Liberalism is an Addiction: The Left-Wing Whiners

Started by Warph, September 26, 2008, 04:25:49 PM

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Liberalism is an Addiction
by Burt Prelutsky

It occurred to me the other day that in spite of a bad back and his marriage vows, JFK chased everything in skirts; that Gary Hart allowed his libido to sink his political career; that even nerdy Jimmy Carter confessed to having lust in his heart, although nobody in recorded history has ever been so silly or sanctimonious as to suggest that lust resided anywhere above the belt; and that Bill Clinton, like a spooky version of Mr. Rogers, patiently explained to America's kids that oral sex isn't really sex.

With all that in mind, doesn't it strike you as hypocritical for the Democrats to get up in arms over a married mother of five running for the vice presidency? Doesn't it seem at least slightly absurd that the only sexual activity that liberals frown upon is the sort that actually leads to babies being born?

Speaking of sexual activity, I came across a very peculiar traffic sign last week. We in California have long become inured to the signs depicting a family of four illegal aliens -- a father, mother and two children -- scurrying across a road. The message, I suppose, is to ignore our basic instincts, and slow down, not speed up, when we spot Mexican scofflaws sneaking into our country. The new sign I spotted is on Sunset Blvd., in West Hollywood, a community here in Los Angeles often referred to as Boys Town because it's home to even more gays per square mile than San Francisco. The sign announced that the location was a No Cruising Zone, and that anyone caught crossing the intersection more than twice in four hours would receive a citation. I assume "citation" means a traffic ticket and not a medal, but I could be wrong. I suspect, though, that any gay hustler could beat the rap by accusing the authorities of entrapment. I mean, with all the movie star wannabes lurking in West Hollywood, how could any of them be expected to resist the opportunity to be filmed, even on a traffic camera?

I'm certain that by this time most people have seen the photos of the American flags that were left for the trash collector after the Democratic convention in Denver. Even though I have a flag outside my front door and hate to think of a flag, the symbol of a nation that inspired my two sets of grandparents to travel 7,000 miles so I could be fortunate enough to be born an American, I wasn't as troubled by the photos as I would have been if they'd been misused after the Republican convention. Liberals, after all, are always insisting that they're as patriotic as conservatives, but I don't believe it. If they were, they'd respect the military far more than they do, they wouldn't nominate someone like Barack Obama and they certainly wouldn't keep saying how much America is despised around the world, while ignoring the fact that it's a badge of honor to be despised by the likes of Russia, China, Iran, Yemen, North Korea, Venezuela and the PLO. They would also acknowledge that there must be a darn good reason why millions of people who weren't as lucky as we were to be born in America are, literally in some cases, dying to come here.

So, when I see that the Democrats disrespected the flags, I understood that to them the flags were only cheap props like the balloons, the bunting, the confetti and those corny Greek columns. The real problem isn't that the left trashed a few flags, but that they keep trashing the country.

A friend of mine has come up with what I regard as a wonderful solution to the problem of leftist influence. She proposes that liberals be offered an incentive to leave the country, as they are constantly threatening to do whenever it appears that a Republican might be elected president. The sum she came up with is a million dollars per person. That sounds like a lot until you realize that nowadays people casually toss around sums in the trillions when discussing federal budgets and deficits. Still, I think there is room for negotiation. The point is, these left-wing whiners would get a deal similar to the one the protagonist received in Edward Everett Hales's short story, "The Man Without a Country." Unlike Philip Nolan, though, they wouldn't be sentenced to spend the rest of their lives sailing the seas, but they would be denied the opportunity to ever set foot again on this sacred ground. Not even for a visit. Even if only a relatively small number of leftists accepted the deal, I, for one, would consider it money well spent.

Liberals have an impossible time defending their beliefs, which is why they rely on slogans and catch phrases, unfounded rumors and ad hominem attacks, on those who, like Sara Palin, think clearly and live according to Judeo-Christian principles.

The brains and values of left-wingers have decomposed to the point where they actually believe Keith Olbermann, Rosie O'Donnell and Chris Matthews make sense and that people like Whoopi Goldberg, Al Franken and Bill Maher, are funny. That is why I say that liberalism is an addiction -- and why, as with other addictions, I'd like to see it kicked. Kicked good and hard.

Burt, you hit the Nail on the Head with this article.... especially your last paragraph.  Can't wait for this forums whiners to react...Warph
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


LOL Burt is as big an idiot as the people he's complainin about. The FAR left and the FAR right both drive me insane. They are both closedminded, anal retentive, and way more worried about the other guys sins than they are their own.

Geez I've talked to people on both sides of the spectrum and both sides are just as likely to put down their country for puttin up with the other. Can you imagine this country if EITHER side ever got on top? Talk about goin to hell in a handbasket.....
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats


And, that is the beauty of the design of this is structured so that neither party will every reign supreme, however hard they try.  The only thing that truly scares me is how pervasive the Muslims have become, all over the world...they will end up taking over without ever having fired a shot.


