Girlfriends in God

Started by Judy Harder, August 20, 2008, 06:47:00 AM

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Judy Harder

June 24, 2011

When Love Trumps Anger

Gwen Smith

Today's Truth
"My dear brothers, take note of this:  Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, for man's anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires"  James 1:19-20 (NIV).

Friend To Friend
"I'm a terrible mom!"

Do you ever say these words?  I do.  I did that day.  The day I was working in my office, minding my own business, when my oldest son threw a paper airplane at the back of my head.  Not one to normally welcome an air attack, I gave him the stern "mom voice," and asked him to stop messing around. I told him to give me some private time so I could get some work done.   He agreed, and turned to leave.  Surprisingly, he then jumped around and threw it at me again!  Well, let me tell you, my grace-o-meter was reading pretty low at this point!  I barked like an angry dog.  "What in the world do you think you are doing?  I just told you that I needed to be left alone so I can get some work done!  Stop it!"

"But Mom, there's a message on the plane," he tenderly replied. "Read it."

As I unfolded the airplane made of orange construction paper, I saw this message written in pink marker:  "Mom, I Love You." His affectionate declaration was followed by a few X's and O's. You know: hug, hug, kiss, kiss. Pure precious.

"Nice!" I said to myself. "Loser-mom strikes again."  I had scolded my son and reacted out of frustration with an unkind tone.  All the while, my son was trying to communicate love to me.

I felt horrible. Time seemed to stand still as I started to beat myself up.

Shame began to fill my heart, but as it did the Spirit of God within me gently nudged – reminding me that condemnation is not from Him ... that His conviction was purposed to spur me on toward choosing a godly response.  So I chose love - God's love alive in me.  As I chose God's better way, the grace way, His love trumped my anger.  It's weightier.  Praise God!

I called my son back into my office, and apologized for my behavior.  I welcomed this tall, lanky teen to sit on my lap and told him that – while I'm not particularly fond of airplane attacks, especially while I'm working, I am fond of love attacks.  We held each other and had a very sweet moment.

As Preston and I hugged, God reminded me of this principle: When we allow His love to trump our anger, we are able to experience restoration in relationships.

"My dear brothers, take note of this:  Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, for man's anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires"(James 1:19-20 NIV).

The Bible tells us that we are to be slow to anger.  It is a lesson that I am still learning.  Now, that doesn't mean we should never be angry.  Jesus exhibited righteous anger in the Jerusalem temple when he drove out the merchants that were buying and selling there.  Righteous anger is permissible.  We should be angry about sin and injustice.  But when we respond to others in anger, it becomes our sin.

Got any relationships that are in need of restoration?  Is there any anger, unforgiveness, or bitterness in your heart that might be gaining a stronghold in your life and keeping you from God's best?  The benefits of allowing the love of God to trump the anger in your heart are tremendous, but the application can be very challenging.  We can't overcome our natural, sinful tendencies to react, and overreact, in anger alone.  We need God's help.  His strength will meet us at our need when we call on Him.  The Holy Spirit will help us to respond in God's strength, not our own.

Call on His strength today.

Let's Pray
Holy Father, Thank you for leading me in Your way of grace today. I need Your help!  I confess my anger/bitterness/unforgiveness right now with _______________.  Please forgive me.  Please bring restoration to the relationships that have been affected by my anger.  Help me recognize when I over-react or when I respond in anger that is ungodly.  Give me the strength to respond in love – to be slow to speak and quick to listen – so that You can be glorified through my behavior.
In Jesus' Name,

Now It's Your Turn
Do you need to trade anger for love?  In what relationships?  How?

Spend a few moments in confession and ask God to bring a fresh awareness to your soul each time you react in anger.

Are you in a Bible study?  Knowing God's Word is essential to growing in faith.  Join a local Bible study today, or begin reading a book of the Bible on your own.  Try reading the book of James this week. It's only five chapters.

More From The Girlfriends
Friend – I'm a very passionate person.  When my kids were little, I over-reacted far too often.  And although God has been working in my heart for years on this issue, I humbly confess that anger still comes much too easy to me.  If you struggle with this, you are not alone.  Need prayer? Let's meet on my Facebook page – PRAY for one another today.

NEED HEALING for some heart wounds? Got a friend going through a difficult time? Gwen's book, Broken Into Beautiful,takes the reader by the hand and shows her how God delights to transform lives. To order the book, go to Amazon or, for a signed copy, go to Gwen's website:

Seeking God?
Click here to find out more about
how to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

Girlfriends in God
P.O. Box 725
Matthews, NC 28106

Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Judy Harder

June 27, 2011

Stepping Up and Stepping Out

Sharon Jaynes

Today's Truth
No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him (1 Corinthians 2:9 NIV).

Friend To Friend
God always has important kingdom work for us to do. Paul tells us: "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him" (1 Corinthians 2:9). We were not meant to be mere stagehands or decorative props, but leading ladies working together alongside our brothers and sisters to impact the world for Christ.

Every little girl needs to grow up knowing that she is valued, that she is made in the image of God. Every little girl needs to grow expectantly waiting for her God-given potential to be released. The women in the New Testament gave us a taste – a glimpse.

Mary Magdalene is just one example. She did not lobby for a position of leadership. She did not argue for women's rights. She was content with the lowest place on Jesus' ministry team, doing whatever needed doing and giving financial support out of her own means. But Jesus had a different calling for Mary Magdalene - one she certainly did not choose or aspire to. He called her center stage and gave her a leading role to announce the most important news in human history. She was an apostle to the apostles, commissioned by Jesus himself.

