Take Me Back To Tulsa!

Started by sixdogsmom, October 01, 2008, 10:05:27 PM

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Quote from: Warph on October 02, 2008, 08:54:30 AM

Oh heck, Frank.  Go ahead and buy her a ticket back to Tulsa... it will be one less dem-wit Kansas will have to contend with.

>:( entirely uncalled for

jerry wagner

Quote from: flo on October 02, 2008, 10:32:23 AM
Quote from: Warph on October 02, 2008, 08:54:30 AM

Oh heck, Frank.  Go ahead and buy her a ticket back to Tulsa... it will be one less dem-wit Kansas will have to contend with.

>:( entirely uncalled for

Second that!


Now we all know that the repubs on here just do not call names! So this was surely just a type-o?  ;D ;D




Wow, I have been surfin the net lookin up liberals and conservatives and I have never read such a bunch of retarded, hate-filled bull in my life. From BOTH sides! What the hell is wrong with people? have we lost what common sense we had? 
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats


Quote from: jerry wagner on October 02, 2008, 09:18:51 AM
To insinuate that a liberal is a communist is factual incorrect.


How so? I suppose in the sense that they don't call themselves communist means they aren't. Think in the sense of (this is just a "hypothetical" statement) if I were to call myself democrat yet always vote republican, I'm still a democrat because I say so... but my voting record doesn't and if people looked at it would most definitely call me a republican.

Those socialist/Marxist/Leninist countries do not call themselves communist, but their governments run along the lines of how a communist government runs, because they are based on the Communist Manifesto (which is also kind of where the term Marxism comes from since Karl Marx wrote that).

If what the majority of the liberals believe comes from the Communist Manifesto... how then can they not be called communist, at least in a factual term even? So maybe they aren't actually reading the Communist Manifesto and are just basing their ideas off of what they've seen of other countries whom likely base their government on the Communist Manifesto... that does not change the fact that the type of government they desire runs inline with communism so they could most definitely, factually, be called... communists. They like big government, big taxes, less individual freedom, redistribution of wealth, etc. etc. etc. which reflects directly with how a communist type of government runs.

What's sad is that they somehow can't see beyond the fact that those types of governments DO NOT work. Look at China... they are absolutely BOOMING right now, but they had to change to a capitalism style economy to pull it off and that is not the type of setup the liberals are wanting. They're wanting a setup similar to China's old, Soviet, style which does.... not..... work. Personally, I'm not really surprised though. You can see it everywhere, especially with the gun stuff. Its proven fact that keeping the guns in the hands of the law abiding reduces crime but they somehow seem to think that isn't the case and want to remove guns from the people (which would actually allow them to turn the US into a socialist nation a little easier, no one to fight back against taking their rights).

Really though... I don't personally believe there's enough time left for them to actually pull it off here in the U.S., but I'd rather them not be given the chance to even try it to begin with. I like my rights too much.

jerry wagner

This is ridiculous, obviously you don't pay attention to what you are reading and the opinions of "democrats" to classify all liberals as communists.  If that were the case that by the same token, if you are a right-wing thinker, you would be classified as a fascist/nationalist ::).


I assume by your spelling that you were trying to be funny.  I also believe you might have failed.


Maybe our definition of liberal is different? I've always viewed liberals as being to the extreme left, and it seems the far left caters to the socialism/Marxism way of government.

Now... of course you can't actually view the political "groups" completely in a straight line. You essentially have personal/social concerns and fiscal/economic concerns. This creates an upward and downward position as well meaning, for instance, a person can be a fiscal conservative (essentially for smaller government, lower taxes, etc.) but a social/personal liberal (for abortion, against guns, etc.). The opposite can be true as well as being in between those stances which gives you people like libertarian, centralist, etc. When I think of a liberal, I view them as being at the end of the spectrum, liberal in both fiscal and social/personal stances and those stances, like I've said, heavily reflect communism (socialism, Marxism, Communist Manifesto, etc.). Not everything they stand for does, but a lot of the core government views do.

Here's a good read on what I'm trying to say:

Some on Obama:

Those are a couple sites I found doing a search on Google. There's another place I've been reading about the whole deal but need to find it again.

jerry wagner

I understand all of this and studied it a great deal in college as well majors were History/Poli Sci.  Perhaps, you need to realign what you view as a liberal, because to qualify as a liberal one doesn't have to be at the end of the "scale" so to speak.  Also, every system, or belief group if you will, have their plus and minuses.  Capitalism, Communisms, Nationalism, Fascism (questionable on this one), Socialism, Autocracy, Democracy, Monarchy <-- all of these have pluses and minuses and should you study them I would challenge you that you would find things that you could agree with in any of them, to decry a system merely because you don't understand or agree with all of its ideals doesn't mean that it doesn't have positives.  A blended system that encompasses many different systems is usually ideal, thus a democratic republic such as the USA.  I will get off my soap box, but the point I am trying to get across is that we all need to be a little more open minded and review each opinion/idea without automatically attacking it as invalid.  Also, my earlier point that has been discarded is that to attack someone because of their ideals is ridiculous, attack the individual ideas that you disagree with.


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