Complaint-Free Wednesday

Started by Mom70x7, November 24, 2009, 04:14:06 PM

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I think this isn't political, but . . .

The first part of it says:

     WASHINGTON | Rep. Emanuel Cleaver just wanted people to stop complaining for a day and count their blessings.
     What did he get for his troubles? Just more complaints.
     Indeed, the Kansas City Democrat was on the receiving end last week of an angry torrent of ill will from conservative Web sites about him and Congress.
     "We're such a polarized nation and we look for things to argue over," Cleaver said. "But to argue over complaining?"
     What became instant fodder for talk radio, podcasts and even the old-fashioned nightly news started innocently enough.
     Cleaver offered legislation last June to set aside the day before Thanksgiving as "Complaint Free Wednesday." He did so at the request of a local faith-oriented group, which was promoting positive attitudes toward life.

I'd heard about the idea - thought it was a good one.

Worth a try, anyhow.

It was a warm, cuddly puppy of a bill. It encouraged "people to look forward, not backward," he said in a letter to House colleagues seeking support, a "meaningful and powerful reminder to prepare for a day of gratitude."


We don't have to wait for Washington to declare a complaint free day.  We can do it ourselves right here on the forum.  I hereby declare the Wednesday before Thanksgiving as Complaint Free Day on the Elk County Forum.  I will try very hard to not complain about anything until after midnight tomorrow night.


Judy Harder

good luck with that.

I saw an idea that would apply to this.
When you grump.........each time put a quarter in a jar............for youngsters make it a nickle.........when the day is over,.......see how many you have.

May stop the grumping for a while.
Just a thought.

My hand would need to be sewn to my mouth for me to remember not to grump!!!
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Jo McDonald

Oh Judy~~~~~ you know for sure that is not a given --- you, who post all the wonderful things that get us all started on the "good path" each day.  LOL
Today is a wonderful day for me.  I needed and I do mean NEEDED a booklet that I received in the mail two years ago, in order to renew my cosmetology license - but I could not find it anywhere that I looked. 
Before I go any further I must tell you that I am a firm believer in my spirit guides and my guardian angels.  Many, Many times from their
places of wisdom in my heart, I have received messages that have been an answer to my prayers, and solved my problems.
  This morning I was "told" to look in the small chest beside my recliner.  It was there that I had placed the booklet. I spend a lot of time, thanking these unseen, but felt, angels and guides.
  I don't think I will have any trouble not grumbling today. 
Have a blessed day everyone !

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