Six degrees of separation

Started by dnalexander, September 06, 2008, 11:33:30 AM

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Six degrees of separation refers to the idea that, if a person is one step away from each person they know and two steps away from each person who is known by one of the people they know, then everyone is an average of six "steps" away from each person on Earth. I thought this might be fun and we might learn something about each other.

1. The Forum Members (You)
2. David Alexander (me)
3. Mike Buck my High School Wrestling Coach and Iron Dog Snowmachine Safety Officer
4. Todd Palin Iron Dog champion and "First Dude" of Sarah Palin
5. Sarah Palin Well I guess you all know who she is by now.



1. You
2. Me David Alexander
3. Turk Faisal I played tennis with him, a customer of the Gun shop I worked at in High School. I met him through my dad when my dad was building an airport in Saudia Arabia,
4. Osama bin Ladin

Alright now none of us can run for President.



1.  You
2.  Me
3.  Chuck Norris (OK, not the famous one)

here's another

1.  You
2.  Me
3.  My friend Terry Bradshaw that I went to grad school with (again, not the famous one)

Sorry, not sure I have many "real" famous people in my past.


Tobina, our neighbor is Jimmie Stewart, as he says "not the rich and famous one". Our Jimmy is a really super 87 year old gentleman, his wife Esther is a real sweetie as well, she is from Canada originally, they have been married 60+ years.

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