Glenn Beck on "How Violent Islam Is"

Started by Warph, September 27, 2008, 02:09:13 AM

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This transcript is taken from thursday show and Glenn is talking with Geert Wilders, producer of the film "Fitna." Everyone needs to see this video called "Fitna."
The film is 17 minutes long and you'll need a strong stomach to watch it.  This is what is happening in Europe today.  This WILL happen in the United States unless our leaders get some balls.  Detroit has one of the largest populations of muslims in the US.  They are starting to experience problems already.... Warph

BECK: Geert Wilders is the leader of the Party for Freedom, a member of the Dutch Parliament and producer of "Fitna." Nice to meet you Sir.

GEERT WILDERS, CREATOR, "FITNA": Nice to meet, a pleasure to be on your show, Glenn.

BECK: You are a guy who`s marked for death. You come from the same country that Ayaan Hirsi Ali came from. You were in the same party as a matter of fact. You come from the country that Theo Van Gogh was stabbed to death in the street for saying these kinds of things. What is it that you need people to hear?

WILDERS: What I need people to hear is that the Islamization of our western culture, of Europe, maybe also of the United States, and is a real threat to everything that we stand for. It is a real threat to our freedom of speech and to our democracy because I believe that Islam is not just a religion. It`s a very dangerous and very harsh and violent ideology that at the end of the day, if the numbers become stronger, and they are already very strong unfortunately in Europe, it will kill everything that we stand for.

BECK: You don`t separate extremist Islam -- because I know a lot of Muslims that are peace loving -- I mean I have one of our correspondents on this program is a Muslim and he is -- he is dead set against what`s happening over there --

WILDERS: Also I make of course distinction between the Muslims and the ideology.


WILDERS: I believe there is no moderate -- or there is no modern Islam. And there is only one Islam and that is a fascist ideology. However, of course, there are Muslims who are moderate and who want to assimilate in our society.

Unfortunately if you look at Europe today, the numbers are growing. We have a mass immigration from Muslim countries. And people are not there -- I call them colonists. They are not in our societies to assimilate or to integrate, but to take over, to submit us to the worst kind of thinking.

BECK: Your country has always been so proud that you can just get along with everybody. I mean, you guys -- I mean, nobody`s ever really had -- yet, you`re now having that welcoming attitude that, hey, let`s just all get along, really turned upside down on you.

WILDERS: Exactly, well, like you said, Glenn, we had this political murder in the streets of Amsterdam. We have Moroccan youths really acting like Barbars, and killing people, and assaulting people, and doing the most terrible things.

And the people in the Netherlands and the people throughout Europe are fed up with the fact that they are losing their country. They are losing their country to an ideology that is so far from our western values, from our dominant, and so far Christian-Judeo -- and values.

And people are fed up with it. And I`m here today in the United States. I had an excellent, very nice gathering just one hour ago at the Hudson Institute. And had spoken about that I hoped that the America will not be the last man standing. Because if they lose Europe, if they lose Europe to the Islam -- and it`s very close to it.

BECK: Well, we`re very great -- well you couldn`t even -- on the street where Theo Van Gogh was killed, correct me if I`m wrong, they put up just a -- kind of a billboard, painted wall that said "Thou Shalt Not Kill."


BECK: That had to be taken down and covered up because it was hateful. True?

WILDERS: It`s true. And more terrible things happened --

BECK: So haven`t we already lost Europe?

WILDERS: You have almost lost Europe. I think its one minute to 12:00. And I think that we need a lot of support from the United States that it won`t come so far. That is why as 30 European politicians, we gathered in December in the Israeli Knesset as a lawmaker summit to show the world and to show Europe and even the Americans that we are not only a few mavericks, that there`s an enormous group of the European population that are fed up with the Islamization of the continent.

I want to be proud of our identity again, we want our neighborhoods, our streets, our countries, back to how it was in the past because the Islamization once again is nothing for the better. The Islam is a very violent culture, and backwardness culture and something that we should fight against and not assimilate in our society that we did so far.

And our political elite, the political elite in Europe, is acting like Chamberlain -- is appeasing to the people who really don`t to be at peace. Who don`t want to assimilate, who wants to kill everything.

BECK: I will tell you that I saw that American students were meeting with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and they said hey, he`s a man of peace.

WILDERS: He should be in jail in New York, not speaking to the United Nations. Ahmadinejad, the president of Iran is a butcher. He`s nothing from a leader. He is something that is threatening the world both by force, by ideology and he should not be here.

BECK: Thank you, sir. I appreciate it and we`ll be back in just a minute.
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

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