Ed Freeman

Started by Teresa, September 14, 2008, 10:53:09 PM

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Ed Freeman

  Quite a read. NEVER FORGET.

  You're an 18 or 19 year old kid. 
  You're critically wounded, and dying in the jungle in the  Ia Drang Valley,  LZ Xray, Vietnam.

  Your Infantry Unit is outnumbered  8 - 1,  and the enemy fire is so intense,
  from 100 or 200 yards away, that your own Infantry Commander
  has ordered  the  Medi-Vac  helicopters to stop coming in. 

  You're lying there,  listening to the enemy machine guns,
  and you know you're not getting out.
  Your family is 1/2 way around the world, 12,000 miles away, and you'll never see them again.
  As the world starts to fade in and out, you know this is the day.

  Then, over the machine gun noise,  you faintly  hear that sound of a helicopter,
  and you look up to see a Huey, but it doesn't seem real, because no Medi-Vac markings are on it. 

  Ed Freeman is coming for you. 
  He's not Medi-Vac,  so it's not his job,  but he's flying his Huey down into the machine gun fire,
after the Medi-Vacs were ordered not to come.

  He's coming anyway.

  And he drops it in, and sits there in the machine gun fire, as they load 2 or 3 of you on board. 

  Then he flies you up and out through the gunfire, to the Doctors and Nurses.

  And, he kept coming back......    13 more times..... and took about 30 of you and your buddies out,
  who would never have gotten out.

  Medal of Honor Winner  Ed Freeman died
  Aug 20, 2008  at 80 yrs of age, in Boise, ID.

  None of that is Hollywood fiction!

  God Bless Ed Freeman.

Ed Freemon was a true hero......

*** McCain will never forget............. Obama has never learned. ***
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


There are a lot of Ed Freemans in this country, they did their job and came home and went about their lives and most of em never talked about it unless they were forced or had a buzz and a lot of em not even then. They are the ones who made this country what it was. They and Ed Freeman are true heroes.
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats


Guess who pushed for the Medal of Honor?

For his actions that day, Captain Freeman was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross. But the men who were there, including the commanding officer, Lieutenant Colonel Bruce Crandall, felt a still a higher honor was called for. Through the unremitting efforts of Lieutenant Colonel Crandall and many others, and the persuasive weight from Senator John McCain, the story now comes to its rightful conclusion.


He was what epitomizes an American. A true role model for generations, and a hero.
Gold Bless the Freeman family.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Ran across a poignant quote from another American Hero; regarding those awarded the Medal of Honor.

"I think it would be a nifty idea to remit all taxes to holders of the Congressional Medal of Honor. This would cost the government practically nothing, and it would show that at least some of us are serious about our salutes on Veteran's Day."
Jeff Cooper
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

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