What words Do you constantly misspell?

Started by lola330, September 04, 2008, 08:44:19 PM

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OK, guys, you almost got me there.  I was seeing something wrong in replies no. 27 and 28 but I couldn't see what it was.  I got my Bible and looked it up, then I went on down to dna's reply no. 30 and he had fixed it, so I am letting it go.  But don't think I am slipping just because I am getting old.  Just think, in a few years I either won't be able to see the screen or I will be so senile I won't know the difference.  Oh, happy days. (for you). ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Jo McDonald

Wilma, you are speaking of the age of me, when you posted that.  Please !!!
Don't lump me in with that  train of thought.


Quote from: Wilma on September 06, 2008, 08:29:01 PM
I was seeing something wrong in replies no. 27 and 28 but I couldn't see what it was.  I got my Bible and looked it up, then I went on down to dna's reply no. 30 and he had fixed it, so I am letting it go. 

Wilma, touchè. You got us. It take me an hour to post anything anymore. I have to proofread it, correct spelling, grammar, and we have not even talked much about punctuation. You got me flinching now everytime I go to post. :laugh:

Diane Amberg

Uh, OK ...caught cha!   ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D  Just teasing, honest!!!!


David, if you only knew how much I flinch and I can't help it, when I see something misspelled.  It's one of those addiction things.  I don't see how anyone can type away on this without a lot of typos and misspellings.  It takes time to correct errors, but fortunately I have the time.  What else do I have to do?  How some people can turn out such informative and entertaining items without going back and correcting, is beyond me.  Really, you don't want to try to read something just the way it comes from my fingers.  So, I will continue to proofread my posts so the rest of you can skim over them without taking a lot of time interpreting them.  That will give you more time to think about yours.


Wilma you are beginning to change my stance. Sometimes I am just too lazy , tired and in a hurry. It wouldn't hurt to slow down a little. You make some very good points. Old\bad habits die hard. I would never want my old family friend Florence Nolte to get a hold of my posts. I remember her correcting some of my 5000 word term papers and having more red proofreading marks than words. She also, made me give her old papers that I had received an "A" on and she would proofread them and have me redo the paper. Even though they would not be read ever again. You definitely are making me rethink my position.



Be very thankful for a friend that cared enough to make you do your very best.  It shows now. 


Quote from: lola330 on September 04, 2008, 08:44:19 PM
From Teresa:
This Threads was originally started by Wilma.. but because the thread about the Football schedule in the announcement section was so screwed up and off topic.. I had to separate and move EACH POST to another place and then try to merge them all in order and it turned into a hell of a mess.. sooooo, consequently it is loaded with defugalties. The hour is late.. I am way past tired and my patience is shot.. so it is what it is..
Hope anyone coming in to the middle of the movie can figure it out.. if not.. .......................
The I will use a term my Grandma Workman always used.
"PLUT!! Who cares".

Thanks for the hard work Teresa. The Marshall was right you shouldn't have had to moved it. Your "motherly" instincts took over and you did our chores for us. When we got off topic we should have done the dirty work ourselves. Thanks for being the "Queen Bee"



Quote from: Jo McDonald on September 07, 2008, 11:20:32 AM
Wilma, you are speaking of the age of me, when you posted that.  Please !!!
Don't lump me in with that  train of thought.

Jo, we are only the same age in actual years.  How you and Bonnie can be my age and be as active and alive as you are is beyond me.  Hope you never are as old as I feel.


I think I have found an exception to that rule of i before e "when sounded as a, as in neighbor or weigh".  It is leisure.  I pronounce it leesure, but should it be pronounced laysure?

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