The Theory Of Trickle Down Scandal

Started by sixdogsmom, September 18, 2008, 04:30:23 PM

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Dems Demand Norm Coleman Return Sexy Oil Money
It didn't take long for the sex-drugs-and-oil-drilling scandal at the Interior Department to seep into congressional politics.

It's a bit of a stretch. But still, Minnesota Democrats are hitting Sen. Norm Coleman (R-Minn.) for $12,000 in contributions he took from Chevron, one of the energy companies implicated in the scandal.

The Minnesota Democratic party, officially known as the Minnesota Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party, is asking Coleman to return the money. "It's time for Norm Coleman to distance himself from this company and its role in this increasingly bizarre scandal," the party's deputy communications director, Frank Benenati, said a statement released today. The statement was subtitled "Cocaine, marijuana, sex, corruption -- and Norm's Big-Oil benefactor."

Benenati called the scandal at Interior's Minerals Management Service, which was detailed in an inspector general's report this week, "particularly outrageous," adding, "What's more outrageous is that Norm Coleman's corporate benefactor, the massive oil conglomerate Chevron, won't cooperate in the investigation."

The IG report said five Chevron employees refused to be interviewed for the investigation.

Coleman's campaign did not return the Sleuth's email and telephone requests seeking a response to the Minnesota Democrats' demand.

But comedian Al Franken, who is hoping to defeat Coleman in November, didn't pass up an opportunity to knock his GOP opponent. "Norm Coleman's ties to Big Oil are disturbing enough -- now we find out that he's holding contributions from the oil company holding up the investigation into this bizarre scandal," says Franken's communications director, Andy Barr. "It's time for Norm to wash his hands of Chevron's money."

By Mary Ann Akers |  September 12, 2008; 2:40 PM ET
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