What words Do you constantly misspell?

Started by lola330, September 04, 2008, 08:44:19 PM

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SDM, I knew the story of Solomon and the baby. I went to look up more on him and saw the name David used many times in the info on Solomon. Here is part of what I found

David Hebrew: דָּוִד, Standard Dawid Tiberian Dāwîḏ, Arabic: داوود or داود, Dāwūd, "beloved"), was the second king of the united Kingdom of Israel according to the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament. He is depicted as a righteous king—although not without fault—as well as an acclaimed warrior, musician and poet I like the highlighted part.


And who could ever forget David and Bathsheba, the woman who caused David to sin by having her husband placed in harms' way? I would call this an abuse of power. But back to Solomon who wrote some of the most beautiful passages in the Bible.


The words I use incorrectly most of the time and have to stop and think before I use them is except and accept.
I also misspell ( mispell / /misspell)  and anything with ie in it.. I want to turn it around sometimes..
I am constantly spelling the mans name  Michael... as Micheal.
There is plenty more and I will have to add to this list when I think of them.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


I'll add effect and affect. Still have to look it up no matter how many times I have done so before. Teresa I am sure you have heard this before but just in case someone else has the ie problem.

I before e except after c or when sounded as "a" in neighbor and weigh.



This is the rule I use, but I still want to put the e before the i in niece.


OK, I know our Queen Bee Teresa tried to rearrange these posts so that they made sense.  All Hail The Queen    However, one of my responses was dangling where it didn't belong, so I moved it here.  I hope you can follow the thread, it's been totally rearranged and mixed with other threads.  The common theme is spelling. 
Below is my copy and pasted response to pepelect and Angtown regarding picking on bowie boy's spelling.

Ang--thanks for the back up.   I disagree.  Kids who can't spell well, especially if they have made it all the way up to the high school, already know that they don't spell well.  My point is that this forum is not the place to critique spelling errors or have sarcastic comments to kids.  I know posting is difficult because it is so one-dimensional and emotions and facial expressions are lacking.  But knowing each other is no excuse for public belittling and sarcasm.  And maybe such joking comments are better received if you say them to someone's face, not on the internet. "Thanks for the information" is still the better answer.  "Ok, kid, get back to your school work and see ya at the game" is also a good answer. 

And it's only humor if everyone can laugh about it.  Which despite bowie boys very funny signature line, I doubt he thinks pepelect's comment are funny.  And pepelect knows that this is a kid.  Are all kids fair game?  I think not.  I would stand up for angtown's kids and pepelect's kids too if an adult was being a bully to them.

And if you told me bowie boy's name (I'm not asking you to) then I probably know him too, so who he is doesn't matter to me.

I do know pepelect.   I think he is a funny, intelligent, sensitive, hard-working man who sometimes goes on apparent manic rants which are sometimes enlightening and sometimes confusing.  Maybe we ALL know him better than he thinks after reading his posts.  And I like him and I like reading his posts.  Just play nice with the kids is all I'm saying.

Gritchy doesn't need a cream, although it does sound mighty uncomfortable.  Grouchy and B**chy combined is gritchy. 

And if a person has a learning disorder, it doesn't matter how you say it or spell it or write it or correct it.  It's not because they don't spell it correctly and therefore can't pronounce it correctly.   They just lack the ability to do it without a lot of remediation, accomodations, and adaptations.   Which do not happen posting online.


I'm telling you... to try to do what I was doing last night.. was a nightmare.. Kjell got on to me for even going there. He said it is next to impossible and I will end up having a mixed can of worms..
( and as much as I hated to admit it.. was he ever right. :-\
I won't attempt to try to rearrange that many posts again.. LOL

So... ahmmmm  ...Hail to the "Queen" ...should be more like" To hell with the Queen"   ;D ;D
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Well, Queenie, you'll have lots of company!   :laugh:


Quote from: Teresa on September 06, 2008, 01:52:52 PM

So... ahmmmm  ...Hail to the "Queen" ...should be more like" To hell with the Queen"   ;D ;D

Oh, no, we don't want her there.  Who would do our dirty work?


Nahhh  I'm not dying right now..
Heaven don't want me.. and Hell's afraid I'm gonna take over..   :D

Oh as I was writing my political rantings I noticed I kept spelling amendment as  ammendment with 2 m's.

I had to change it every single time.! >:(
Weird, I never realized how sometimes a few words just hang in there and begged to be spelled wrong .
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

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