Questions About Sarah Palin

Started by sixdogsmom, September 06, 2008, 12:24:56 PM

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I have several questions about Sarah Palin;

First, if she is not just a politician, why was she for the bridge to nowhere when she was running for the governers office, but became against it when she was elected?

How can she tell families of special needs children that they will always have a friend in the whitehouse when in fact with the fat Alaska budget she cut special needs from eight million to three million dollars?

How can she say that she sold the governors jet on Ebay when in fact it did not sell there and in fact sold through a private agent at a considerable loss, not counting the listing fees for Ebay?

How can she sell the peoples' plane anyway; could it be that she goes where she wants in either her husbands' private plane or lobbyists' planes?

How can she say she can handle VP, and family of five children when in fact her husband has taken leave of five months from his job with BP (British Petroleum) to help with the children? What kind of job could he have that allows a five month leave of absence anyway, unless it involves the currying of favor?

How can she be so against feminism and still come right out and lay claim to the eighteen million cracks in the glass ceiling made by Hillary Clinton?

These are only a few questions that I have and will post more as they are formulated.


I don't think Sarah Palin said she sold the Governor's jet on e-bay, I think she said she listed it for sale on e-bay. They got no offers on e-bay for it and I think that was clrearly due to the fact that the previous Governor paid way to much for it. How can she sell the peoples plane you ask, she was the Governor and the state's Chief Executive I think she had every right to sell it,what gave the previous Governor the right to buy it, same reason that Sarah had to sell it. It looks like your questions are from the "Ultra Liberal" "Daily News".
Some comments that were written to the Daily News about this subject:
liberalslayer Sep 5, 2008 10:55:16 PM Report Offensive Post
Wow. You are another reporter (I use that term loosely with you) at your publication not "reporting" fact but is chronicling a witch hunt. The spewing of exhagerated and false information coming from you and your chronies reminds me of a pressurized water hose jumping and dancing in all directions out of control and spraying anything and everything it can reach. She (Mrs. Palin) scares you becauseyou can see she will prove to be like Regan as she's been so far in her political life, a "Teflon" politician beacuse there's nothing you can write about her now or in the future that will "stick" to her because she's clean. Your mentioning of the sale of this States jet which it did not apparently need to do its job is testament to her consistant message that she works for the people. They did not need the jet but sold it and put $2.1 back into the states budget to be better used. How many of us can really say we would have turned down the perk of the jet that someone else had procured a

liberalslayer Sep 5, 2008 11:15:05 PM Report Offensive Post
I can't believe you, this liberal rag and all of the other card carrying liberals didn't jump up and down when you found out about the sale of the jet. It did 2 things you guys love: 1> It pumped $2.1 into a government, I know it was a stae government but GOVERNMENT got the money just the same. 2> It reduced that State's (Governor Palin's) "CARBON FOOTPRINT" and I wonder if it's too late to pledged some of their CARBON FOOTPRINT credits to AL GORE to apply to his very large jet and fleet of limousines. That's got to JAZZ you Global Warming Scaremongerers. I can't believe a liberal paper such as this spun the sale of the jet the way you did. I think somebody is angry and scared by a little 44 year old woman from the sticks and a 72 year old man that clearly puts Country and its people first. See my other note above if you'd like.
What she said was: "While I was at it, I got rid of a few things in the governor's office that I didn't believe our citizens should have to pay for. That luxury jet was over the top. I put it on eBay." The statement is true and accurate. Even the statement by McCain that she made a profit is probably accurate from a bookeeping point of view. The plane was purchased for 2.4 million and she sold it for 2.1 million, which means they had the use of a jet for $200,000 a year. This is merely the depreciation cost. This is a classic case of people with an agenda not bothering to keep the facts straight. Like her or not, but keep your facts straight please.

Enough Said


Quote from: sixdogsmom on September 06, 2008, 12:24:56 PMHow can she be so against feminism and still come right out and lay claim to the eighteen million cracks in the glass ceiling made by Hillary Clinton?

Just curious what the definition of feminism is? Because she's actually a member of a feminist organization... but I guess since they're pro-life they aren't feminists...? ???


Those are all good questions, SDM.  I think Frank pretty well answered your question on the plane issue.  As for the rest of them.... hmmmmm..... lets see.... may I suggest you try Google, Yahoo or the many other search engines out in Wonderland and see if they can give you the answers you are looking for.  That's probably what I would do.
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