Sarah Palin & Fashion

Started by sixdogsmom, September 18, 2008, 04:40:04 PM

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"He's pretty conservative, but sort of updated conservative," says Jay Steimle, store manager of the Jos. A. Bank store in Greenville, where the vice presidential candidate is a regular customer.

Is this a senator thing?

"I think it's a Delaware thing," Steimle says. "He's one of our best white-shirt buyers."

Steimle has known Biden for 35 years. He first began helping Biden with his clothes selections at the old Mullin's store in the former Bank of Delaware building on Wilmington's Delaware Avenue. The senator has been shopping at Jos. A. Banks in Greenville Crossing on Kennett Pike ever since the store opened 15 years ago. He often pops in on Saturdays.

full story here:
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


But since when does a man EVER spend more on clothes than a woman. :-\,
If I could buy one shirt and some britches.. comb my hair and go.. I would be in 7th heaven.
You can't tell one pair of suit pants from another unless you REALLY look and feel. And a nice shirt is .. well... a nice shirt.

Now a woman on the other hand gets critiqued from the top of her hairdo.. to her makeup.. to the ends of her nylon clad toes. to what kind of jewelery she is wearing. And women.. not the men.. are the biggest bitches in the world when it comes to other women.

I have never ever been one of those women who found other women who were much more beautiful, rich. and talented than me...( which by the way, doesn't take much to outdo me   ;D ) to be a threat or someone who I had to tear down or talk about.
Quite the opposite. I am one of those who points out to the men around me a beautiful or talented and smart woman.

We as women have it all actually. We can be all soft and frilly and feminine and turn around ..throw on some jeans and a sweatshirt, grab a gun and go hunting and still remain "who we are". We can be a woman and still do man things... We can give birth, nurse and rock a baby to sleep ..and then turn right around and go work at a job outside the home that is fully male dominated. What is NOT to be respected about that?
I guess you CAN do all of that .. but only if you are on the LIBERAL ticket.Seems a whole lot of the liberal women find Sarah just so intimidating, absolutely flawlessly gorgeous, and smart that they, themselves just pick her bones clean to make their own pathetic selves, in their own eyes, look better.

I will guarantee you that Sarah Palin does more in one day ..than Joe Biden does in a week.

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Quote from: Roma Jean Turner on September 18, 2008, 08:50:02 PM
  I agree.  It never occured to me that she wouldn't have peop;e working on image and clothes at this level.  What I find interesting is, that some women I know, talked about her tacky polyester, evidently assuming it was, but we find it wasn't.  I just think women are being very catty about how she dresses and looks.  I think when women start attacking each other over hair style and clothes and calling other women white trash, it makes our sex seem petty and small.  God knows we have enough to battle about on the issues.
In my opinion, any woman that gets catty over her is just jealous...heck, who wouldn't be????


Quote from: Teresa on September 19, 2008, 10:07:19 AM
But since when does a man EVER spend more on clothes than a woman. :-\,

Uhmm  I know you saw me in my old clothes, but..... I can spend more than a woman on clothes!
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

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