Sarah Palin

Started by Diane Amberg, August 29, 2008, 08:45:58 AM

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And to me as a consumer, I am appalled at the ties that the republican ticket has to big oil and big money. During Dubyas' first term he had republican control of congress and all he could accomplish was giving his buddies big tax breaks and getting us into two wars. McCain voted with him 95% of the time, so you know there won't be any change from the last eight years. NoWay! NoHow! NoMcCain!


To all the media the pronunciation of the town Wasilla, AK is wah-SI-luh.


Quote from: sixdogsmom on August 29, 2008, 06:24:22 PM
And to me as a consumer, I am appalled at the ties that the republican ticket has to big oil and big money. During Dubyas' first term he had republican control of congress and all he could accomplish was giving his buddies big tax breaks and getting us into two wars. McCain voted with him 95% of the time, so you know there won't be any change from the last eight years. NoWay! NoHow! NoMcCain!

You do realize that Bush didn't get us into two wars.  We were ATTACKED on 9/11.  THey started the fight, not bush.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

momof 2boys

Actually, he did get us into one of them.  I believe the attack against the Taliban in Afghanistan was completely justified because of the terrorist attack.  However; the Iraq war was set in motion with false information and a chip on Bush's shoulder.


Quote from: gina on August 29, 2008, 07:35:51 PM
Actually, he did get us into one of them.  I believe the attack against the Taliban in Afghanistan was completely justified because of the terrorist attack.  However; the Iraq war was set in motion with false information and a chip on Bush's shoulder.
No actually he didn't get us into iraq war, Sadam did by refusing to abide by the ceasefire agreements he accepted in 1992 along with his refusal to abide by the 17 some odd un resolutions aka extra chances given him to comply.   There comes a time when enuough is enough and you have to go in and take care of business.  I blame his dad and congress for us going into iraq since their the ones who left it unfinished. 

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


OK, dudes...I realize I'm going to get screamed at for saying this...but McCain shot himself in the foot when he picked a woman as his proposed VP who is a relative unknown.  Yes, she brings in far more experience than the DNC candidate.  However, if McCain were actually serious about getting elected, he would have taken on a Washington heavy-hitter instead of the latest 'cutest little trick in shoeleather' who, according to the people being interviewed on public television tonight, seems to be the variety who has a great many detractors...most of whom are within her own political party in Alaska, according to the woman Legislator who was being interviewed.  I ( I about to say this?) was beginning to think that I would have to vote for McCain...but now am back to square one again.   


By the way...I have a sneaking suspicion that part of the reason that he chose her is that her youngest (aged about 3 months) has Down's Syndrome...she'll bring in that heart-jerk portion that McCain is not personally able to deliver on the ticket.  I hate to sound so cynical...but people are really swayed by that stuff.  It'll be interesting to see whether she's running on her own steam (i.e. we won't see her youngest child at all) or if she brings in that trump card for maximum effect (i.e. she's just a common, low-brow, nuckle-scraping politician).  The BBC was just commenting on this very topic, regarding her youngest child.  Doesn't take the vultures long to start circling, does it.


And...did anyone notice...if you screw around with her last name, you get Sarah Plain (but not tall).  Hmmmmmmm.  Just an observation. lol  Actually, McCain has shown his usual good taste in horse flesh.  I'll bet she photographs beautifully.


Frank put it pretty well so I don't have to reply but I do need to reply to this:

Quote from: sixdogsmom on August 29, 2008, 05:14:04 PMWe have inner cities with high crime rates

You can thank the anti-rights (gun) people for that (i.e. mostly democrats). Its been proven time and time again that allowing the people to keep and bear arms (our right provided by our constitution) decreases crime rates. I'm going to make a new thread on the gun stuff so that we don't get too off topic here: The Top 40 Reason FOR Gun Control


McCain camp claims $3 million poured in by 6 pm ET 08/29/08, after Palin pick.~


Team Obama Lashes Out at Palin
by Jim Geraghty

Team Obama cannot even say, "Congratulations, Governor Palin, we look forward to a spirited race." Nope, first thing they do is attack, attack, attack:

Barack Obama's campaign is blasting John McCain for putting "the former mayor of a town of 9,000 with zero foreign policy experience a heartbeat away from the presidency."