In the Gospels, we see Jesus pause in the middle of his busy day for the bleeding woman, stop his teaching to lift the chin of the bent and bowed, walk miles to deliver one small child, and wait patiently in the hot noon sun for the broken Samaritan to arrive.  What kind of God does that? A God who loves his daughters.

And how did the women respond to Jesus calling them center stage?
Mary of Nazareth stepped up to accept her calling.
Mary Magdalene signed up to join Jesus' ministry team.
The woman with the chronic bleeding spoke up to tell of her miraculous healing.
The woman caught in adultery cleaned up to start anew.
The empty woman at the well filled up to evangelize an entire town.
The Syrophoenician mother was shored up for bold believing.
Mary of Bethany showed up in the classroom.
The woman with the alabaster jar opened up her heart to worship.
Martha was steamed up in the kitchen, but then moved up to the head of the class.
The woman with the crippled back walked up to receive her healing.
The widow gave it all up as an example of sacrificial giving.

These leading ladies' stories show us that in God's family, girls are important too. They are strong women of faith who were bolstered by Jesus to come out of the shadows and take their place among the world changers of their day.

After Jesus' ascension, both men and women waited in Jerusalem for the promised Holy Spirit. On the day of Pentecost as the Holy Spirit descended with a gusty wind and tongues of fire, Peter stood and explained to curious onlookers what was taking place.

"This is what was spoken by the prophet Joel," he began.
In the last days, God says,
I will pour out my Sprit on all people.
Your sons and daughters will prophesy,
Your young men will see visions,
You old men will dream dreams.
Even on my servants, both men and women,
I will pour out my Spirit in those days, and they will prophesy."

Peter explained to the people what Jesus had been showing them all along. God's grace, love, and power are extended to all people regardless of rank or race, gender or generation: sons and daughters, young and old, men and women. Paul would later pen: "There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you all one in Christ Jesus" (Galatians 3:28).

If God calls you center stage to accomplish His purpose for this generation, I pray that you will accept the role of a lifetime. And who knows, perhaps you are reading this devotion and being challenged to fulfill God's purposes in your lifetime, "for such a time as this."

Let's Pray
Dear Lord, I'm ready to do whatever You tell me to do. Thank You for my New Testament sisters who were brave enough to step out of the shadows during a time when women were rarely seen or heard. Thank You for Jesus who called them forward and sent them out. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Now It's Your Turn
In today's devotion, I mentioned several women of the New Testament. Pick two of them. Use a concordance and look up where their stories appear in the gospels. Read their stories and ponder their bravery.

Is there something God has been nudging you to do, but you've been putting it off?  Let's pray for one another. Log onto let your sisters know how they can pray for you to heed God's call.

More From The Girlfriends
Do you ever read the end of a book first?  Well today, I've given you a glimpse of the conclusion to What God Really Thinks about Women: Finding Your Significance Through the Women Jesus Encountered.  But my heart's desire is that you sit with the woman at the well, stand by the woman reaching for Jesus' robe, and kneel with the woman anointing His feet.  This book promises to have their stories come to life. It impact how you see Jesus, and you'll fall in-love with Him all over again.

Seeking God?
Click here to find out more about
how to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

Girlfriends in God
P.O. Box 725
Matthews, NC 28106

Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Judy Harder

June 28, 2011

Is the Bible Important to You?

Mary Southerland

Today's Truth
All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It straightens us out and teaches us to do what is right. It is God's way of preparing us in every way, fully equipped for every good thing God wants us to do (2 Timothy 3:16, NLT).

Friend To Friend
If we really want to know God, if we really want to understand who and whose we are, the Bible must have the highest place in our lives. We don't have to be a Bible scholar or have a firm grip on the Hebrew and Greek languages to know and apply God's promises. As we read the Bible, the Holy Spirit will give us understanding and teach us how to apply God's truth in our lives.   

A disciple is a follower, a learner and a student. If we want to follow God and be a learner of Him and a student of His ways, then we have to understand the importance of the Bible, love the Word and spend time in it. I thought I was doing a fair job of plugging the truth of God's Word into my life until I was reading through the Old Testament and rammed right into Psalm 119. Within this passage, I discovered a test for us as believers that will help determine the importance we really place on God's Word in daily life. Take this test with me to see if God's Word has the place in your life that it should have.

Is God's Word more important than food?
Psalm 119:103 "Your promises are sweet to me, sweeter than honey in my mouth" (NCV).  Here the Bible is described as honey and at other places in Scripture as milk or bread. The Bible is our spiritual food. God's Word sustains and strengthens us just as food sustains and strengthens our physical body.  We always find a way to eat, even if we must resort to eating fast food. Do we have the same depth of commitment to our spiritual growth and health as we do to satisfying the hunger pains of our human body?   

Is God's Word more important than money? 
Psalm 119:72 "Your teachings are worth more to me than thousands of pieces of gold and silver" (NCV). Spiritual wealth is more important than human wealth. Do we really live as if that statement is true? I have a friend who is totally committed to God and to serving Him whole-heartedly. My friend is a garbage collector - a happy garbage collector. I once asked him why he was so happy in his work. "Mary, I collect garbage to pay the bills. My real passion in life is to share Jesus Christ and to serve Him with joy." Do we really live to know and share God's truths?

Is God's Word more important than sleep?
Psalm 119:147-148 "I wake up early in the morning and cry out. I hope in your word. I stay awake all night so I can think about your promises" (NCV). I know. Now God is getting personal. When we start talking about giving up sleep to read and study the Word of God, we are talking radical obedience.  Exactly! If we want to experience God's power in our lives, we have to saturate our lives with His Word.

