How Do You Feel About Snakes????

Started by Wilma, September 20, 2008, 10:02:48 AM

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Diane Amberg

SDM, your new character really needs a nose job. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


I chose this character because I constantly push up my glasses! I hate to have them too tight around my ears, therefore they tend to slip. OhWell----!  :-\


Ok, I don't really like snakes much.  In our old house, I had a vistor inside that was big and black.  I had to call my husband to come home and remove him.  We did also have a problem with copperheads at our old house.  Our middle child stepped right over the top of one when she was about 1 year old.  My husband was with her, and I want to tell you that he was so scared.  But the snake just layed their, thank goodness.  We then got a rat terrier dog that, they say, helps to keep the snakes away. 

Well, earlier this summer, I found not 1 but 2 snakes in my kitchen.  We have a little bit of a mouse problem.  I think that is why they decided to come inside.  But I again, called Jeff and made him come home and take away the little critters.  Jeff doesn't like snakes either, but he loves me and will take them away for me!!!  We adopted a very loving cat about 2 weeks ago.  She stays in our house, and do you know what, I haven't seen a mouse at all since we have gotten her.  Not sure if she is killing them, or just bothering them!!  She is now part of our family!!

So, I guess you could say that I dislike snakes alot!!!
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!


Wilma, CNN News has an article this morning where a 10 foot plus Boa Constrictor was found slithering along a highway in Florida. I have read articles lately where these big snakes are on the increase in the warm swampy regions of the South. People get tired of them and take them out and turn them loose and now they are breeding and increasing.


Is CNN just now getting this on?  I saw it on our Wichita ABC affiliate Saturday morning.  I thought it had already been on the national networks.  People getting tired of their pets is the reason we find alligators in Kansas.


How do I feel about snake? That's easy to answer "I DON'T FEEL SNAKES".  If they leave me alone, I leave them alone.  In the house???, sorry, but you're dead.  >:(  Now about clowns, when I traveled I liked to bring something back for each grandchild.  One year I bought clowns sitting in a swing that you hang from the ceiling or a hook on the wall.  One granddaughter never hung hers.  I learned some years later that she was afraid of clowns.  This grandmother felt just horrible about giving her one.  That was my first knowledge that someone could have a phobia about clowns.


I hate snakes.  Period.  The only think I like about snakes is killing them, and even that is scary.  If you hide from me, you can live.  Show your slithery body and the shovel will get it (or whatever I can find).
Dog (rat terrier) and cats do a great job of keeping the mice and rats away.  No need for snakes.
Crap, now my skin is crawling.  Thanks.


Quote from: frawin on September 20, 2008, 10:23:14 AM
Wilma, I worked for the Dentons several years, and they did not want a Blacksnake or a Bullsnake bothered. They kept them in all of the outbuildings. The snakes elliminated any rats or mice. I remember when I first went to work for them I went into one of the Barns to turn on a light and in the dark I reached for the light switch and touched a big Blacksnake on the ledge by the switch, I came out of there looking for something to kill that snake with, Gladys Denton was there and told me not to bother that snake it wouldn't bother me, and it ate Rats and Mice. I encountered snakes alot in their buildings and she was right there didn't bother me, and I rarely if ever saw a Rat or Mouse in their buildings. Living in West texas for 27 years we had lots of Rattlesnakes and they were huge, many in excess of 6 feet long, being a hunter I encountered lots of big Rattlers during Dove season and I shot everyone I could. I knew and saw people that had been bitten by Rattlers and it is really bad scene. One peron I knew almost lost his leg from a Rattler bite, he told me the whole ordeal was the most painful ordeal he had every gone thru. My two sons and my daughter Dove and quail hunted with me and we all wore snake chaps/leggins. I guess in answer to your question I can take them or leave them depending on the type.

Soon after Dorothy and Joe moved to Howard, Mom was cleaning Grandma Gladys' kitchen and found a 6 foot long snake skin behind the refridgerator.  Mom was horrified and Grandma said something like, "Oh yeah, I've seen it, it keeps the mice in check" I am very Ophidiophobic. I am lucky that with all the camping I have done with my boyscouts, the only snakes I've seen are the non-poisonous ones the boys catch and bring back to camp to torment their Scoutmaster.

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Janet Harrington

I do not like snakes.  As long as they are in a cage, I can look at them, like at the zoo.

Two snake stories.  When we lived in Severy, Daddy had remodeled the back porch and made an extra room.  The threshold board that led out to the smaller room going outside had a knot hole in it.  One day we saw a snake put it's head up through that knot hole.  Then the snake disappeared.  The next thing we knew, the snake had most of it's body through that knot hole and was coming into the house.  I don't remember what happened with the snake.  I'm sure Mother does.

Second snake story.  Recently, while working at I was picking product for orders.  The area I was in had the product sitting on pallets.  The product was like toys and big items.  While I was getting some empty totes to put the picked product in, I saw a black snake wrapped around the pallet.  I went to the mechanics room, just about 50 feet away and asked the mechanics if they were scared of snakes.  Nope, they weren't, did I have a snake for them?  I told them, I didn't have it, but they were certainly welcome to get it.  That's what they did, caught the snake after making him angry, then turned him loose outside across the big ditch north of the plant.  Not fun.  I look for snakes in that area all the time.


QuoteThe next thing we knew, the snake had most of it's body through that knot hole and was coming into the house.  I don't remember what happened with the snake.

Lol, reminds of the time a big snake startin comin in thru the wall of the bathroom in granma and granpa smiths old house while dad was in there. He shot it  :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Snakes really never have bothered me except for copperheads. Me and Kelly used to go to the crick and catch em when we were kids. Flip over the big rocks till we found one.

Lol, bout 11 years ago or so when we still lived in Severy, I caught a big ol bullsnake in my chicken house. Joes brother was tearin down the house next to us so I went over there carryin it and hollered at him to show it to him......that's how I found out he don't like snakes :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats

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