The scathing description of Sarah Palin, from Obama spokesman Bill Burton, comes as Democrats scramble to gather a response to a selection that nobody in the political world expected.

"Governor Palin shares John McCain's commitment to overturning Roe v. Wade, the agenda of Big Oil and continuing George Bush's failed economic policies — that's not the change we need, it's just more of the same," added Burton.

Democrats will likely push the inexperience line against Palin as they race to comb oppo files from Wasilla to Juneau.
First, after spending the entire campaign talking about how experience isn't everything, Barack Obama, who's never held a full-time job for four years, cannot start hitting her on inexperience.

Rove just called the response "petty and small," and boy, this is going to just further convince the Pumas that sexism drives the Obama campaign.

UPDATE: The guys on Fox News note that the Obama campaign can't even bring themselves to call her "Governor Palin." That response is going to blow up in their faces.

ANOTHER UPDATE: To clarify, in the release, they call her "governor", but they don't even deal with it, calling her "the former mayor of a town of 9,000 with zero foreign policy experience a heartbeat away from the presidency."

By the way, mocking the size of the town — I guess that town is full of bitter clingers, clutching guns, religion, xenophobia, opposition to trade deals...


Hmmm... so Sarah Palin, before she was governor, she was mayor of a city with a population of a mere 9,000.  That's the attack from Obama (attack, attack, attack, without even a welcome for their opponent).
Barack Obama's campaign is blasting John McCain for putting "the former mayor of a town of 9,000 with zero foreign policy experience a heartbeat away from the presidency."
Just curious: Before Obama was a junior senator for sixteen months, before he decided he knew enough to be President, he was a state legislator.  How many people did he represent?   What was the size of his district?  15,000?  20,000? 

And note, once again, that Palin's experience was as the executive of that small town, the leader, the top dog, the decider, the chief law enforcement officer, whereas Obama was... a backbenching nobody in a body of hundreds, none of whom had ultimate responsibility for anything they did.

She governed that town; Obama merely represented his district in committee.

Oh, and he was corrupt. She wasn't.

I do admit he has more experience dealing with terrorists first hand... but we don't need to talk about William Ayers and his Manson-enthusiast wife Bernadette Dohrn right now.

Oh yeah.... Oddly enough, Barack Obama at age 47, has enough experience at this age to be President.... but the woman, age 44, doesn't have enough seasoning to be Vice President.

And McCain? 

Quote from: Catwoman on August 29, 2008, 08:59:04 PM
I ( I about to say this?) was beginning to think that I would have to vote for McCain...but now am back to square one again.   

Let's get you off square one and back where you were when you really felt, in your heart of hearts, that you wanted John McCain to win this crazy election.  The following issues should do it.  ;)

The issues on which McCain and Bush differ (to quote Dick Morris):

~ McCain fought for campaign finance reform — McCain-Feingold — that Bush fought and ultimately signed because he had no choice.

~ McCain led the battle to restrict interrogation techniques of terror suspects and to ban torture.

~ McCain went with Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) on a tough measure to curb climate change, something Bush denies is going on.

~ McCain opposed the Bush tax cuts when they passed.

~ McCain urged the Iraq surge, a posture Bush rejected for years before conceding its wisdom.

~ McCain favors FDA regulation of tobacco and sponsored legislation to that effect, a position all but a handful of Republican Senators oppose.

~ McCain's energy bill, also with Lieberman, is a virtual blueprint for energy independence and development of alternate sources.

~ After the Enron scandal, McCain introduced sweeping reforms in corporate governance and legislation to guarantee pensions and prohibit golden parachutes for executives. Bush opposed McCain's changes and the watered-down Sarbanes-Oxley bill eventuated.

~ McCain has been harshly critical of congressional overspending, particularly of budgetary earmarks, a position Bush only lately adopted (after the Democrats took over Congress).

Oh Yeah..... SDM....?

Quote from: sixdogsmom on August 29, 2008, 06:24:22 PM
McCain voted with him (Bush) 95% of the time, so you know there won't be any change from the last eight years.

When Obama's people claim that Bush and McCain voted the same 94 percent of the time, they forget that most of
the votes in the Senate are unanimous........  Warph
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

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