How did you do? I will tell you honestly that I failed this test. I have walked with God for many years and I still do not have the hunger and thirst for God's Word that I should have. If we listen carefully, I believe we can hear God say, "If you want to get to know me - really know me – if you want to be intimate with Me, then you have to know my Book." The level of stress in my life is directly correlated to the amount of time I spend or don't spend reading and applying the Word of God.

Jeremiah 2:32 "Does a maiden forget her jewelry, a bride her wedding ornaments? Yet my people have forgotten me, days without number" (NCV).

Jeremiah did not write these words to the unbeliever but to those of us who call ourselves "disciples" of Jesus Christ. I can hear the sorrow in His words, can't you? They vividly portray the broken heart of a Father whose children have ignored Him and abandoned His words. I know what it does to me as a parent when my children do not listen to me or when they choose a path that is in direct opposition to one I would have chosen for them.  I can only imagine what it does to His heart when we go for days and even weeks or months without even picking up the Bible except as an accessory for others to see when attending church.

We live in Kansas City where Westar Power Company makes a tremendous amount of electricity available to us. With that power, we can light our homes, stay warm in the winter and cool in the summer. We can enjoy electrically powered appliances that turn, spin, wash, dry and clean. What difference electricity makes in our lives ... when we flip the switch. Unless we use and appropriate the power of available electricity, it is worthless to us. The same is true of the Bible. To experience the power of God's Word, we must make it important in our lives.

Let's Pray
Father, I pray that You would give me a hunger and thirst for Your Word. I want to please You with my life through obedience to your truths. I choose to spend time with You each day this week, studying the Bible.  Will You please honor my commitment and empower me to keep it? When I fail, Lord, I choose now to forgive myself as You forgive me - and begin again.
In Jesus' Name,

Now It's Your Turn
Set aside one hour this week to re-evaluate your plan for reading and studying the Bible.

Set new goals for daily Bible study. Make the goals realistic for your current lifestyle. Next week, add 15 minutes to your study time each day.

Pray and ask the Father to empower this new commitment.

Remember to record new truths and insights in a journal. At the end of the week, go back over your journal entries to see what changes God has made in your life. Praise Him for the power of His Word, and when you fail, do not allow the enemy to discourage you or persuade you to give up. Simply begin again.

More From The Girlfriends
The truth is - we find a way to do the things in life that are important to us. Our soul can only be nourished and fed by the Word of the Living God. How important is God's Word in your life?

Need peace? Get Mary's NEW E-Book Bible Study How to Find Your Missing Peace.

Need stress relief? Check out Mary's online Bible Study, Stress Management 101 beginning July 18. Enroll now and have access to all 2011 lessons.

Need a friend? Connect with Mary on Facebookor through email.

Seeking God?
Click here to find out more about
how to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

Girlfriends in God
P.O. Box 725
Matthews, NC 28106

Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Judy Harder

June 29, 2011

Removing the Mask and Becoming Real

Sharon Jaynes

Today's Truth
"Whether he is a sinner or not, I don't know. One thing I do know. I was blind but now I see!" (John 9:25 NIV).

Friend to Friend
I can still remember the Saturday night rituals at my house when I was six-years-old. My mother wound my sun-streaked ash blonde hair in what seemed like a hundred pink sponge rollers. She'd swipe her middle and pointer fingers through the sticky jar of blue Dippidy-Do, slather it on a swatch of hair, and then wind the sponge round and round.  My "ouches" and winces were met with "be still" and "stop squirming."

Why did she put me through the torture and sentence me to a fitful night's sleep trying to find a comfortable spot to lay my head? Because the next day was Sunday and we were going to church lookin' good. On Sundays our family drove to church, many times fighting all the way, and walked through the pristine double doors of the church with smiles and platitudes.

"How are you?" the fellow parishioners asked.

"Fine," we mechanically replied. "And how are you?"

"Fine," thank you.

But we were anything but fine, and I imagine the folks on the pews beside us were anything but fine either.

My home was riddled with unhappiness. My father drank heavily, and Saturday nights were usually the worst. My mom was extremely unhappy. I was lonely and afraid. And my brother was just plain mad most of the time.  But nobody knew.  We hid it well.

What is it about church that makes us put on masks to cover up what is really going on inside? Forget the fig leaves. We've moved on to designer clothes, shiny cars, and smiling faces in order to attend the masquerade ball we call "church."

Why do we do it? Is it because we don't want to appear weak? Is it that we want to appear strong as the rock of Gibraltar even if a husband just lost his job, a son is flunking out of school, parents are dying with cancer, and a lump just surfaced while showering that very morning?

"How are you?"

"Fine, just fine.  Praise the Lord."

Sometimes the church becomes our stage where we play "Let's Pretend." But as the audience applauds our performance, the Director's voice grows faintly dim.

There is a scene in C.S. Lewis's The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, that exemplifies what I think God longs for in the Body of Christ.  The White Witch has turned many of the inhabitants of Narnia into stone statues.  Then, in a valiant display of courage, Aslan, the lion Christ-like figure, pounces into the courtyard and breathes on each of the statues...bringing them back to life. Let's join in the party for just a moment...

"The courtyard looked no longer like a museum; it looked more like a zoo.  Creatures were running after Aslan and dancing around him till he was almost hidden in the crowd.  Instead of all that deadly white the courtyard was now a blaze of colors; glossy chestnut sides of centaurs, indigo horns of unicorns, dazzling plumage of birds, reddy-brown of foxes, dogs and satyrs, yellow stockings and crimson hoods of dwarfs; and the birch-girls in silver, and the beech-girls in fresh, transparent green, and the larch-girls in green so bright that it was almost yellow.  And instead of the deadly silence the whole place rang with the sound of happy roarings, braying, yelpings, barkings, squealings, cooings, neighings, stampings, shouts, hurrahs, songs and laughter."

