Started by frawin, September 16, 2008, 07:00:29 AM

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The democrats have suddenly developed a keen sense of morality.

John Edwards was banned from making a speech at the democratic convention for having an affair and lying about it. 

Bill Clinton spoke in his place.


Dude, McCain had an affair with his present wife while he was married to his first wife, is that cool cause he's a republican? Think he told the truth to start with? Or is it just cause it was a long time ago so he already got busted?
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats


My point is.....................everybody has skeletons and things they've done that weren't "right" or "just". Me, You ,Everybody.
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats


Pam, you are comparing Apples and Onions. John Edwards and John McCain had affairs, I don't know why, I do know that some marriages are bad, don't work and affairs happen and sometimes divorce happens. Unless you have walked in someones shoes you don't know how bad a husband or wife can be. In some cases it is just a fling and in that case I think it is disrespectful to the other spouse. In Bill Clinton's case he was disrespectful to his family, they had to endure it in front of the world, the whole nasty cigar story of it, he was disrespectful to the Nation and the Highest Off in America, the President of the United States. Further, Bill Clinton's Grandchildren will have to endure it. Worse the Slimeball tried to lie about and acted like thought it was cute.If all that is ok with you that is your business, if i don't like it that is my business. Besides I liked what the post said.


and the only way for ANY of this to be left to die is for people to LET it die and move on.


Man, I've written three different answers to this because it (put your own word here) me off. Exactly what is your point in continually bringin this deal up? What exactly do you hope to accomplish? Think it'll keep Clinton from gettin re-elected? Preemptive strike just in case sombody says somthin about your candidate foolin around? Then you can say well your guy did it worse?

You want to know my true opinion on this subject? I don't care who my president sleeps with or what he does in the bedroom. If he gets the job done while he's at work who cares. Yeah yeah yeah here comes the well if he'll cheat on his wife what else will he do, the answer to that is probably whatever he can get away with. That's what politicians do

Me sayin I don't care is not a indicator of my character either, if it was me I would have divorced the stupid SOB and moved on, Hillary didn't, so I figure my opinion don't really make a difference to her. Figure her and God got it covered myself.

As for walkin a mile in their shoes, been there done that 25 years ago to be exact.
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats

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