Obama Sued in Federal Court on eligibility

Started by srkruzich, August 23, 2008, 09:06:07 AM

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Quote from: gina on September 14, 2008, 08:58:20 AM
I know what you mean Pam.  Because of Bush's wonderful educational reform, my job requires me to do so much more paperwork, which in turn leaves me less time to spend concentrating on my students.  My pay hasn't gotten any better, I have to fork out more money for sky high health insurance, and not sure if things keep going the way they are if I will be able to send my kids to college!  My financial situation has not benefited from this administration.

Granted that i don't know what the schools in elk co are like, but i have raised 6 kids and they went through public school part of the way.  THey were in private the rest of the time, and what i don't understand is a couple things.

How come and i am citing costs in Georgia not around here,  but to educate a student in public school it took 18,000 dollars per student per year. YET the private schools can educate a student for 5,000 dollars per year?? AND get a HECK of a lot better education!

The other thing i don't understand is why is it that schools are teaching kids how to take a test, instead of teaching them the things they need to know?  IF they have the knowlege, they don't need to have to prepare for the tests.   When my sons were in school the teachers would stop teaching and prepare for this test a month in advance.  Tests are to tell you what you DON'T know so you can go back and learn that area.  Tests are not for passing just to get good scores.

I know ALL of my kids had to go back into public school the last two years of highschool when i became disabled.  The school system tested them since they were in private schools and All of my kids tested 2nd year or more college level in education when they were entering the 10th grade.

I think theres a serious problem not in Bush's plan but in the department of ed.  Personally i firmly believe that the dept of Ed should be abolished, and schools returned to the communities instead of being under federal control.   Actually it would produce better trained people in the world if they actually had to work for their education.   
I know my kids KNEW i was shelling out big bucks for private ed, and THEY ALL worked harder and didn't take that education for granted.   Free education is a novel idea but you get what you pay for in this society.  IF its free, its usually squandered.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Private schools are nice I suppose, I wouldn't know I was educated in public school, Severy and West Elk to be exact. My two sons were educated at Severy and West Elk. My daughter is getting a public school education. I did not finish college, my education has been ongoing my whole life tho. I read, often obscure things nobody hears of. My sons did not go to college, my oldest is one of the best mechanics in this neck of the woods just from hands on experience, my youngest works for a subsidiary of JP Morgan Chase as an account manager. My daughter is planning on going to art school. We all came from a free education background and we have done just fine. They regularly scored above their grade level on aptitude tests, my daughter still does. You don't have to go to private school to be well-educated. The fact is you don't have to go to school at all beyond learning the basics to get a good education. It's all out there if you are interested.
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats


Quote from: pam on September 14, 2008, 10:43:37 AM
Private schools are nice I suppose, I wouldn't know I was educated in public school, Severy and West Elk to be exact. My two sons were educated at Severy and West Elk. My daughter is getting a public school education. I did not finish college, my education has been ongoing my whole life tho. I read, often obscure things nobody hears of. My sons did not go to college, my oldest is one of the best mechanics in this neck of the woods just from hands on experience, my youngest works for a subsidiary of JP Morgan Chase as an account manager. My daughter is planning on going to art school. We all came from a free education background and we have done just fine. They regularly scored above their grade level on aptitude tests, my daughter still does. You don't have to go to private school to be well-educated. The fact is you don't have to go to school at all beyond learning the basics to get a good education. It's all out there if you are interested.

Your right, i agree but you see what happens is there are far too many that waste it.  I know that no one gave me
my education after highschool for free. I worked for mine and appreciated it a heck of alot more than i appreciated the free
highschool education.   

I didn't pay for my kids to go to college, told them if they wanted to go they would earn it.  AND I advised them and pushed them
to NOT go into debt for a education. Get grants, scholarships, work a job, all of those things combigned. 
I paid out something like 10k for mine to get me started.  Got it paid off finally in 99. Sheesh took me 10 years to pay off that loan.  NEver again! :)
Every bit of education i got after my electronics school, i found employers what would pay for it.  I worked hard, studied harder, to achieve.