I fear that many of our churches have turned into the stone courtyard where everyone tries to blend in and conform to the image...not of Christ...but of what others expect from church-going-folks.  However, we were never meant to be a gathering of identical statues, but of colorful, wildly wonderful individuals...real people...unmasked.

This week, let Aslan blow the spirit of truth on the stone places in your heart and turn you into "real."

Let's Pray
Dear Lord, I don't want to be fake.  I want to be real.  I don't want to wait until I am old and withered.  I want to be real today!  Help me to remove the mask of perfection and join the courtyard of the "happy roaring, braying, yelping, barking, squealing, cooing, neighing, stamping, singing and laughing creatures.   May I never pretend to be other than I really am.  In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Now It's Your Turn
Psychologists say that we are mentally healthier when we have one or two people with whom we can be completely honest. Who are those people in your life?

If you do not have such a person, pray that God will send you one.

When we remove our masks and become real, it encourages others to do the same.  Give it a try. The next time you are sharing with a friend, be honest about a struggle you are having and watch what happens.

So let me ask you. How are you doing today? Let's pray for each other.  List your prayer requests on my Facebook page at, and then pray for the GiG before and after your entry. It would be extra special to tell her that you've prayed.

More From The Girlfriends
Today's devotion was taken from Sharon's book, Your Scars are Beautiful to God.  This book is a wonderful resource for anyone who would like to learn more about the real power of your own personal story and how to share it with a hurting world. You'll turn your pain into purpose and your hurt into hope.

Seeking God?
Click here to find out more about
how to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

Girlfriends in God
P.O. Box 725
Matthews, NC 28106

Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Judy Harder

June 30, 2011

The Streets of Gold

Mary Southerland

Today's Truth
Then he said to them, "Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; a man's life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions" (Luke 12:15).

Friend To Friend
Greed and stress go hand-in-hand. If we want to eliminate stress, we must choose to put "things" in their proper place, refusing to attach importance to them. In Luke 12:15, Jesus issues a warning, "Be careful and guard against all kinds of greed. Life is not measured by how much one owns" (ICB).  I believe that attaching importance to "things" is sin and will always lead to more sin. The monster of greed is fed by fear. We are afraid to give it all to God. We are afraid of not having enough. We are afraid to sacrifice and not having enough resources for the future. How important are your possessions? How do you view the things you possess?

The story is told of the world's stingiest man who went shopping for a friend's gift. Everything was too expensive, except for a $50.00 vase that was on sale for $2.00 because the handle had been broken off. The stingy man bought it and had the salesman ship it so that his friend would think that he had paid the full price of $50.00 for the vase and that it had been broken in shipment. A week later, the penny-pinching man received a thank you note from his friend. "Thank you for the lovely vase," the note read. "It was so nice of you to wrap each piece separately."

One way we can guard against greed and control our wants is to view our possessions as resources loaned to us by God for us to disperse instead of treating them as earned rewards or deserved pleasures. "Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others" (I Peter 4:10 NIV). Every spiritual gift, every financial resource and possession has been given to us by God as a way to serve others. Greed steps in the minute we begin to view those gifts and resources as our own while clutching them tightly in our hands and in our hearts.  Fear then leads us to worry about losing what is not really ours to begin with and left unchecked, greed can lead to dishonesty. Greed and exaggerated wants can control our lives to the point that we are consumed by a fear that naturally leads to dishonesty and lies.

The reality is that who we are should never be measured in terms of what we have or do not have. Instead, our lives are measured by who and what we are ... and whose we are. The lure of material wealth is undeniably stronger than the human will or self-control and always positions itself between us and God. The result will always be stress. I sometimes think the door that shuts out many from heaven is covered with silver and gold.

I love the story of a wealthy man who prayed, asking for permission to take his earthly wealth with him when he died and went to heaven. An angel appeared to the man and said, "We heard your prayer, but I am sorry. You simply cannot take it with you." The man pleaded so passionately that the angel said, "Let me see what I can do." When the angel returned, he reported, "Good news! God has made an exception for you. You may bring one suitcase with you when it is your time to go." Delighted, the man packed his one suitcase and went on with life. Several years later, he died and appeared at the Pearly Gates where he was met by St. Peter who took one look at the suitcase and said, "I am sorry, sir, but you cannot bring that in with you." The man protested, "But I received special permission." Just then, the angel appeared and said, "Peter, it is true. He has special permission to bring one suitcase in with him." Curious, Peter said, "Do you mind showing me what is in the bag that is so important to you?" With a smile, the man replied, "Not at all" and proceeded to open the suitcase to reveal stacks of gold bricks. Peter's face said it all, "Pavement? You brought pavement with you?"

Stress thrives on greed that urges us on, in a never-ending and futile quest to accumulate "pavement" here that is totally worthless there where the streets are made of gold. Wealth is all a matter of perspective. We need to understand that our Father wants us to have wealth. We just have to be careful that we do not settle for earthly money and possessions instead of eternal treasures.

