"Obama: "We're Not Going To Mess With" Americans' Guns"

Started by Kjell H., September 06, 2008, 09:18:28 AM

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Kjell H.

Here is the story and the link.
What a total pack of lies. His record speaks LOUD & CLEAR otherwise.

This is the most anti-gun candidate to EVER run for president.

This is just one of the many many examples of Barack Hussein Obama saying whatever it takes to placate the people he is talking to.
Thank our good Lord for McCain - Palin.


Obama: "We're Not Going To Mess With" Americans' Guns

From CBS News' Maria Gavrilovic:

(DURYEA, PA.) It's been almost 6 months since Obama suggested that people cling to guns because they are bitter, a.k.a. "bitter-gate," but he is still plagued by questions about his position on gun control. At a town hall meeting today, a voter told Obama that there are rumors that he is going to take away guns. "People love hunting," the man told Obama.

Obama said he is aware that the issue is being "peddled again and again," but he assured the crowd that he will not take away guns that are legally obtained.

"I believe in the Second Amendment, and if you are a law-abiding gun owner, you have nothing to fear from an Obama administration!"

Obama said his support for gun safety measures – such as background checks- does not mean that he opposes all gun ownership.

"Now, the NRA sometimes... their general attitude is look, we don't want anything, and if you even breathe the word 'gun control' or 'gun safety,' then you must want to take away everybody's guns. Well, that's just not true," he said adding that illegal guns are his concern, not those used for sportsmanship.

He also keenly noted that even if he intended to take away guns, he would not have the power to do so as president. "I couldn't get it done. I don't have the votes in Congress."

As he wrapped up his rather lengthy explanation, Obama urged the crowd to look at his policies on the economy and health care rather than gun control.

"This can't be the reason not to vote for me," Obama said, "Because your guns... we're not going to mess with them... spread the word with your friends."
Marshal Halloway


Listen to me carefully ..............
2nd Amendment has NOTHING to do with hunting!".
Definitely it will effect hunters (myself) and shooters of competition sports ( myself) .. but actual 2nd amendment is about a part of the United States Bill of Rights that protects the pre-existing individual right to possess and carry, "keep and bear arms".

A notice from the NRA in the September American Hunter magazine.

Between pages 60 & 61, there you will find a tear out with 4 reminder cards to hand out to other hunters & shooters.

It shows Barack Obama's 10 point plan to "CHANGE" the second amendment..

1) Ban the use of firearms for home defense.

2) Pass FEDERAL laws eliminating your Right-to-Carry.

3) Ban the manufacture, sale and possession of handguns.

4) Close down 90% of the gun shops in America.

5) Ban rifle ammunition commonly used for hunting and sport shooting.

6) Increase federal taxes on guns and ammunition by 500 percent.

7) Restore voting rights for five million criminals including those who
have been convicted of using a gun to commit a crime.

8.. Expand the Clinton semi-auto ban to include many more firearms.

9) Mandate a government-issued license to purchase a firearm.

10) Appoint judges to the Supreme Court and federal judiciary who
share his views on the second amendment.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Kjell H.

Obama and the Democrats - Gun Control European Style
*by Kjell Heilevang aka Marshal Halloway

The left has, for the past few years, been doing everything they can to calm down gun owners trying to make them believe they are safe under their governing control. Both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama have stated that they are not going for the guns and that they respect the second amendment. Here is the latest statement from Obama on the CBS web site:.

Quote"Now, the NRA sometimes... their general attitude is look, we don't want anything, and if you even breathe the word 'gun control' or 'gun safety,' then you must want to take away everybody's guns. Well, that's just not true," he said adding that illegal guns are his concern, not those used for sportsmanship.

During Clinton's campaign Hillary came forward with her "hunting experience" and if you do a search for more pro-gun comments from liberals, you will find that most comments related to guns and the second amendment are about hunting and sports shooting. Supporting owning a gun for self defense is avoided.

The real truth is that they don't support the second amendment at all. They don't support the personal God given responsibility to protect yourself. This individual and personal responsibility is something they want to regulate and be handled by the government and law enforcement. This is a part of so many other socialistic measurements where the state becomes the parents and we the people become the teenage children who cannot be trusted to be home alone.

The more I study the secular-progressive movement in the US and especially gun control, I see more and more the resemblance to European gun control. I have some breaking news for those hunters and sports shooters who feel safe under the what I call... Obama's "Guns for Sportsmanship Protection Act".

Here is a bullet list of how European shooters and hunters experience gun control. And I KNOW what I am talking about as I lived all of my life in Europe.

* Sports shooting and hunting organization are heavily governed and regulated by government agencies.

* Shooters and hunters are required a mandatory membership and affiliation in local and national organizations who administer shooting programs and hunting regulations.