Quote from: Catwoman on September 26, 2008, 04:56:11 PM
And, that is the beauty of the design of this is structured so that neither party will every reign supreme, however hard they try.  The only thing that truly scares me is how pervasive the Muslims have become, all over the world...they will end up taking over without ever having fired a shot.

Not here they won't, there's too many who think like me to let it happen without a shot. Even if it's just me and my bunch, there'll be a fight. I may be dead but I WON'T be muslim.
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats


Wow! This is a repub smorgasboard! But he missed abortion, what happened to that?

Have you ever considered that Demo presidents actually have a sex drive and are not old dried up men who get their jollys counting their blue chip stocks? Of course this is no more true than the fact that many men have kept mistresses in all political parties. Ike had a driver that he was particularly fond of you know. There is even mention of her in the Eisenhower museum. But that happened before it was accepted to report on such matters. Lets' see, Reagan was too old for it, but did it before he became president. GHW was also too old, and I think W is afraid of his mama. I do not approve of these actions, but it has nothing to do with liberal thinking. Repubs certainly have no golden crowns when it comes to morals.

Personally I am glad to see Sarah Palin on board; a woman that took six years and five schools to complete a degree in journalism is a perfect compliment for a man who graduated near the bottom of his own class.

I'm not even going to comment on the gay issue or illegals. That is an obvious knee jerk thing to make somebody feel better about themselves than they are.

In all, I found this article to have it all; it's a shame that repubs now consider that they have a patent on patriotism and Christianity. For shame.


QuoteHave you ever considered that Demo presidents actually have a sex drive and are not old dried up men who get their jollys counting their blue chip stocks?

Touche` SDM  :laugh: :laugh:
I don't care what y'all say, THAT's funny :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats



jerry wagner

It is amazing how liberals are evil and the villain of the picture, so to speak, for the fact that they choose to object to things that don't agree with their ideals, however a conservative who chooses to object is patriotic.  It seems to me that the most common attack line of a conservative (per the OP) is to attack a liberal as unpatriotic or as not supporting the military.  Let me see if I can make this clear enough (as a liberal who are known for flip flopping and being vague) I SUPPORT OUR MILITARY'S ABILITY TO ACHIEVE THE ASSIGNED OBJECTIVE IF PROPERLY EQUIPPED, TRAINED, AND LED; none of the above means that I have to support the mission ;).  The previous is now fodder for you Warph, go right ahead, attack away and slay my patriotism.

Why am I not allowed to compare this country to other countries in the world?  That makes me unpatriotic because I hope for improvement in some of our ways, to assume that our nation is #1 in every category of measure is foolish and arrogant.  In fact, it is dangerous because it assures those that are ahead of us in whatever measure that we would be discussing that their lead is assured.

Why must I wear a flag pin?  It is interesting that one must wear a flag pin to demonstrate their patriotism.  That is the most ridiculous thing that I have ever heard.  In fact, the most patriotic and heroic person that I have every met died overseas doing their duty, and I will tell you what: They never wore a flag pin, they did their duty and they didn't need to be recognized for their achievements to be confident that they were doing the right thing.  If want to wear a flag pin, that is your choice, however don't attack someone for not wearing.

The last thought I will leave is: Why are we attacked, as liberals, for attacking the integrity, knowledge, and capability of our leaders?  Apparently, free speech is now decried unless you are speaking in agreement with the majority.... I must have missed that section of the Constitution, please refresh my memory which Amendment is that?  It is disturbing that the radical right that influences the author (and the author is one as well) can't handle dissension, if one were a true conservative they would applaud those that dissent as freedoms would be their convenants and they would protect the right of that person to say it without attacking their right to live in this country.  You want to attack us, attack what we say!  It is cowardly to suggest that we leave the country, perhaps you should just stand up and debate the issues instead.  Many liberals have said that they would leave it a conservative leader is elected because they are concerned that some of their rights as people and employees would be attacked should that President have the privilege of appointing a new USSC judge, however it isn't all liberals, in fact I would challenge that it isn't even a majority of liberals.

The point of most of this post is simple: you want to debate the issues, bring it on!  I would be glad to carry on a discussion on the issues, however, for one, Warph, who has posted a few different times that they wished partisanship would be over in Washington, all you are doing by posting this is perpetuating the cycle.




Quote from: jerry wagner on September 26, 2008, 08:11:10 PM

Why must I wear a flag pin?  It is interesting that one must wear a flag pin to demonstrate their patriotism.  That is the most ridiculous thing that I have ever heard.  In fact, the most patriotic and heroic person that I have every met died overseas doing their duty, and I will tell you what: They never wore a flag pin, they did their duty and they didn't need to be recognized for their achievements to be confident that they were doing the right thing.  If want to wear a flag pin, that is your choice, however don't attack someone for not wearing.

You are right 100% But that wonderful patriot wore the flag when he came home draped over his body!  I would be proud to wear the flag like that if i were ever required to defend our country! 
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

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