The Thread To.. "Nowhere??"

Started by frawin, September 05, 2008, 11:01:22 AM

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We always called the nasties in the shoe laces "stick tights" and the painful ones were sand burrs.  to each his own...  Stickers were for things like hedge trees and thistles and those awful things with yellow flowers that pretend to be watermelon plants when they are small (I learn something new almost every day since I came to Howard)
It was a shock to me to find out that that pretty ferny looking little plant in the spring turns into NASTY honking 8 foot tall weeds that are covered in stick tights later in the year.  Hemlock.  Oh how I hate that stuff!

Oh!  And I love Grape Nuts too, and will call them Stickers from now on because it's just cool.


Ha!  I'm having a funny time with this!  I just learned about "stick tights" when moved here.  My definition is the flat burrs that look like a cucumber seed and almost embed themselves in your shoelaces.  They don't necessarily hurt like sand burrs, but are irritating.  I don't think I ever realized which plant they came from, though.
Yeah, maybe I don't remember the nasty weeds in NW KS because I didn't do much gardening (my mom did), but man there are some big, ugly weeds around here.  I HATE johnson grass!  Just when you think you get it killed, it comes back!  And the roots are always there... deep in the ground... just waiting for a good time to pop up...
Then there's those nasty locust (sp?) trees!  They've sent Chuck to the hospital a couple of times already.  I guess some people are highly allergic to the barbs.


You or Chuck ever got caught horseback playing in the brush with one of those thorny grape vine things?   It cuts you then pulls you off the horse.  About the time you get it untwisted from you legs the horse spookes and cuts its self.   

All TREES MUST DIE.....Hedge trees are way worse than Johnson Grass........


Where did this thread start and where is it going?      What happened to the skidloader olympics for the river festival?   Did someone not get the memo?   I also want a new crash em up event.  Maybe Tahoe's!!!

Diane Amberg

Hey PEP, I did get pulled off a horse. We were out foxhunting and I took the wrong side of a tree. The wild cucumber wrapped around me with those thorns and slid me right off the backside. Daisey took a few steps and stopped and looked around at me hanging there and stood waiting for me. Some friends had to cut me down. :laugh: :laugh:


Grape Nuts just plain rock! I ate them for lunch nearly every day for a year (yes, I'm weird that way). I'm amazed I didn't grind my molars completely flat.

Raise your hand if you remember Euel Gibbons asking if we "evah et a pine tree?"

Diane Amberg

I have my hand up.  "Tastes like wild hickory nuts."   I still have a book of his around here somewhere.

Judy Harder

Quote from: indygal on September 13, 2008, 09:33:42 AM
Grape Nuts just plain rock! I ate them for lunch nearly every day for a year (yes, I'm weird that way). I'm amazed I didn't grind my molars completely flat.

Raise your hand if you remember Euel Gibbons asking if we "evah et a pine tree?"
If you like them as cereal which is great.............I put them in yoghurt and on my ice cream.........kind of like Brown Bread (remember) use to taste.

and if you let it absorb for a bit.............they do soften up.
I think that is what I will have for tummy is still slightly upset and yoghurt will not hurt.....may help.
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!


Euel Gibbons??? Isn't he the one that ate "high bush cranberries"?


Judy; I LOVE grapenuts in yogurt!  I've never had them in ice cream, though... hmmm...

PEP; I've never got knocked totally off, but almost.  That's how Chuck broke his hand (again) back in May... he got swiped off his horse by a hedge limb and hit his hand on a rock.  If he'd tried to catch himself, he would have broke his wrist or arm, I'm sure.  It just re-chipped a bone in his hand.

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