* All guns have to be registered by local and national authorities.

* An individual has to "justify and prove his need" for a firearm for hunting or shooting purposes when applying for a gun purchase permit.

* If a registered sports shooters wants a firearm for sports shooting and the particular gun or caliber is not on the approval list of his/her shooting organization, it's a No.

* If a sports shooter applies for a second or third firearm for a specific shooting program or a type of hunt,  he/she will experience a No with the advise of selling the guns he/she already has in the gun safe.

Folks, this is just a small part of how sports shooters and hunters in Europe are "protected".

If you don't like this style, then stay away from any party and politician who wants to hide their agenda by the type of phony remarks as given by Obama. Democrats have learned a lesson, they can't dismiss the needed support from gun owners. So, they invite sports shooters and hunters to support them. If this support leads to victory, the next step is """sensible gun legislation""".

Politicians of the likes of Obama and Clinton may say they respect the Second Amendment, but they don't define it as an individual freedom. They define it as a privilege that should be regulated under the umbrella of common sense.  Not OUR common sense, but the Government's common sense.

The result will be gun control, European Style.
Marshal Halloway


They'll probably let us have our guns... as long as they're locked up and we don't ever use them. >:(

And I thought he was supposed to be well versed in constitutional law. ::)

Kjell H.

QuoteObama: Secret Service is handy when you have girls

TERRE HAUTE, Ind. - Who knew Secret Service agents were so handy for parents of elementary school kids?

Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama, taking questions from an Indiana crowd Saturday, called on a 5th grade teacher. Noting that his 10-year-old daughter, Malia, is starting the 5th grade, he asked: "Any tips? What should I be waiting around for?"

Someone called out, "boys."

"What!" Obama exclaimed in mock horror, as the audience laughed. "Hold on a sec. Maybe that home-schooling is all right. One reason I have to win here is so that I've got Secret Service around my girls at all times. They carry guns."

Malia might not be getting any play dates soon.


What an elitist and the height of hypocrisy from Obama . It's okay to protect his family with guns, but you and I? Absolutely not!
One of the many reasons he has to lose is so we can carry our legal guns. And Mark, he will do everything in his power to un-arm the American citizen.
Marshal Halloway


Quote from: Kjell H. on September 06, 2008, 10:23:41 PMAnd Mark, he will do everything in his power to un-arm the American citizen.

I wouldn't be a bit surprised. :(


Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Gunning for victory risky for Obama
Donald Lambro (Contact)
Democratic presidential nominee Sen. Barack Obama's hopes for carrying Montana have diminished over the past few months, and Montanans say it comes down to one word: guns.

"In Montana, we like our guns. We like big guns. We like little guns. We like shotguns. We like pistols. Most of us own two or three guns. Gun control is hitting what you shoot at," the state's Democratic Gov. Brian Schweitzer told the New York Times in April. When asked why he thought the Democratic nominee would not win his state, he replied, "guns."

After Al Gore narrowly lost the 2000 election, President Clinton said his support for gun control was partly to blame for his defeat. Then-Democratic National Committee Chairman Terry McAuliffe urged his party to abandon gun control issues in future campaigns. "I believe we ought to move it out, let the individual communities decide their gun laws and how guns ought to be treated," he said at the time.

Democrats had hoped to put the issue behind them, with 2004 presidential nominee Sen. John Kerry going so far as to stage a campaign stop in Ohio to go goose hunting - and suffering at the hands of pundits who mocked him for pandering.

This year, Mr. Obama's voting record, coupled with that of running mate Sen. Joseph R. Biden Jr. of Delaware, has resurrected the gun issue, and John McCain's campaign sees it as a major wedge issue to win over gun-owning swing Democrats and working-class union members in key Democratic bastions.

"Absolutely, we're going to emphasize guns and the Second Amendment. They're fundamental issues for Democrats, independents and Republicans in the battleground states that will decide this election," said McCain spokesman Brian Rogers.

Mr. McCain has compiled a largely pro-gun voting record in the Senate, but he has had some differences with the National Rifle Association on his support for background checks at gun shows and his campaign finance reform law, which restricts certain campaign TV ads among advocacy groups such as the NRA. More recently, though, his selection of running-mate Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, a hunter and NRA member, has boosted his standing.

"We've had some disagreements, and everyone knows what they are. We have agreed to disagree," NRA Chief Executive Officer Wayne LaPierre said. "But we'd be foolish to ignore the vast numbers of areas where John McCain has been a friend to gun owners and sportsmen."

cMcCain: Voted against a ban on assault-type weapons but is in favor of requiring background checks at gun shows. Voted to shield gun makers and dealers from civil suits. "I believe the Second Amendment ought to be preserved - which means no gun control."

cObama: Voted to leave gun makers and dealers open to suit. Also, as an Illinois state lawmaker, supported a ban on all forms of semiautomatic weapons and tighter state restrictions generally on firearms.