Let's Pray
Father, thank You for reminding me that what I have is temporary but that who I am is eternal. Give me a heart that loves to give instead of to receive. Help me to make decisions and choices that are generous instead of greedy. I pray that others would see You in the way I give myself away in service and that I would never count on earthly possessions for the peace and contentment only You can give.
In Jesus' Name,

Now It's Your Turn

Make a list of your ten most prized possessions.
If you lost them all, how would your life change in light of eternity?
How much peace and contentment would you forfeit?
Set aside time today to review your list and surrender each prized possession to God.
Give one of those possessions away this week as a secret gift.
Pray for an eternal perspective of earthly "things".
More From The Girlfriends
Several years ago, we moved from a large house to a much smaller one in order to pay off some debt. As we packed, I realized that half of what we owned would not fit in the new house. We began giving away furniture, making frequent trips to various charities and the local dumpster. It is amazing how much "junk" can be accumulated over the years. Looking back, with the exception of one or two items, I can't even remember what we got rid of. It really is just "stuff." Do you want to break the hold that material things have in your life? Give them away. You will be amazed to see that you just can't out-give God.

Need peace? Get Mary's NEW E-Book Bible Study How to Find Your Missing Peace.

Need stress relief? Check out Mary's online Bible Study, Stress Management 101beginning July 18. Enroll now and have access to all 2011 lessons.

Need a friend? Connect with Mary on Facebookor through email.

Seeking God?
Click here to find out more about
how to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

Girlfriends in God
P.O. Box 725
Matthews, NC 28106

Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Judy Harder

July 1, 2011

The Devil Made Me Do It

Mary Southerland

Today's Truth
But remember that the temptations that come into your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will keep the temptation from becoming so strong that you can't stand up against it. When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you will not give in to it (1 Corinthians 10:13, NLT).

Friend To Friend
I once lived in a small, rural community where cows were familiar neighbors and lost cows a common occurrence. How do cows get lost? The cow starts nibbling on a patch of green grass.  When it finishes, the cow looks ahead to the next patch of green grass and when that patch is eaten, it looks ahead to the next patch of green grass and starts nibbling on that one. The cow then nibbles on a patch of grass right next to a hole in the fence which positions the cow perfectly so it can see the green grass on the other side of the fence. The fence has a hole just big enough for the cow to fit, so on it goes to the next patch of grass. The next thing you know, the cow has nibbled itself into being lost. We often handle temptation the same way.

While Flip Wilson, a talented comedian and variety show host of the 80's, is often credited with the origination of that well known and still popular excuse "The devil made me do it," I think Eve actually beat him to the punch. Temptation really has not changed much since the Garden of Eden days. Like that juicy, red apple, temptation still entices us with delicious sin. We still engage in power struggles with God, we still flirt with the devil and when we get caught, we still try to shift the blame to someone else.

Temptation is not a test from God but rather a trap from Satan that is baited with seductive snares in every size, shape and appeal. Paul reminds us that we are not alone in our temptation. "But remember that the temptations that come into your life are no different from what others experience." At first glance, those words are discouraging to me. You see, I need to believe that my temptations are bigger and stronger than the temptations others face because that belief gives me a little "wiggle room" to rationalize away my sin, drawing attention to the exclusivity and enormity of the temptations I face. After all, no one else could possibly understand what it is like to deal with such strong temptations. Paul says, "Get real! Your temptations are no different from the ones everyone else faces – including Jesus."

I can't tell you how much comfort it brings me to know that Jesus understands what it feels like to be tempted in the same way I am tempted. Religious hypocrites taunted Jesus, trying to lure Him into the trap of anger and pride. Jesus understood physical pain as well as the pain of loss.  He wept when His friend Lazarus died, and He cried out on the cross when those nails were driven into His hands. Jesus was lonely and felt abandoned when the disciples fell asleep in the Garden of Gethsemane and was well acquainted with betrayal and ulterior motives. I am certain women threw themselves at Jesus. After all, He was a controversial, powerful and exciting man.  Jesus was also very human. That is the point! Jesus came to earth as a frail, weak and flawed vessel just like you and me. Yet, He was able to withstand temptation and in doing so, offers us His proven strength to withstand the same temptations.

Jesus is also well acquainted with the cunning seduction of Satan who first came in the form of a snake and at a time and in such a way that neither Eve nor Adam expected. Part of the work that Adam and Eve had to do was to care for and rule over the animals. The serpent was part of their dominion so he used deception and wore a disguise. He still does.

Life would be so much easier if Satan was obvious but he isn't. He is subtle and clever as he mixes lies with truth. He never shouts - he whispers. His goal is the total destruction of your life and his opening attack is temptation. We have to remember that temptation is not sin. Eve did not sin when she began her conversation with Satan nor did she sin when she questioned God's instructions. Eve sinned when she mentally agreed with the lies of the enemy because that mental choice led to an action of disobedience.

A visitor at a fishing dock asked an old fisherman who was sitting there, "If I were to fall into this water, would I drown?" It was a strange way of asking how deep the water was, but the fisherman had a good answer. "No. Falling into the water doesn't drown anybody. It's staying under it that does." Remember ... temptation is not sin. It is an invitation to sin. Just say "no."

Let's Pray
Father, I come to You asking for the wisdom to recognize temptation when it comes and the strength to resist it. Please forgive me when I give in to temptation and sin. Father, I know You understand every temptation I will face today. I praise You that Satan is a defeated enemy and that through Your strength, I can resist every temptation he brings my way.
In Jesus' name,

Now It's Your Turn
Read James 4:7-9. "So let God work His will in you. Yell a loud 'no' to the Devil and watch him scamper. Say a quiet 'yes' to God and He'll be there in no time. Quit dabbling in sin. Purify your inner life. Quit playing the field. Hit bottom, and cry your eyes out. The fun and games are over. Get serious, really serious. Get down on your knees before the Master; it's the only way you'll get on your feet" (The Message).

