What words Do you constantly misspell?

Started by lola330, September 04, 2008, 08:44:19 PM

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Quote from: Wilma on September 21, 2008, 09:05:30 PM
I think I have found an exception to that rule of i before e "when sounded as a, as in neighbor or weigh".  It is leisure.  I pronounce it leesure, but should it be pronounced laysure?

It seems according to Websters that layshure was a correct pronunciation at one time. I would still say it is an exception to the rule in modern American English.

Main Entry:
    lei·sure Listen to the pronunciation of leisure Listen to the pronunciation of leisure
    \ˈlē-zhər, ˈle-, ˈlā-\

    Middle English leiser, from Anglo-French leisir, from leisir to be permitted, from Latin licēre
    14th century

1: freedom provided by the cessation of activities ; especially : time free from work or duties2: ease , leisureliness
— leisure adjective
— at leisure or at one's leisure
: in one's leisure time : at one's convenience <read the book at her leisure>


Wow I'm glad I totaly skipped this with out being broughtup: ...If I know you and you correct me  I wont give it a second thought I'll just go to modify and change it but, if I don't know you and you correct me and do it rudly then I might be a little offended. Just to throw this out their: My point is explain it to me what I did wrong Don't just say " you spelled that wrong" just you know just say it lol thanks, Heather
Sword with a double edged blade...it'll cut you either way.


Oh, Heather, we just love to give you a hard time!  Because you take it so well!   8)
OK, here goes (now that I know you...)
Excellent job on your post.  Just a few spellings I saw...
"with out"  should be one word... "without"
I'm sure this was a type-o, "broughtup" should be separated... "brought up"
You also forgot your apostrophe in "wont"
Lastly, "their" should be "there".  This is a common misspelling.  3 spellings for the same sounding word:  there, their, and they're
There = a location  "let's go there"
Their = showing ownership "that is their car"
They're = They + Are  "They're going to the game"  (You can always check this by saying "They are going to the game" to make sure it makes sense.)
They're going there to get their car.
Ha!   ;D


I always explained to my youngsters this way Tobina;

There is a place and it contains the word here which is also a place.
Their shows ownership and speaks of a person such as 'I', also in the word.
They're is a shortened version of they are, (a contraction).

It is amazing how many people do not know the difference between the words. English is supposed to be the most confusing language in the world, and I believe that!


Thank yah for telling me NOT RUDLY and very subtle and nice lol
Sword with a double edged blade...it'll cut you either way.


If I make a mistake feel free to correct me although I'm to old to change now.  If I know what you mean I personally will not correct you. Have a nice day.


Heather I would never want you to think that anyone was picking on you. I think way too much of your mama, and have become very fond of you also. You have added a great deal to this forum!  ;) ;)


SDM, Christy has always been one of my favorite people! :laugh:  Heather, your momma can give you lots of advice on this topic...she's one smart lady.  :laugh:


Heather, I am very proud of you for using the word "subtle" even though you misspelled it.  You spelled it the way it sounds and you used it correctly in the sentence.  Notice the correct spelling "subtle".  The "b" is silent.  This is a word that not many your age would use or know the meaning of, yet it was the best word for what you wanted to say.  Keep up the good work.


Ican't spell and I can't type and now my eyes are going fast!

And you think you have problems!

I learned in a life time of teaching first grade that the number

one reason for poor spelling was poor visual memory!

U already knew I had poor visual memory because I

couldn't draw anything unless I had a picture to llook  at!

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