I know as a whole, the ed system is broke, its falling apart, and when we have to spend 18 -20 k a year on a student to get mediocre results, its highly disturbing.    Personally if i had to do it all over again, i would homeschool.  I have seen first hand what homeschooling does for kids. you can spend most of your time teaching instead of indoctrinating with the states agenda.  Best thing about homeschooling is you can use everyday life to teach. The other day i was talkign with a friends son while i was milking the goats.  Talked with him how what goats eat, turns into milk that we drink. It is amazing how you can take the proteins and fats from the forage and grass and grains and turn them into proteins and fats that are beneficial to us.  Plus you get natural fertilizer that is almost completely composted. 
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


I agree homeschooling is a better alternative for the reason you said. You can present more than the state accepted side of what you are teaching. Life is really the best teachin tool we have!
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats

momof 2boys

One of the reasons private school's cost per student is so low is that the teachers' salaries are substantially lower that than of public education.  Private schools do not have to worry about the state mandated tests that public schools must contend with.  Nor do they have as many students with horrible family situations that so many children in urban and rural areas live in.  Meth use in these areas have completely destroyed families and expecting a child to come to school and focus on learning is quite a task. No Child Left Behind does not take that into consideration when expecting ALL students to score proficient on state mandated tests.  NCLB (Bush's pet project) states that ALL students no matter their home life or severity of disability must score proficient or better.  These test scores determine whether or not a school is accredited and receives state funding.  These tests are not a true measure of the child's ability.  There are many faults in the testing system.  For one example, the math test requires a lot of reading and vocabulary that may have nothing at all to do with mathematics itself.  Because of this, I don't believe you can get a true picture of the child's ability to do mathematics. 

I must say as a graduate of West Elk, a teacher  in the West Elk school district, and a parent of students in the school district; West Elk is by far a wonderful education system.  I left WE for college and was completely prepared for all my college courses.  When students come to WE from other districts, I have noticed that many of them are behind our students.  All of my children's teachers have challenged and provided them with wonderful educational experiences. 

Back to the matter a had in my orignal post.  Compared to where my family was financially eight years ago, we are no better off and quite frankly somewhat worse off.  I feel Bush's administration has done nothing to benefit my family.  Whatever we get has got to be better than what we have had!!!



QuoteBack to the matter a had in my orignal post.  Compared to where my family was financially eight years ago, we are no better off and quite frankly somewhat worse off.  I feel Bush's administration has done nothing to benefit my family.  Whatever we get has got to be better than what we have had!!!

I totally agree with that, we were doing better than we ever had when Bush took office, the last two years have been the worst we have had in YEARS. And it's not from lack of workin and tryin!
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats


Quote from: pam on September 14, 2008, 02:12:28 PM
QuoteBack to the matter a had in my orignal post.  Compared to where my family was financially eight years ago, we are no better off and quite frankly somewhat worse off.  I feel Bush's administration has done nothing to benefit my family.  Whatever we get has got to be better than what we have had!!!

I totally agree with that, we were doing better than we ever had when Bush took office, the last two years have been the worst we have had in YEARS. And it's not from lack of workin and tryin!

You do realize that the economy started plummeting long before bush took office.  And 9/11 didn't help any
recovery.  In 1998 it took a massive hit with the dot com failures, which threw us into recession.  9/11 sunk
us deeper into that recession and it took some major winging it to pull us back out to where our economy limped along
Now were going through a "market correction" with fuel prices and other things.  happened back in early 80's its happening again.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: gina on September 14, 2008, 12:29:03 PM
  I feel Bush's administration has done nothing to benefit my family.  Whatever we get has got to be better than what we have had!!!

Maybe id hasn't. I don't know.  But it can and has been a heck of a lot worse.  Do you remember Jimmy Carter??
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Lol, and here we go chasin our tails................................................I was there, I know for a fact me and my husband were doin way better when Clinton was president than we have since Bush took office. Doing the same work. Some people think Bush is neater'n boobs on a rooster, I don't. Doesn't make either of us bad people, just makes us different.
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats

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