Which one of the following steps do you need to take in order to experience victory over temptation? Pray through this list and place a check in front of the ones you are willing to take in your life.

_____ I now surrender to the will of God.
_____ I will tell the Devil "no" when he tempts me to sin.
_____ I will choose to obey God.
_____ I will refuse to flirt with sin.
_____ I will confess the sin in my life. 
_____ I will get serious about resisting temptation and dealing with sin. 

More From The Girlfriends
Temptation is a certainty of life, but God has a plan that will enable us to stand firm in His power and through the power of His Word. Learn five ways to face and deal with temptation in Mary's E-Book Bible Study, Winning the War with Temptation. Be sure to check out Mary's weekly Online Bible StudyStress Management 101 that begins July 18! Enroll now and have access to all 2011 lessons. Need a friend? Connect with Mary on Facebookor through email.

Seeking God?
Click here to find out more about
how to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

Girlfriends in God
P.O. Box 725
Matthews, NC 28106

Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Judy Harder

July 4, 2011

The Guestbook

Sharon Jaynes

Today's Truth
You yourselves are our letter, written on our hearts, known and read by everybody (2 Corinthians 3:2 NIV).

Friend To Friend
Just before leaving our rented condominium after a week of sun, sand, and surf, at Hilton Head Island, SC, we found a treasure tucked under some old magazines on the coffee table.  It was a 6 X 8 inch white guest book, signed by previous vacationers who had also shared a relaxing week away from home.

Feeling somewhat like a "peeping Tom" craning to peer into someone's window, we cracked open the book and stole a glimpse into the personalities of our fellow travelers.  With each entry, we visualized what the guests looked like, decided if we would like to invite them over for dinner, and surmised whether they had an enjoyable vacation together.

Have a look for yourself and decide with whom you would like to share a cup of coffee or would like to have as your neighbor:

"Thank you very much for the use of your condo. We thoroughly enjoyed our first, but not last visit to S.C."
"Had a great time. Enjoyed your villa very much! However, you need to have the springs in the couch repaired. Very uncomfortable to sit on. Thank you."
"We have decided that this is where we'd love to live. It's a golfer's dream. Your courses are beautiful. The girls loved the beach, parasailing, bike rides, horseback riding, shopping! I love my tan. We will be back to visit! If you are ever in Arkansas, come to Stuttgart. We are 50 miles east of Little Rock. Stuttgart hosts the World Championship Duck Calling Contest every year during Thanksgiving weekend. We are known as the "Rice and Duck Capital of the World." Riceland Rice comes from our little town and the ducks feed off of the rice fields during the winter after harvest.  It is some of the best duck hunting anywhere. Thank you for the use of your condo.  We've had a great week here."
"We really enjoyed your villa, but we won't be staying here again. We just booked another villa at Colonnade for next year a couple of doors down for almost $300 less."
"Hello.  My name is Amanda and I got here yesterday. So far we are having a good time. I'm eleven-years-old and I came here with my mother,  grandmother, and my Aunt Loretta. She got here at the same time we did, but she is leaving tomorrow. We came all the way from Lake Wylie, S. C. I love it here and might be back next year.
"It has been a fabulous time. This villa is bigger than our home!  My niece is sure she saw a whale at the Old Oyster Factory, but we are sure she saw a buoy. Greg and Dad played golf together and we all played mini-golf. We went bike riding and "gator chasing." The ocean is breathtaking. I've never seen it before, so I'm still in awe!
""When we first came, the keys wouldn't fit, you forgot to give us a pass, and we almost ran over a biker. Get better service! Two grandmas were with us! Sixth time here - never happened before."
The Bible tells us that we are simply visitors here on earth (1 Chronicles 29:15).  The words we speak are also our entries in the Guestbook of Life.

What entries am I writing with my attitudes, actions and words for all the world to see?  Will they think that I was a crabby old lady who wanted better service? Will they think I savored each day here with my wonderful family? Will they think that I would have preferred another life just a few doors down? Or will they think that I so enjoyed my time here that I wanted to share it with anyone and everyone who was passing through?

Do you want to know what we wrote in the Guestbook before we left?

"Thank you for the use of your beach home. July fourth is a time to celebrate our great country with its many freedoms. Our hope for all who follow us here is that you will know the freedom which comes from knowing the Truth that sets us all free (John 8:32)."  Steve, Sharon and Steven Jaynes
Matthews, NC

Let's Pray
Dear Heavenly Father, Your Word tells me that I am a letter being read by everyone. I pray that I won't be junk mail today. I pray that I won't be like a bill making people feel like they owe me. I pray that I will be a love letter, a thank you note, and an invitation to celebrate life.  In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Now It's Your Turn
What are you leaving in the guestbook of life for all to read?

What would youlike to be leaving in the guestbook of life for all to read?
Go ahead, write it down?

Now, live this day as if you were a walking, talking letter from God to everyone you come in contact with!

Here's your chance to start today. Come by my Facebook page for a visit. Sign in and tell me one thing you have loved about this day!

More From The Girlfriends
We are walking, talking letters to the world, telling them and showing them about what Jesus is like. Yikes! The Bible calls us Ambassadors. If you need to improve the quality of your letter, you might want to read  The Power of a Woman's Words to learn about the people we impact, the power we possess, and the potential to change.  Just click on the link or go to

Seeking God?
Click here to find out more about
how to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

Girlfriends in God
P.O. Box 725
Matthews, NC 28106
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Judy Harder

July 5, 2011

The Potter and the Clay

Mary Southerland

Today's Truth
But LORD, you are our father. We are like clay, and you are the potter; your hands made us all (Isaiah 64:8, NCV).

