Sarah Palin

Started by Diane Amberg, August 29, 2008, 08:45:58 AM

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I read more about Mrs Palin.   The more I read the better I like her.   Maybe we should put McCain on the ticket as VP?

That would send the PAC scrambling for new hockey outfit endorsements.  I bet there would be rifle scabbards in pink and blue by the end of the week with drug company names on them.

Sean Penn would probally make a new movie.  He has never been in drag before has he?  Maybe black face...He could play Obama.


Whoa there, David...I never said that this feline couldn't rule a nation! I rule a little microcosm of national pride every day that I teach...but...I draw the line at ruling kids.  I've never found adults to be part of the trainable population! lol


You should try a sharper pencil.


I like her.......A LOT...
The liberals have scrambled to try to dig up whatever they can that they think is negative about her..
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Well, I would think an unplanned pregnancy on the part of her teenaged daughter would fit that bill...I would hope that both parties will do each other the favor of leaving their children out of it, no matter how juicy the material might be.


The more I read about Sarah Palin, the more I watch and listen to her, the more pleased I am about McCain's choice for Vice-President. I am really happy for her and her family, having a grandchild is one of lifes greatest rewards and it makes you think more about the future and how you want a better world for your grandchildren. As an example of how great and special having grandchilderen are, especially the first one I will relate what it did for me. I was a 40 year smoker and liked JackBlack as well, I had tried to quit smoking hundreds of times, but to no avail, I took the Gillete School of Nonsmoking course,I went to group "No Smoking" sessions at the Church, I tried the pill, the patch, nothing worked until; my oldest son and his wife were visiting us, neither of them liked cigarette smoke or smoking, I fired up a cigarette, and my Daughter-in-Law stomped her foot and said" I cannot believe you are going to keep smoking them old nasty cigarettes and shorten your life where you can't enjoy this Grandchild that I am carrying for you and that you keep telling everyone you want so bad". Well that really made me think, and shortly after that I threw my cigarettes away and I have not smoked or had any alcohol in the 10 years + since that time.
I think to quit smoking you have to be mentally ready. I think Sarah Palin, is very intelligent, tough and will do a great job as Vice-president and as President someday. Some of the worlds greatest leaders have been women, Golda Meir and Margaret Thatcher as examples, and I think Sarah Palin could join that distinguished list.


Sarah Palin as reported by the Anchorage Daily News. The good and the bad as reported in Alaska for those of you that like to know all the little details. The articles and coverage go way back and have been put in one spot.


Diane Amberg


I personally received this from a good friend. who got it and told me that he couldn't vouch for the validity ..but it sure seems to go hand in hand with all we are hearing on this fine lady.

This is what we just received from our very savy friend, Judy, who lives in Florida .  She has a friend, Deb, who lives in Alaska and she asked what Deb's take was on Sarah Palin.  We were so worried before we saw her speech today...and so impressed afterwards...very strong and confident.  This makes us feel confident McCain made the right decision.  I hope it will ease your minds, too.

Judy, Sarah Palin is the US 's answer to Margaret Thatcher! Anyone who thinks she cannot handle the job or deal briskly and efficiently with ANY issue, including foreign governments ... well, they haven't met our Sarah.

As an Alaskan resident as well as a resident of Wasilla, AK, where Sarah Palin was at one time Mayor ...
I can speak with confidence. Governor Sarah Palin of Alaska is exactly what She portrayed during her introduction this
morning and exactly what our US Government needs. She is ethical to a fault  (if there is such a thing),
a refreshing change to the status-quo and as smart and determined a PERSON (gender really isn't an issue here as
far as I'm concerned) as anyone could ask for at the head of government.

Sarah is no naïve "small town mayor" – she just *started out* there. Btw, as Mayor of Wasilla, she brought this
"small town" through a lot of GOOD changes and left it at the end of her term having grown to the 4th largest CITY in Alaska – a lot of growth and a stronger economic base than ever before.

