Dick Morris's Delegate Map of the United States

Started by Warph, September 19, 2008, 01:53:57 AM

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DICK MORRIS plots out the critical states that may determine whether John McCain or Barack Obama becomes the next president. McCain is pulling ahead in several states, while six others are tossups.  Delegate numbers are based on polls results on tuesday, Sept. 16th:

McCain's Numbers: 222 delegates for McCain + 68 leaning = 290

Obuma's Numbers:  146 delegates for Obuma + 26 leaning = 172

76 delegates are in the 'Toss-up States' .... Takes 270 delegates to win the election. 

To see MAP:   http://w3.newsmax.com/a/morrismap/?s=al&promo_code=6AB2-1

Dick Morris' Analysis of the Map
There was a gigantic turn toward John McCain in the two weeks immediately after the GOP convention. In large part this was due to the Sarah Palin nomination, and the tremendous miscalculation by the Democrats in attacking Palin — particularly on issues important to women, such as her caring for her children. That backfired massively. The anti-Palin attack by the Democrats showed a cultural disconnect with America that is remarkable.

Now, the contest is transitioning from post-convention issues to a race dominated by the economy. The key to that for Barack Obama is to stress the liability of the incumbent party for the mess that we're in economically. For McCain, it will be stressing that Obama's tax proposals will make the situation worse.

There has been a huge change among unmarried women, particularly, due in part to the hostile reaction of the Democrats to Palin. There are indications that the momentum of the race may be reversing itself again, however, as a result of the economy.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

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