My Number One Concern for America

Started by frawin, September 27, 2008, 05:19:03 AM

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My number one concern for America is how vulnerable we are to a cutoff in supply of Crude Oil. After last nights debate T. Boone Pickens website had a "Post Debate Chat with T.Boone Pickens" I hope some of you went to that site and listened to Boone. One thing that was most interesting is that our annual cost for imported oil and products is $700 Billion , the same amount that the Democrats are screaming so loud about for the Bailout Plan. The biggest concern every American should have when trying to decide  this election is America's dependence on foreign oil, and which party can work with all of the players to reduce that dependence. The Democrats have always been against the Oil and Gas industry and continue to put out rhetoric about increasing taxes and taking away tax breaks on the industry. Look back at what Obama, Pelosi and Reid have said about taxing the industry, about not allowing us to develop our own reserves, that should give you an idea on which candidate will do the most and get the most cooperation to reduce our energy dependence. I think the main cause of the economic slowdown, home foreclosures, job losses and other so called Wall Street problems is due to the high cost of energy which has driven the cost of everything higher and families can no longer afford to make all of their payments. We need to bring together a "Brain Trust" of top people in America that can coordinate our energy efforts, which should include every possible avenue, Oil, Natural Gas, Solar, Wind, Coal, Nuclear,Battery, Hydrogen Fission/Fuel Cells, the group should include people like Colin Powell, Lee Iaccoca, Jack Welch, Boone Pickens, Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, top Scientists from several industries. The clock is ticking and our enemies know what our Achilles Heel is and it is just a matter of time before they sever the tendon. Think about the countries that are the supplying the world oil, Venzuela, Russia, Iran, and others that are our sworn enemies, Iran can do the most damage the quickest by closing the Straits of Hormuz, there is no question that Iran is our enemy, and if Iran attacks Israel and we side with Israel, which I hope we will, there is no doubt that the "Staits" will be closed. Again, think about which party and which Candidate that you think will be the most sucessful in reducing America's dependence on Foreign Oil and Petroleum Based energy of all kinds. THE MAIN THING IS TO VOTE, whatever your choice.

Judy Harder

THE MAIN THING IS TO VOTE, whatever your choice.

Frank, I think this year we will find more people at the poles then ever before.
The masses are finally waking up and THEY are not happy.

Should I say "AT LAST" people (and I mean me) will get off their butts and kick some politicians tail and maybe
we can find a little peace.

I know we will never go back to the prices of the 50's, but that is long as we don't get shafted none of us mind
paying a "fair share" but we all get tired of being led around by the nose and being MADE to do it.

I agree, we should all get out and VOTE.......after all it is going to be up to us who tells us how to clean up this mess.
God HELP the USA (maybe the world! isn't that next?)
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

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