She has EXECTUTIVE experience *running a government*
(something NONE of the other candidates can actually boast, even John McCain ) as Governor of Alaska
and got there by defeating the *incumbent* Republican Governor, who was definitely part of the
"old school" and who WAS very much in the pocket of the big oil companies.
We in Alaska wanted change – and we got it in the person of Sarah Palin!

Sarah Palin is everything she looks to be and more. Her approval rating as Governor of Alaska has been as high as 95% and is currently leveled out consistently in the upper 80 percentile throughout the state (and in both parties) - the HIGHEST approval rating of ANY sitting Governor.

Sarah has been turning around corruption in the Legislature of Alaska - turning things on their ear for that matter;
cutting spending in spite of the increased income the state is currently receiving due to the high oil prices -
she has insisted on putting a huge amount of the "windfall" into savings for the future rather than spending,
spending, spending - and has insisted from the get-go on what she refers to as "honest, ethical and transparent governing" -
no more closed door meetings and dealings - the big oil companies thought she would be a pushover and have learned better to their chagrin.

She understands the "real people" and the economic issues we all face (Alaskans along with the rest of the country) - she was one of "us" not long ago.
Rather than passing useless "laws" or throwing money at pet projects, she (most recently) temporarily suspended the state gas tax
(on gasoline at the pumps, fuel oil and natural gas for homes, etc.) and has ordered checks issued to ALL residents of Alaska this fall in
an attempt to assist with the burden of high fuel costs for the upcoming winter.
I could go on and on, but that's enough for now .
She isn't doing these things to be popular – she is doing it because her constituents are HURTING financially and she can help.

She became Governor of Alaska by defeating the Incumbent Republican Governor and doing it *without* the money or the
support of the Republican Party, which was amazing in itself - and she won by a landslide. The "powers that be" at that time
totally underestimated Sarah and learned better the hard way. She has done exactly what she claimed she was going to do
and is just as popular today as the day she was elected - perhaps more so since even the Democrats up here seem to like her -
she works well with both sides in the Legislature here.

Sarah "belongs" to us (Alaskans) ... and although we are going to be terribly sorry to see her leave before she finishes the job she started here
(two years ago) straightening out OUR State ... we understand she is needed for a bigger purpose and hopefully her
Lt. Governor will be able to fill her shoes here and continue the job.

As for worrying about what would happen if McCain were to die or step down or whatever ...  up here in AK we've only been wondering how
long we would be able to KEEP Sarah in Alaska and have seen her as our first woman President of the USA from the start.
It's always been a matter of whether she would wait until the end of her TWO terms as Governor
(no doubt at ALL that she would be re-elected if she ran for a second term at the end of her current term) ...
or end up in Washington sooner. She could do the job TODAY.

Personally, I feel a lot better about McCain now that I know he has someone as savvy, as strong, as ethical and as steady as Sarah at his back.
She will be an excellent Vice President ... and my guess is will be our US Republican Presidential candidate in four years -
AND by then the country will KNOW her – will love and respect her as we do here - and she'll win by as much of a landslide as she did here in Alaska.
I only wonder if McCain has a clue what he is unleashing on the US of A . She is going to be a fresh wind, but also a strong wind.

Is that enough of an endorsement? If not, I'll add this ... Jerry and I have for many years felt the best "vote"
was to vote for the lesser of two "evils" and hope they didn't do too much damage.
Two years ago during our State Governor's race was the first time EVER that we actually asked for not just a little
sign to put in our yard showing our support of our candidate (something we've never felt the desire to do at all before) -
we asked for a full 4' x 8' "SARAH PALIN FOR GOVERNOR!" sign and were proud to have it.
She hasn't let us or Alaska down. She will do the same for the USA if given the opportunity.

-Deb Frost in Alaska
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Slick Willie Clinton will probably secretly vote for Sarah Palin just so he can watch her on TV .

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