Started by pepelect, August 28, 2008, 08:53:48 PM

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Pride in
Respect  your  neighbors
Utilize you assets
Live to serve
Zero: What it will cost you to not be one.

I have a real problem with the pride, or lack there of, in ownership of property.  It is not just here in Elk County.  You drive from here to anywhere and what do you see.  Trash, road ways that aren't kept up, the ones that are mowed just show the trash that was hidden by the tall grass. 

Just because you have two jobs and a car payment doesn't mean that you can forget the most basic of tasks.  If you can't find the time away from the couch and TV then hire it done.   There are plenty of blue collar workers that have the time, or just take the time to do mundane tasks that need to be done.   Valuable treasures that are unearthed by a good lawn mowing are worth their weight in scrap metal.   Like paint a flag pole, replace a piece of sidewalk before it hurts someone, and volunteer to mow a yard now and then. 

Back to my point.

If you live ten miles from the nearest neighbor you probably don't have to keep the weeds as far from the house as you would if you lived right on Highway 99 as you are coming in to or out of town.   The first impression you get from houses that need painting and driveways that are full of half torn apart cars, trucks, and equipment is that no one in this town gives a crap.  They are so caught up in there own lives that they don't want to project a better image to others.   There are 30 structures that need to be torn down in Howard. 
That to me is thirty places to build a new home.  But how do you get a potential home buyer to look through the 6' johnsongrass to see a life of stress free living. 

Trailer houses should be outlawed...Period....

If there is a single function that a trailer house serves slammed up against a existing house I have never heard of it.   There is a reason that the world has invented trailer parks.  So there is a place where you can park a trailer.  Not in your yard.  Not attached to your house.

I am not knocking all modular housing units. I have worked on enough houses to know that they are built to a standard that all 'W' store customers are accustomed... Cheapest type of plastic coated crap that will get me by for a while.   Won't last long enough to even get a sub-prime mortgage but if you need quick housing then have fun.

A trailer house has one advantage over a run down wood sided home.  It is easier to mow around a non skirted trailer 'cause your mower tires don't rub on anything so you can get closer to the dog pen.   

The point is that even if you have a modest house you should keep it up.  If the windows get broken fix them.  If the roof gets to leaking fix it.  Why do you have to be given a letter from a city or county to mow the grass over a certain height.  If you have stuff stored on the outside of you house on the porch you need to have a garage sale.  If the neighbor to the left or right of you has mowed their yard it is probably time for you to do the same.







Oh boy, you're on a roll. I get the point but that was pretty harsh!

Does that include houses off the main road, houses around the corner or up a hill?  Or do just the houses in plain sight annoy you?  Is this rant about a particular trailer slammed up against a particular house or just trailers against houses in general?

I have seen several single-wide trailers used as "additions" to houses in Elk county.  It's not a good look.



I do kinda feel offended by the trailer house comment.  I have my daycare in a single wide trailer.  Most of the time there is not to much trash around it, occassionally you will find a backyard full of toys and things. But we decided to put my daycare in the trailer and rent the house.  I felt that if I was looking to rent, I would prefer a house over a trailer.  Plus, up keep might be easier on the house for having renters.  I do need to cut the TALL grass in front of the front deck.  All, my fault!!  I planted and worked hard on a flower bed, and let the weeds get WAY WAY ahead of me.  But will fix that really soon!!!

Ok, we do live in the country.  We do try to keep the front yard clean, no junk cars in front of the house.  BUT we do have a used car lot full of feed pickup, trailers, and such to the side.  I don't like it personally, but they are not mine.

Ok, PEP got the point!!!
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!


Yes!  By all means we should outlaw anything in this country that I personally don't care for.  Just as my neighbor thinks wind farms should be outlawed because they are ugly.  If it is your land, put what you want on it.  If you don't keep things up around your trailer, you won't keep things up around your house either.  You should see my neighbor's yard!


Thanks PEP, for taking some of the trash throwers away from me.


Patrick, you have just said everything that I have been thinking, but would you please exempt trailers that set alone on a lot and are inhabitated?  The yard is well kept and there are no old cars around or other junk.

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