Congress Returns with No Action on Energy:

Started by frawin, September 16, 2008, 07:50:02 PM

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This is from a weekly newsletter that I receive from a Republican Congressman.  This should give all of you an idea how little concern the Democrats have for our Nations energy problems.

Congress Returns with no Action on Energy
Throughout the entire month of August, my Republican colleagues, myself included, travelled back to Washington to urge Speaker Nancy Pelosi to call a special session of Congress to vote on energy legislation that would allow for increased domestic drilling.

Republican Members of Congress protested the Democratic Leadership's decision to adjourn for the 5-week August recess without any action on our energy crisis. We spoke to constituents and stood ready to have a serious debate on Energy with Democrats; unfortunately, they decided that high gas prices were not important enough to return to Washington to debate a comprehensive energy plan.

I support what is being called, the 'All of the Above Energy Plan', which would include coal, nuclear, coal-to-liquids, additional drilling in the outer continental shelf, and support for new ways to power automobiles. Instead of debating this legislation, the Speaker decided to leave town without addressing this very pressing issue, even going so far as to turn off the lights, microphones, and cameras without giving Republicans an opportunity to speak to the issue.

This week begins our second of only three remaining legislative weeks until November, and nothing has been done to address our energy problems. I am working with our Leadership to produce a bipartisan, comprehensive energy bill that will be signed by the President, but I am not optimistic that we will be successful because of the ongoing political games House Democrats seem content to play.

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