The McCain campaign has been telling voters in Montana and elsewhere about the pro-gun-control voting record compiled by Mr. Obama and Mr. Biden. The result was a Rasmussen state poll in Montana this week that showed Mr. Obama trailing his Republican rival by 53 percent to 42 percent.

Democratic strategist Simon Rosenberg, who heads the New Democrat Network, released a new set of polls Wednesday that showed Montana was among several Democratic target states that "seems to be drifting back into the GOP camp."

Supreme court ruling

Gun control issues returned to the spotlight with the Supreme Court's June 26 ruling striking down the District's handgun ban.

Mr. McCain hailed the decision as "a landmark victory for Second Amendment freedom." Mr. Obama straddled the issue, saying he favored an individual's right to keep and bear firearms but also the government's right to regulate them: "I also identify with the need for crime-ravaged communities to save their children from the violence that plagues our streets through common-sense, effective safety measures," he said.

As a state senator in Illinois, he voted for a broad range of gun control measures and supported the District's and Chicago's gun bans. The NRA has given his voting record an F grade.

Mr. Obama has countered this week by running radio ads narrated by Ray Schoenke, president of the American Hunters and Shooters Association, which backs his candidacy, saying the Democratic nominee does not oppose gun ownership. Mr. Schoenke is a former Democratic candidate for Maryland governor, and Republicans say his group is a front for Democrats.

Republican National Committee spokesman Alex Conant said Monday that Mr. Obama "is the most "anti-gun presidential candidate in American history. Now he is using a Democratic front group to try to fool people about his anti-gun record."

Warning shot

The NRA boasts slightly fewer than 4 million members, but that number significantly understates its ability to mobilize tens of millions of other gun owners, hunters and sportsmen in presidential campaigns in large swaths of the nation's rural country in the Midwest, South and West and the rural Northeast that has helped Republicans win seven out of the past 10 presidential elections.

In 2000, for example, the NRA mounted a massive direct-mail and TV/radio campaign against Mr. Gore's candidacy and his gun control voting record. Voter exit polls in that election showed that about 48 percent of all voters owned guns that year, up from 37 percent in 1996.

NRA officials say the gun issue has traction across the country, especially among union households that are heavily Democratic. "Polls show that gun ownership in union households runs from a low of 48 percent in California to 90 percent in states like West Virginia, Tennessee, Missouri, Pennsylvania, Nevada and places like that," Mr. LaPierre said.

NRA Executive Director Chris Cox said his organization will spend "whatever our members send us" and mount a major national campaign against the Obama-Biden ticket that will include field staff in 15 battleground states, the registration of new gun owners to vote, and a massive outreach effort.

"We will over the next 10 days have contacted over a million registered gun owners, and we're launching our Obama gun ban Web site that will allow our supporters to see ads we are running all over the country," Mr. Cox said Monday.

Mr. Schweitzer's warning about his state could well apply to a number of other battleground states.

In heavily Democratic Michigan, for example, where Mr. Obama is in a virtual tie with Mr. McCain, guns remain a touchy subject with many voters, especially blue-collar union members on whom the Obama campaign is counting to deliver the state.

Michigan pollster Bernie Porn, president of EPIC/MRA, said that with the state's economy in a shambles, gun control isn't on the list of issues that voters cite as main concerns. Nevertheless, he notes that "the state has one of the highest gun ownership rates in the country" and that in a downbeat economy where Mr. Obama should be doing well, "he is underperforming among union members and other folks with hunting backgrounds."

The McCain campaign has been sending out e-mails and other mailings charging that both Mr. Obama and Mr. Biden have been "consistently anti-gun" and have supported numerous gun control bills throughout their careers. Neither Democrat signed a "friend of the court" brief supporting the case that led the Supreme Court in June to strike down the District's gun ban - though 77 Democrats did.

In one e-mail, the McCain campaign charges that Mr. Obama has been a supporter of gun bans in the past and is "poised to roll back Second Amendment rights" if he becomes president.

Mr. Obama strongly denied during a campaign appearance in Lebanon, Va., on Wednesday that he intends to take away anyone's shotguns, rifles or handguns, but the NRA put out a fact sheet on his legislative record immediately after his remarks, saying that "Obama's words on the campaign trail do not match his long record of opposing lawful gun ownership."

"He has supported bans on handguns and semi-automatic assault firearms, and he has voted to ban possession of many shotguns and rifles commonly used by hunters and sportsmen across America. And we will remind voters every single time he lies."

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