If I Had Unlimited Funds

Started by Wilma, September 28, 2008, 09:42:08 AM

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As I was trying to roll over my broken sidewalks this morning, a thought occurred to me.  What would I do if I had unlimited funds?  The obvious answer is, I would replace my sidewalks.  But that is being selfish, so I would replace all the sidewalks in Howard.

Then since the funds are unlimited, I would have my back yard turned into a rose garden with 4 ft. walks so I could easily roll from one bed to another.  With unlimited funds, I could pay someone to take care of it for me.  And so that it isn't  entirely selfish, it would be open to anyone who wanted to stroll the walks and smell the roses.

Would I bail out the government?  No!!!!


Ah, but that is the correct way to bail out the government - one step at a time.

You'd be giving a job, or two or three, to the sidewalk layers, garden planters and tenders, handing it to them directly instead of throwing it up in air and hoping some of it will come down where it's needed.  :D :D :D

With MY  unlimited funds, after your sidewalks are done (because I totally agree with you!), I'd enlarge and cover the swimming pool, adding access for those unable to jump in: a set of stairs and a ramp and year-round temperature-controlled water.


Well heck! Let's just extend that rose garden to both sides of the newly widened highway that goes from Howard to Moline and on to Sedan. What a sweet smelling prospect that would be. It might even change the climate a little, making it somewhat like Olde England. Then we could get hedges planted and trimmed between the fields with cute little stiles so that neighbors could easily visit, wheelchair accessible of course! All along the highway would be a shallow stream that we could float our paper boats upon and send the swans scooting along. Might even put a few gondolas on there since you cannot have more gasoline than there is, no matter how much money you have. So we would need to have fancy carriages pulled by white horses; How about that for pie in the sky? LOL!


Just the unlimited funds is pie in the sky.


I'd hire a maid and I'd hire someone to come in here that knows how to get grass to grow in my very stubborn dirt and then tend it and then I'd buy a new lawn mower to mow it since I don't think I'm ever going to get my other one back because I can't afford the pulley.  :( 

Then I'd hire a nanny to take care of all these kiddos.  LOL


If I had unlimited funds, I would take Wabash apart brick by brick, sort of like the london bridge, and put it back together on the highway, so the business owners can prosper from a state highway that runs through town, like anyother town in the state, I would like to shoot the person that said "lets reroute the highway away from the down town area"


If I had unlimited funds, I would:

(1)  Pay off the debts of everyone who was in my immediate circle, allowing them a fresh start in life;
(2)  Start an endowment for every single kid in the state of Kansas who was a legal resident so that they could all go the college, university, or technical training of their choice without having any debt at the end of it;
(3)  Start a home for the aged that treats them like the people they really are and gets them out, traveling wherever they would wish to go, all of it first class;
(4)  Supply every food pantry with a semi-load every two weeks of a variety of non-perishable items and supply that food pantry with the ability to store reliably milk, cheese, and other perishables;
(5)  Go out every day, incognito, and hand out $100 bills to whomever looked like they needed the help.

The rest, God can take of.


Catwoman.. you and I are on the same page.  :)
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


I hate to admit it, but I'd just have to send funds back from the bahamas for what family and friends needed, because I'd be down there sippin drinks out of coconuts with lil umbrellas in em   LOL


I am now off my altruistic box...send me to a warmer climate, where the cabana boys are all busy, busy, busy with catering to old broads like me!

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