Sarah Palin

Started by Diane Amberg, August 29, 2008, 08:45:58 AM

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Quote from: pam on September 03, 2008, 10:51:56 PM
Oh I get it, just don't agree with it.  Might I say YOU all don't get it. Ever since I started in here I have listened to how evil the democrats are, how evil obama is, how everything that's happened in the last four hundred centuries or so is somehow ONLY the fault of the democrats or the scary liberals! I listened to y'all pokin fun at everybody who made a speech at the demcratic convention, said a few things but nothin rude. I am a democrat, I would probly be a democrat just out of contrariness if nothin else just because I have always jumped in on the side of the one gettin all the abuse whether they deserved it or not! I'm not ashamed of being a democrat, I'm not ashamed of having more than a few liberal opinions! I've also got quite a few very conservative opinions! I'm not ashamed of them either.

On the other hand, I haven't trashed the republicans speakin at their convention, I've said Sarah Palin seems like a good choice, I said her daughter should have been off limits and the people who drug her into it were pretty classless themselves! I don't care about what the republicans are sayin at their convention, or whether or not somebody else wrote the speeches they are givin or not. I admit there have been a few times I got upset, which ain't the word I was gonna use, but can't be offendin anybody y'know, and gave a little bit of tit for tat. Guess what I'm human, I have a tip point just like everybody else.

Short and to the point, I talk like I feel, I use so-called salt in my language sometimes, sometimes when I'm out workin and hurt somthin I can turn the air blue! Guess what I'm not ashamed of that! I'm 49 years old tomorrow, I've been raised for awhile now, and raised well I might say. I've lived rough, somtimes I talk rough. I ain't ashamed of that either.

Whew, Pam.... I'm sure glad you're not running for office anytime soon or we republicans might be in a world of hurt  :laugh: 

Happy Birthday, girl.... sure wish I was 49 again..... ah, the good times I had at that age.
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

momof 2boys

Pam, love reading your posts.  Of all the people that post, yours are the ones I relate to the most.  I am also one of those evil democrats that want to turn our world into some socialist society. LOL!!  Actually when I registered, I chose democrat because I didn't relate to the republicans.  Yes, I have some liberal views on certain issues; but like you I am conservative on many things also.  This whole election business has not only turned the candidates into a bunch of finger pointing, name calling, fools but it seems to have extended to the citizens who vote.  Don't take that comment personally, I am not attacking anyone in particular.  It is just my observation through the media and day to day life.   It's a pretty sad state of affairs when we start nit picking one another simply for our views.  My personal opinion on the matter is that if you are a republican you should be very proud of Sarah Palin.  She is truly an admirable person.  You have every right to have the opinions you have, the is your country too!  I completely respect that!  But let me have my views also without calling me evil, or communist, or marxist.  I'm not running for office, I am just an American trying to make it through life. 




Quote from: gina on September 04, 2008, 06:20:16 AM
My personal opinion on the matter is that if you are a republican you should be very proud of Sarah Palin.  She is truly an admirable person.

I don't think you have to be a republican to be proud of a woman who has went from PTO, to Mayor, to Governor, all the while keeping a family, a household, and raising children.  Sounds to me like someone anyone could be proud of.


Thanks Jo, appreciate it :)
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats

Diane Amberg

I enjoyed Sarah Palin's speech; I expected nothing less from a professional broadcaster. I still want to know more than just about family and energy. Maybe McCain will expand more tonight.
    What about social security, runaway prices, (especially on essential drugs, and health care costs.) How about our country's obscene debt. Is every company we have for sale to other countries? How do we take our jobs back from other countries? What about the illegal alien problems?  What about Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan and North Korea, Russia and China? What about this country's failing infrastructure, stinky economy and the poor value of the American dollar. What about trucks and trains coming in from Mexico? What about drug wars at our doorstep? What about the terrorist threat?  Being able to dress out a moose is fine, but what does that translate to in Washington?  We have bits and pieces in place, but big chunks are still missing, the ideas don't link up.  Our falling dollar was suppose to bring lots of tourists here this summer from other countries. Many couldn't get visas because of back up in the system.
I need to hear more "action words" from both sides. I don't want to have to vote for the person or team that will do us the least damage. I want to vote for somebody, not against somebody! ~stepping down off soap box~


I'm with you Diane, those are the things I would like hard and fast answers on.

I would like to see made in america on a tag again instead of hecho en mexico of US materials  :P or get this, hecho en CHINA for cripes sake.

I would like to call a company and talk to somebody who can speak english! I don't have anything against foreign languages but geez when I'm callin a so-called american company I oughta be able to get my request across and understand the answer!

I would like to see trucks and trains from mexico takin things BACK across the border to be shipped TO china instead of the other way around.

I would like a politician to say "If you haven't paid into social security, you ain't gettin any"!

Stop people from fakin their way into a government check!

Start goin after the bigtime dealers instead of the users! Legalize the drugs and tax the crap out of em, just like alchohol! Can you imagine how much money that would put in the government cash box to start with? Wouldn't last long cause if you take the money out of dealin drugs nobody will deal drugs.

I haven't heard anybody say HOW they are gonna keep jobs here. They all say it needs to be done but no practical ideas are comin out of either party.

I want to know how either party is gonna rebuild the respect we have lost in the last 30 years or so. Nobody takes us serious anymore, look at the troop numbers from our "allies" in these wars, they are a joke. I would like to know when they are gonna kick the deadbeat countries off the gravy train called US foreign aid!

I need a politician to tell me what actual steps they are gonna take to fix the value of our currency,

how they are goin to make it affordable for people who make under 30 or 40 grand to go to the doctor when they need to.

They all have these buzzword issues that grab peoples attention; taxes, abortion, same sex marriage seem to be big this time around. To be quite honest out of the three, taxes is the only one that really interests me, the other two are individual morality questions that each person has to take responsibility for on their own. You can't legislate morality. But people get caught up in those buzz topics and the politicians slip on past without really committin to anything that is really goin to make a difference.

obama has said things that sound good to me, Palin has said things that sound good, McCain not so much, haven't heard Biden say much of anything. But none of them are talkin in definites or givin actual plans about things that matter. Anyhoo........ gettin longwinded again :P sorry
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats


Excellent questions from both Diane and Pam..And I don;t think you are alone in wanting to know all of that. There are many of us begging for them to "tell us" something that can be realistically done.
That's why I like Palin. She has talked the talk and she has proven that she can walk the walk. It might have only been for one state.. but give her a chance to go for the other 49 and make a difference.  :)
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Hopefully our next Vice President of the United States.

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


I watched the RNC last night and watched (with fascination) Sarah Palin.  I was totally prepared to dislike her and completely discount whatever she had to say.  Uh...dare I say it out loud...I LIKE HER.  She is a consumate extemporaneous speaker who obviously thinks on her feet.  Yes, it is obvious that she had prepared diligently for last night...but that is completely to her credit.  She left nothing to chance.  And, her ability to deliver a skewering speech left me pumping my fist in the air, going, "YOU GO, GIRL!!!"  Gods, I wish SHE were the one running for El Presidente.  And, on the subject of the media questioning her ability to lead while being a mother...why the blazes aren't they asking the same question of Obama?  They NEVER ask a question like that of a man...they just take it for granted that the child(ren) subject won't be an issue.   

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