House defeats $700B financial markets bailoutSeptember 29, 2008 2:13 PM

Started by frawin, September 29, 2008, 12:24:11 PM

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Dale Smith

OK Frank, this is a bit off topic... but, I've been wondering when your birthday was... so go ahead and spill it, you said you'll be 68 next week.  What day next week? 


Alot of the city people will struggle big time I think. They are used to everything being "right there" premade, and not too many options to do anything else. Anything that isn't instant and available will send them into a panic..and I imagine they won't know what to do.
(But many in the cities from the "old ways " will be fine.
I am not very smart in any of this.
I guess I never had to be. I have never had enough money to invest in much of anything in the market stock place and everything we ever bought was only after we worked hard and saved and had the money to buy it.
Or Mark would buy something that was a piece of junk that no one wanted to fix..and he would fix it all up like new and we would have that.. We have and had a whole lot of wonderful things just because he was so talented with his hands and creativity..and we eat like royalty because we are so old fashioned that we cook everything by scratch. *it's cheaper*
  So to get by on what we have and can make do with is not a real big problem for us and my family.
(An inconvenience I imagine..but not hard to implement)

Just like ole Hank Williams Jr sings... " A Country Boy (and girl) can survive. "   ;)
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Those of higher power that represent my great state of Kansas in Wahington D.C. unanimously voted against the bailout.


Quote from: Teresa on September 29, 2008, 03:34:56 PM
Alot of the city people will struggle big time I think. They are used to everything being "right there" premade, and not too many options to do anything else. Anything that isn't instant and available will send them into a panic..and I imagine they won't know what to do.
(But many in the cities from the "old ways " will be fine.
I am not very smart in any of this.
I guess I never had to be. I have never had enough money to invest in much of anything in the market stock place and everything we ever bought was only after we worked hard and saved and had the money to buy it.
Or Mark would buy something that was a piece of junk that no one wanted to fix..and he would fix it all up like new and we would have that.. We have and had a whole lot of wonderful things just because he was so talented with his hands and creativity..and we eat like royalty because we are so old fashioned that we cook everything by scratch. *it's cheaper*
  So to get by on what we have and can make do with is not a real big problem for us and my family.
(An inconvenience I imagine..but not hard to implement)

Just like ole Hank Williams Jr sings... " A Country Boy (and girl) can survive. "   ;)

Teresa, Buying, trading stock and whatever riches bring are not what counts. What counts to me is my family, friends and the great memories. When I am together with my kids and grandkids we talk about the great Quail Hunts, Pheasant Hunts, Dove Hunts, Deer Hunts . Noone ever says hey dad made any good trades lately. Time with family is important, the great memories of so many people in Howard Kansas that helped me so much when I was growing up. The love of family and my brothers and sisters, mom and dad, my wife, Children, Grandchildren, my 200 + Nieces and Nephews,, Teresa, I know you have great memories of your family and even more important they have great memories of you and your love, that is riches.

Diane Amberg

I'm more worried about the fallout from this. If banks don't have money to lend, and I mean to small business owners, not the big  corporations, stores may not be able to buy inventory to sell. Owners may not be able to make payroll, which can lead to more layoffs and business failures. How can a young dentist come to Howard if he can't get a bank loan to set up his/her office? Can a farmer still buy seed corn? It's all connected. Al just wrote a newsletter this afternoon to his pensioners from New Castle County explaining the health of the pension fund, which is all invested in lots of instruments. You don't want to have to tell an 85 year old widow that her survivors pension went bust. I'm not very materialistic by nature. We don't have boats and 4-wheelers and hot tubs and campers and vacation homes. I was hoping to be able to take a few more trips, but if need be we can stay home. I'm more concerned about being squeezed out of decent health care when I'm medicare age.


Diane, the biggest layoffs would probably be in China, India, Japan and other countries. 

Diane Amberg

I was thinking more of the local Ford dealer, and liquor store owner, but I understand what you mean.


a bunch of fools talking...

Highlights of this eight-minute video:

Maxine Waters: Through nearly a dozen hearings, we were frankly trying to fix something that wasn't broke.  Mr. Chairman, we do not have a crisis at Freddie Mac, and particularly at Fannie Mae, under the outstanding leadership of Franklin Raines.  [Raines would barely avoid prosecution for fraud.]

Gregory Meeks: ... I'm just pissed off at OFHEO (the regulators trying to warn Congress of insolvency at the GSEs), because if it wasn't for you, I don't think we'd be here in the first place.  ... There's been nothing that indicated that's wrong with Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac has come up on its own ... The question that then comes up is the competence that your agency has with reference to deciding and regulating these GSEs.

Lacy Clay: This hearing is about the political lynching of Franklin Raines (Yep, there is the race card).

Barney Frank: I don't see anything in this report that raises safety and soundness problems.

Exit Question: When are these congressmen going to be hauled off to prison?

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


I have a friend named Mac.. who is a retired federal police officer and here is what he told me...

Mac's plan: conquer Saudi Arabia. Irradiate the remaining oil fields in the Middle East making them unusable for, say, 100 years (oil reserves). Expand Israel to impose the American will in the region so we don't have to commute from Raleigh. Sell oil to the developing nations as long as they play nice. Annex Mexico and establish a US. Military regime to end corruption, so they can stay out of the border wire trying to come here, and get a decent job with decent wages down there. Return Cuba to it's rightful owner, Florida!! Install jogging trails between the Florida Keys and Havana.
The bailout will get my support when I see the multi-millionaires who profited from this scheme hanging from light poles up and down Wall Street..  Of course, one of those also responsible regulators on the Federal Financial Management Committee won't be there. He now has Secret Service protection.

Why millionaires and billionaires are for the bailout plan.

Couldn't have said it better...

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


There is NO reason for this bail out!  It is simple market corrections.  Let capitalism work as it should.  The weak (or stupid) fail and the rest pick the bones of the 'dead' and get stronger.

I wrote my congress critters yesterday and told them to vote no.  We should all do this.

If you don't know who they are or how to contact them go here.

enter your ZIP and it will point you to your Reps. Write your letter and hit send... Just takes a minute.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

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