Which candidate is right?

Started by Wilma, September 25, 2008, 10:18:10 AM

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McCain is suspending his campaign to go back to Washington and do the job he was elected to do there.  Obama is going on (business as usual) with his campaign. 

McCain wants to postpone Friday's debate until the current emergency is fixed.  Obama says, business as usual.

Which candidate really has the best interest of the country at heart?


Harry Reid even went on the record to say that Obama wasn't needed at the meeting.. ( I guess they didn't need a "present" vote)
Obama caught so much flak about his statement ..that he did a flip flop ( like what else is new?) and now he made his little speech about how important it is for him and Senator McCain to be there .. blah blah blah..
He makes me sick!
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !




I believe it was said that neither candidate was needed.  Obama said he thought the debate should go on and that they both had planes that could get them there within hours if need be.  I did listen to both of them and I listened to all they said.  I hate to see everything have to shut down while we take care of one isssue.


This is a letter which was written by a friend and sent to Mr. McCain office.
I will share this, as he shared with me :

Dear Senator McCain:

Let me begin by saying that I have the utmost respect and gratitude for the service you have given, and continue to give, to this country.  And while I agree with you that suspending the campaign and going back to Washington to help hammer out a solution to the economic mess in which this great country finds itself, I fear that it might have enormous costs, not only to your political career, but to the nation, as well.

I applaud you for your stance in voting for the troop surge saying, "I'd rather lose an election than lose a war."  That was a courageous and admirable stand, but a similar position on suspending your campaign at this time is a completely different kettle of fish.  At this particular point, in this particular campaign cycle, this country can't afford the luxury of a candidate who is willing to lose this election, even if it's to do what he thinks is right.  This country, Senator McCain, cannot afford for you to lose this election.  The ascention of Barack Obama to the Presidency will, and I am not being dramatic here, destroy this country that you and I hold so dear.

Please reconsider and attend the debate on Friday night.  For as sure as the sun rises in the east, the majority party in congress will never allow the economic situation to be resolved if that resolution means that you will be able to face Barack Obama in Mississippi Friday evening.  These people have proven that, unlike yourself, they have the interests of themselves, their party, and their political agenda at heart, not the best interests of this country or her citizens.  I fear that you may have played into their hands by suggesting that you will not attend Friday's debate if the economic bills before congress are not resolved by that time.  If you are unwilling to pull yourself away from the work in Washington, I strongly urge you to send Governor Palin to Mississippi to face the junior Senator from Illinois in Friday night's debate.  Afterall, the dems charge that she will be the one occupying the White House before the end of your first term, anyway, not to mention that I have every confidence that she will be able to leave Mr. Obama a bruised, bloody mess in the aftermath of such a debate.

Again, Senator McCain, I beg of you.  This country cannot afford a Barack Obama Presidency.  Not only is losing not an option in this election, it would mark the beginning of the end of this great country, as we know it.

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Thanks for the laugh! It is so obvious that this comes right out of the Repub campaign! I had to laugh to keep from dirtying my shoes! LOL!  :D :D

jerry wagner

I agree SDM, I wonder do you get these sent to you from the RNC?

Jo McDonald

SDM and Jerry --- If your man (?) gets in -- you better hang on to your britches -- cause it will be a rough ride.


We are at war on two fronts, the financial world is in shambles, and we should be prepared for a rough ride should Obama win? My word, I wonder what you should call this current experience? Not to mention inflation out the wazoo. You are probably right though, I expect we will have a rough ride no matter who is elected, and should all start brushing up on our Chinese so we can explain why the United States is late with yet another payment!  :'( :'(

jerry wagner

Making assumptions on who I am voting for merely because I agreed with SDM and the fact that the statement appeared to be a talking point?  :o  :o

It is interesting that we can't disagree with the Republican's talking points without being branded a socialist/communist.  And while I am at it, what is wrong with a socialist if one bothered to look up what it actually means instead of running off half-cocked in a very McCarthy fashion after us with an ax screaming Communist at the top of your lungs!

It would be nice if we could have a idea discussion without branding those that we disagreed with "titles" to vindicate our ideas and positions.  Perhaps, we should state our opinion and what we would like to accomplish and justify what we saying with facts, figures, and other methods instead of vilifying the opposite side.  It is interesting that this election has had a lot of posts in this forum screaming for the need to end partisan politics, when in truth a good number of those posting are perpetuating the cycle.

Yes, I am a liberal.  Yes, I typically vote Democrat.  Yes, I am planning on voting for Obama.  This doesn't make me anything other than an American choosing whom is worthy of my vote the same as every other voting American.  This doesn't make me anything else and i refuse to have titles attached to me as a result.

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