, the liberal icon, had authored a law that struck down the exclusion clause to the immigration act.  According to Clinton Administration director of the CIA James Woolsey, this law "had made it illegal to deny visas to members of terrorist groups."  Frank had thrown open the floodgates to anti-American Islamic extremists who proceeded to recruit terrorists, raise funds for foreign terrorist organizations, and eventually blow up the twin towers on 9/11.  Frank was asked why he created this law, one of the stupidest in modern American history and he replied that he wanted to help Gabriel Garcia Marquez, the left-wing Columbian author of "Memories of my Melancholy Whores" come to the US to tour American Colleges.
Well it looks like Frank has done it again.
President Bush, along with reformers in Congress, had repeatedly tried to reign in the taxpayer subsidized mortgages that were being handed out by Fannie May and Freddie Mack, mortgages that were handed over to people who would not otherwise qualify.  Frank worked to keep the mortgages flowing and stopped any attempt to interfere while pressuring banks to lower their standards regarding who would qualify for a mortgage.  In 2002, Frank told the Wall Street Journal " I do not regard Fannie May and Freddie Mack as problems."  Frank expressed no concern over whether the recipients might default, whether the subsidies were artificially inflating property values, or whether his actions was placing the entire economy at risk.  Frank viewed the mortgages as a back door to welfare.
Now Frank wants the taxpayers to bail out the mortgage mess that he and his liberal cohorts created to the tune of 75 billion and he wants the mortgages to keep flowing along with more taxpayer funded welfare guarantees.  With a long legislative record of coming up with ways to attach welfare benefits to existing structures such as social security, healthcare, and housing, Frank has weakened the economy and by doing so has not actually helped those he intended to help.

Frank turned the tables by criticizing the Bush Administration support of the Patriot Act which was sadly needed due to the destructive consequences of the Frank amendment. Now, Frank is turning the tables on Republicans again by criticizing the banks for giving the mortgages that he had coerced them to give in the first place.  The rest of us are left picking up the pieces after the incineration of the twin towers, the loss of freedom, and the weakening of the value of the workingman's dollar.  Frank, who is openly gay, needs to step down as chairman of the House Financial Services Committee.  There is no telling what public policy area Franks' will dabble in next?  It's about time someone in the media climbed this guys butt.  Thank you Bill O'Reilly.
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-- Warph

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