Friend To Friend
When our daughter was in pre-school, one of her favorite activities was playing with clay. Danna often pulled her little step stool over to the closet where the clay was stored and pulled out the boxes of brightly colored clay. With great concentration and effort, Danna's little fingers would then pry them open and she would begin to work.

For hours at a time, Danna would pound, mold, stretch and create her own clay world. Animals, people, flowers and aliens would emerge from the lumps of clay. Her work done, she called me to "put them up." That meant it was time to exhibit her clay masterpieces for her brother and father to see when they came home.

Danna's creations would remain on display until they grew hard and brittle. We would then break them apart, sprinkle them with water and put them back into their containers, allowing the clay to grow soft again.

When it comes to spiritual matters – God is the Potter, the Creator, and we are the clay. The world says we should never give up our rights because if we do, we will lose everything. God says that if we surrender to Him, we will gain everything that is important.

In order for God to make us into what He wants us to be, we have to become pliable and willing - like clay. We must come to Him, placing ourselves in His hands, the Potter's hands. Total surrender demands that we come with no agenda, no pre-set conditions – giving Him permission to bend us, break us and change us. We sometimes come to God, with a hardened heart and brittle spirit. Life has broken and damaged us and the wrong hands have molded us. Remember, how we come to Him is not nearly as important as the fact that we come. As we give up control to Him, like a Master Craftsman, He begins to work patiently and lovingly, with a specific plan and one-of-a-kind design in mind. He works through circumstances as well as people, through joy and pain, victory and defeat. He filters every part of life through His plan for us and uses it to create a life of worth and meaning.

Oh, we have tried to live life with our own agenda and plan and have experienced discontentment and frustration. Our soul longs for more and our heart cries out, "Is this all there is?" The truth is that nothing and no one but God can bring us the peace and joy for which we are searching. Are you ready to become the clay, surrendering your broken life to the Potter's loving and purpose-filled hands? Today is the day!

Let's Pray
Lord, I am tired of trying to live life in my own power. Right now, I give up and surrender my life completely to You. I choose Your plan over mine. I give You permission to mold me and make me what You want me to be.  I will wait before You and seek Your direction.
In Jesus' name,

Now It's Your Turn
What has been the plan – according to you – for your life up to this point?
What kind of results has that plan produced?
Write a prayer of surrender to God and record it in your journal. Be sure to include the following steps:

Recognize that you have been trying to live life according to your plan – your agenda.
Admit that your refusal to surrender your life to God has brought only frustration and emptiness.
Right now – surrender to God.
What one of the following actions do you need to take in order to obey God?
_____Join a local church
_____Get involved in a small group
_____Read the Bible daily
_____Pray constantly
_____Seek God in everything I do

More From The Girlfriends
I have to admit I am not very good at giving up and even flinch at the very thought of "surrender." I was taught never to give up; to be strong and to depend on no one but myself. In fact, the very thought of surrender seems like a weakness to me and is completely opposite to my human strength and will. Exactly!  Did you know that my name, Mary, literally means bitter, but when broken, sweet? Unless I am in a constant state of surrender to God, I will surely become bitter, brittle and broken.

Need help? Get Mary's MP3 download, The Powerful Woman. And be sure to check out Mary's new weekly Online Bible Study beginning July 18: StressManagement 101. Enroll now and have access to all 2011 lessons. Need a friend? Connect with Mary on Facebookor through email.

Seeking God?
Click here to find out more about
how to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

Girlfriends in God
P.O. Box 725
Matthews, NC 28106

Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Judy Harder

July 6, 2011

The Landowner Returns

Sharon Jaynes

Today's Truth
Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God. For just as the sufferings of Christ flow over into our lives, so also through Christ our comfort overflows (2 Corinthians 1:3-5).

Friend To Friend
Once there was a landowner who decided to go on a long journey. He called three of his servants together and divided up their responsibilities, each according to his own ability. He also entrusted them with a certain amount of money to oversee. The money was weighed out in what he called "talents."  To one servant he gave five talents, to one servant he gave two talents, and to the other he gave one talent.

After many months, the master returned and met with the servants to settle their accounts. The servant who had been given five talents had immediately invested the money and doubled his profits – giving the master back ten talents. The servant with two talents had invested his money and doubled his as well – giving the master back four talents. To both of these the Master said, "Well done, good and faithful servant!  You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your Master's happiness!"

But then there was the servant with the one talent. He was a fearful and lazy man who didn't want to take a chance. He didn't invest the money at all, but rather dug a hole in the ground and hid his talent in the dirt. ""Master," he said as he made up excuses, "I knew that you are a hard man, harvesting where you have not sown and gathering where you have not scattered seed. So I was afraid and went out and hid your talent in the ground. See, here is what belongs to you."

The Master was furious with the fearful servant. He took the one talent and gave it to the one with ten who had invested well.

Has God given you "talents" that He expects you to invest? One such "talent" may be life experiences such as a trial or struggle that you have overcome. Perhaps God now wants you to use that experience to comfort others in a similar situation with what you have learned.

In Second Corinthians, Paul wrote: "Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God. For just as the sufferings of Christ flow over into our lives, so also through Christ our comfort overflows" (2 Corinthians 1:3-5).  God does not comfort us simply to make us comfortable. God comforts us to make us to comfort other people.

Take an inventory of your life and ask God what life experiences He would like for you to invest in others.

