The Speeches

Started by W. Gray, September 06, 2008, 07:57:32 AM

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W. Gray

From Fox News:

It marked the end of an astonishing run where more than 40 million people watched political speeches on three nights by Obama, McCain and Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin. The Republican convention was the most-watched convention on television ever, beating a standard set by the Democrats a week earlier.

Three times in two weeks, political speeches were watched by more people than the "American Idol" finale, the Academy Awards and the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympics this year.
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I can believe that .
I actually went back and listened to ALL of them speak again.

As far as speeches go.. whether you believed what each said, all of the parties incumbents did an awesome job on that stage.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

momof 2boys

I agree all speeches were very well delivered.  Especially impressed with Palin.  I did hear some things from McCain that I was impressed with, and I was glad to hear from him about his experience as a POW.  Only one thing about his speech bothered me, and that was his little cheesy smile.  Cracked me up everytime!  ;D  Don't take that wrong! Like I said I was truly listening to what he said and agreed with some issues.  But that big toothy grin had me rolling with laughter!


He does have a big old grin..  and saying "my friends" over and over just about makes me crazy... :)
but bless his heart..
To be able to smile at all after what he has dealt with in his life, is a miracle in itself.
Anyone who has been through the hell of being a POW and lived through it and can still smile has my utmost respect.
I also didn't realize all that Cindy had done. Wow.. that woman has gotten in there and flat rolled up her sleeves and walked the walk.

They both have earned the right to talk the talk cause they sure have walked the walked.  ;)
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

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