Sarah Palin

Started by Diane Amberg, August 29, 2008, 08:45:58 AM

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Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich did what conservatives have been waiting for someone to do since Sarah Palin was announced as John McCain's running mate: take on someone in the media claiming that she lacks the qualifications to be vice president.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !



Why is it that when a reporter asks a tough question it is considered an attack? Then the reporter is expected to defend the other party? This makes no sense to me. I read this article and Newts response is strong until he starts wanting the reporter to defend Barack Obama. Also at the top of the page is a by-line showing Campell Brown 'attacking' a McCain representative. I have seen this interview; she asks some tough questions, none of which are out of line. Not every question is an attack for petes' sake! Maybe the candidate for VP should have been a little more 'vetted'. I am disappointed that John McCain felt like he could not find a conservative to give the democratic ticket a little run for the money. Libby Dole comes to mind, and there are many others.


Frank, in case you missed it  - NEITHER of the Clintons are running for ANY political office and NEITHER of their names will be on the ballot.  GET OVER IT - MOVE ON - quit stirring the turd cause it is really starting to stink.  AND time for me to get out of politics again.


Flo you post what you want and I will post what I want. If I am posting something wrong I think Teresa will tell me. Go pick at someone else for awhile. My post was meant for a joke. You didn't read it very well it said nothing about the Clintons running for office.


Barack, she was on city council and mayor of  wah sill aaaaah . Two terms by the way. Also, spent more time as Gov. than you have been an active Senator. Why did you forget to mention the Govenor part and always mention only the mayor part. You should also be able to pronunce the name of the city correctly. Off my cranky pants podium.



Quote from: Catwoman on August 31, 2008, 08:50:34 AM
Whoa there, David...I never said that this feline couldn't rule a nation! I rule a little microcosm of national pride every day that I teach...but...I draw the line at ruling kids.  I've never found adults to be part of the trainable population! lol

Catwoman I was not referring to you. When my comment is to a specific person and not to the topic in gerneral or the universe at large I direct it to the specific person. I think you could rule the kids in Congress. After the election Congress should be all of our target. They are the ones that will have to facilitate the changes we are talking about during the POS elections. Plus I know better than to cross Catwoman I grew up on Batman after school! ;D



David, you're too funny.  :laugh: :laugh: 


Quote from: sixdogsmom on September 03, 2008, 04:24:06 PM
I am disappointed that John McCain felt like he could not find a conservative to give the democratic ticket a little run for the money. 

That is just remarkable that you could even say that.  A little run for the money? You have got to be kidding me!

I do believe that the minute she was announced as VP running mate she started to give the Liberal ticket a "run for the money".
Seems that they are panicked like beheaded chickens and have no idea what to do or say to discredit her... so they are throwing sand at any little thing that they can find. What ARE they afraid of?

And you know what else  is totally pathetic??~~
On Bill Riley tonight they had this judgmental far left liberal Sally Quinn on and she had already written that Palin is a bad mother.. and *Gasp*.. she has 5 kids and one that is 4 months old and.. *another gasp* she is nursing. And "shouldn't she be concentrating on being a mother.. and what kind of mother would run for VP and have 5 ( soon to be 6 kids)  because her daughter is pregnant" ((insert snicker here) and she is NOT a good mother ..yada yada yada..

What happened to the liberal womens almighty sanctimonious roar about juggling motherhood and a job and
""I am woman ,hear me roar"", speeches.
Isn't it funny that when a woman on the other side of the non Liberal fence,  like Sarah Palin, accomplishes all that she has with her life we suddenly hear panic wails all throughout the Demo Land...the Liberals whining  and spouting the 1940 conservative values for women? 
Oh yeah and the " We are so disappointed that McCain couldn't have found someone more..... ...more.... "
Ahhhh .......More what, Sixdogsmom?

  Palin has to deal with issues like education, energy, economy, health care, and the Alaska National Guard head on. She has been a member of a city council, mayor of the city, and governor of one of the great states of this union. Small accomplishment that have lead to bigger and better things and now has earned the trust to be running mate of one of Americas most decorated military figure and politicians. It almost sounds like you are trying to discredit the achievements of this woman because she isn't running on your liberal ticket.... But of course she did not attend Princeton or MIT, and doesn't meet Oprah's approval.

You know..... that as a governor of any American state, whether it is New York, Texas, California or Hawaii, Idaho, or Rhode Island, these individuals deserve the respects of every day people like you and I.
They make executive decisions that try the character of that person. Mr. Obama has succeeded with his own accomplishments as well.( Enough to get the attention of the MTV and You Tube crowd.)

The reason I will not vote for him for President is on the basis of his ideology and political view points. Obama could very well talk the panties of a preacher's wife, but in my humble opinion will not be able to talk Iran out of nuclear ambition, Russia out of further aggression, or Terrorist into a Kumbaya gathering.
Even Ronald Reagan did not use his great "Communicator" skills to end the Cold War. He did not negotiate. It took a passive aggressive action to bring down the USSR (war had to be avoided, or it would have been the last war).

So back to the topic at hand.... after Obama was unofficially proclaimed the greatest political figure of all time by the "Obama Girl" video, many people were blinded by his shining stardom. Call me blond and crazy, but I thought John McCain was the Presidential Candidate.
Why is everyone running around in a panic exhausting themselves with redundant requests for the VP credentials?
Is it for the "what if" factor?
What if he gets sick? What if he doesn't make it? Well, what if there is another attack on the U.S.? What if there is a nuclear threat from Iran? What if Israel gets added aggression from a non-friendly nation?
Are we going to have a leader in office with years of Senatorial and military experience backed by a VP with governing experience? Or will we have a new Senator backed by an experienced Senator both with Liberal mindsets that will appease to the world demand of a less proactive America.
When they start to  list accomplishments of Sarah Palin, don't try to down play them. She does more by 10:00 AM every day as governor than you and I do in a month.
McCain and Biden have a record. Agree or disagree with them, they've earned their spot in political history.

Now, it's up to America to decide between McCain/Palin and Obama/Biden on all the topics.   NOT OBAMA AND PALIN.

My fingers are sore from typing so fast and my stress level is peaking... I'm going in and grab myself a cup of green tea and watch Sarah Palin talk to the United States of America.
Please Drive on Through to the Next window..  :D
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


vaaaarrroooooommmmmmmmmm vaaarrroooooooommmmmmmmmm,(that's me gas guzzler) putt putt putt (that's me conserving me high priced gas) - okay here I am at the next window and believe you me, this is gonna knock Teresa off her chair.  Teresa, I fully agree with everything you said.  And it's high time to GET ON WITH THE BUSINESS AT HAND AND THAT IS WHO IS GONNA BE IN CHARGE OF OUR COUNTRY FOR THE NEXT FOUR YEARS AND DO IT WITH THIS COUNTRY AND AMERICANS IN MIND AND NOT JUST . . . forget that. . .  I haven't watched RNC tonite, gotta see who in America has talent. ;D and besides that I said I was getting out of politics.

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