Let's Pray
Dear Lord, please show me if I have been hiding my "talent" rather than investing in others. Your Word tells me that I have been given spiritual I hiding them?  Your Word tells me that I have been "blessed with every spiritual blessing."  Am I investing those blessings or hording them to myself?  Open my eyes to the gifts and talents you have given me and direct me in the way to invest in others.
In Jesus' Name,

Now It's Your Turn
What are the "talents" that God has entrusted to you?

What are some ways you can invest what you've gone through in the lives of others?

What are some ways your life experiences could be used to comfort others?

What will the Master say to you when you see Him face to face?  Will He say, "Well done?"

If you are using what you've gone through in the past to minister to others, I'd love to hear your story.  Let's share on Facebook.  Your story might be just what someone needs to hear.

More From The Girlfriends
Let's don't waste our sorrows!  If you would like to learn more about how to turn your pain into purpose, your hurt into hope and your miseries into  ministry, then you'll want to read Sharon's book, Your Scars Are Beautiful to God!

Seeking God?
Click here to find out more about
how to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

Girlfriends in God
P.O. Box 725
Matthews, NC 28106

Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Judy Harder

July 7, 2011

You Really Don't Have to Worry

Mary Southerland

Today's Truth
Never worry about anything. But in every situation let God know what you need in prayers and requests while giving thanks (Philippians 4:6, GW).

Friend To Friend
The Comanche Indians tortured and killed their enemies by staking them to the ground. They then took a wet leather strap and placed it around the neck of their enemy. As the leather strap slowly dried in the blazing desert sun, it would gradually cut off the air supply until their enemy finally choked to death. Worry does the same thing. "Worry" literally means "to be pulled in different directions." The old English root from which we get our word "worry" means "to strangle." Worry literally strangles our peace and weakens our faith.

Worry is a control issue.
Worry is wasted energy.
Worry is consuming and unhealthy.
Worry is a joy thief.
Worry is the interest that we pay today on tomorrow's problems.
Worry is practicing atheism.
Worry makes everything seem bigger than it really is.

When we choose to trust God, we are choosing against worry. In Isaiah 26:3, Isaiah voices a powerful prayer of faith that should be our prayer as well. "You, Lord, give true peace. You give peace to those who depend on you. You give peace to those who trust you." It is simple. God rewards our trust with His peace.

I saw a bumper sticker that read "Worry is the darkroom in which negatives are developed."  How true! I can only imagine what it does to the heart of God to see His children caught in the trap of negative attitudes when His plan is a peaceful mind-set. We will never live in freedom and power until we consistently choose against worry and deliberately choose to trust God alone.

It is possible not to worry. It must be. God never asks us to do anything that He doesn't empower us to do. The problem is that we like to play God in our lives. Playing God is the root of worry. When we take life into our own hands, worry will always be the result. The apostle Paul certainly had plenty of reasons to worry. He was in jail, facing a trial and an almost certain execution. Paul's health was failing rapidly and the churches he had spent his whole life building were struggling to survive. Yet, Paul refused to worry and lived a life marked by peace. We can, too.   

Paul gives us the formula for eliminating worry and establishing peace when he writes "in every situation let God know what you need in prayers and requests while giving thanks." In this verse, "prayers" are thoughts spoken to God while "requests" are specific needs presented to God. In other words, if it is big enough to concern us, it is big enough to concern God. Then why do we get serious about prayer only as a last resort instead of making prayer our first response? We have forgotten that aside from God's power, we are helpless and lost. Peace comes while we are on our knees before Him in prayerful dependence. Paul reminds us that we are to pray about everything. Prayer should be a habit instead of a last-ditch effort.

Notice that Paul says if we want to experience peace, we must give thanks while we are praying, the perfect picture of praying in faith. To pray in faith is to believe that God not only can answer or will answer prayer, but that He is answering even as we pray.

The story is told of a small town in west Texas that was experiencing a severe drought. One Sunday morning, a pastor in that town announced there would be a prayer meeting that night and encouraged every member to meet at the church to pray for rain. The pastor challenged them to come in faith, believing that God would hear and answer their prayer. That night, the church was filled with every leader of the church and community. The preacher stood, looked out over the crowd and said "Only one of you has come in faith." He then pointed to a little girl seated in the front row. She was holding an umbrella. Faith eliminates worry and feeds peace.

Let's Pray
Father, I come to You today with a sense of helplessness. I am desperate for You, Lord. I need Your strength and power to sustain me because everything seems to be falling apart. I want to be a woman of faith and stand strong when trouble bombards my life but I cannot do it alone. I am afraid and seem to worry about everything. Today, I turn to You and celebrate the truth that You will turn to me and be my refuge.
In Jesus' name,

Now It's Your Turn
Look back over your life. When did God take something bad and bring good out of it? Describe that experience. Remember the truth that God is the same yesterday, today and forever and what He did in your past ... He can do today and tomorrow. He is faithful – even when we are faithless.

Read and memorize Psalm 59:16. Choose to sing a new song of praise – no matter what happens today. Record this verse on an index card and keep it with you. When fear and doubt come, meet them with this powerful promise from God.

More From The Girlfriends
Need help dealing with worry? Get Mary's E-Book Bible Study, Getting a Grip on Fear, for practical ways to deal with fear and worry in your life. And be sure to check out Mary's new weekly Online Bible Study beginning July 18: Stress Management 101. Enroll now and have access to all 2011 lessons. Need a friend? Connect with Mary on Facebookor through email.

Seeking God?
Click here to find out more about
how to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

Girlfriends in God
P.O. Box 725
Matthews, NC 28106

Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

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