Girlfriends in God

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Judy Harder

December 18, 2013
The Lord Is with You—And that's a Promise.
Sharon Jaynes

Today's Truth

The Lord is with you (Luke 1:28).         

Friend to Friend

For many years I would begin each day praying for my son, "God, please be with Steven today."

Then one day God stopped me mid-prayer. "Sharon, I am with Steven...every day," He seemed to say. "Why do you continue asking for something Steven already has?"

God was right! (Imagine that.) God was with Steven at all times, just as He is with you and me. He promised each of His children, "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you" (Hebrews 13:5).

After God's gentle nudge, I changed my prayer for Steven: "God, I pray that Steven will sense Your presence in his life today. Thank You for being with him."

When Gabriel suddenly appeared to Mary, she needed that same reassurance. "The Lord is with you," he said. The reminder of God's presence in her life would be crucial for the news that Gabriel was about to deliver.         

Mary was greatly troubled at his words and wondered what kind of greeting this might be. But the angel said to her, "Do not be afraid, Mary, you have found favor with God. You will be with child and give birth to a Son, and you are to give him the name Jesus. He will be great and be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of his father David, and he will reign over the house of Jacob forever; his kingdom will never end." (Luke 1:29-33)

If Gabriel showed up at my door, I think "Do not be afraid" would be an appropriate greeting. As a matter-of-fact, it seems like these are some of the first words God and His messengers spoke to many called on for special assignment.

"Do not be afraid," God said to Abram (Genesis 15:1).

"Do not be afraid," God said to Joshua (Joshua 8:1).

"Do not be afraid," the angel said to Zechariah (Luke 1:13).

"Do not be afraid," the angel said to the shepherds (Luke 2:10).

And now, when God is calling an ordinary girl out of the shadows to stand center stage, He reassures her with the same courage-bolstering words that have echoed through the ages. "Do not be afraid...God is with you." And if anyone was going to need reassurance of God's presence in her life, it was Mary.

Gabriel then proceeded to tell Mary about her God-ordained assignment. She would conceive a son by the power of the Holy Spirit and give him the name Jesus.

"Jesus" is the Greek form of the name Joshua, which means "the Lord saves."

Mary was part of this fallen world, and like all of mankind, she needed a Savior.

When Paul wrote, "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" (Romans 3:23), that included Mary.

In Mary's own song of praise she cried out, "My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior." She knew she needed a Savior, just like you and me. Regardless of what artists have painted through the centuries, Mary did not have a halo over her head. She was a sinner, just like you and me. She was chosen because of God's grace, just like you and me. She was just an ordinary girl with an extraordinary calling.

God set the stage and called His first leading lady to take her position front and center. Who would have ever imagined she would take her place with such courage.         

"How will this be," Mary asked the angel, "since I am a virgin?" (Luke 1:34)

Mary's question didn't mean she doubted what the angel said was true. She simply questioned the logistics and sought clarity and direction. Her wonderment did not mean she was reluctant. She was just confused about the physiology of the process. She had never slept with a man, so how was this possible?

The angel answered:

"The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. So the holy one to be born will be called the Son of God. Even Elizabeth your relative is going to have a child in her old age, and she who was said to be barren is in her sixth month. For nothing is impossible with God." (Luke 1:35-3)

The angel saw the purity of her heart and went on to explain exactly how this would occur. In a day when women were not formally taught the Scriptures, when they were not allowed to sit under a rabbi's teaching, Mary had a front row seat with one of God's personal messengers for private tutoring.

She believed by faith. She obeyed by choice. And she remembered that God was with her every step of the way.

During this hectic time of year, filled with long to-do lists and stressful family dynamics, remember this: God is with you!

Let's Pray

Heavenly Father, thank You for the promise that You will never leave me. Even when I can't feel Your presence, I trust by faith that You are here. Help me to be a woman who believes You, and not a woman who is tossed to and fro by her feelings.

In Jesus' Name,


Now It's Your Turn

Go back up to the "do not fear" verses in this devotion and read the context in which they were said.

How can you apply that to your own life?

Click over to my Facebook page and complete this sentence... "I will not fear..."

More from the Girlfriends

Today's devotion was taken from my book, What God Really Thinks about Women: Finding Your Significance Through the Women Jesus Encountered.This book goes through every encounter Jesus had with a woman in the New Testament, and shows how He broke a rule every time, just to show them they show you that you matter. He risked his reputation to save theirs. Read their encounters and see yourself through Jesus' eyes.

And just in time to start the New Year off right, my book Praying for Your Husband from Head to Toe: A Daily Guide to Scripture-Based Prayer is now available. Click on the title to watch a video or read a sample chapter.

Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Judy Harder

December 19, 2013
God - The Giver of Good Gifts
Mary Southerland

Today's Truth

Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows (James 1:17, NIV).

Friend to Friend

Our grandchildren are not only a source of great joy in my life but also some of my most capable teachers. Our three-year-old grandson, Justus, recently reminded me of the profound truth that God is the ultimate Gift-Giver.

Justus loves dirt. If he is not truly dirty – he is not truly happy. One of his favorite toys to play with in his beloved dirt is what he calls a "digger." Justus has quite a collection of diggers. We, along with other family members, his parents and friends, have happily provided this little hunk of joy with an assortment of plastic dump trucks, bulldozers, backhoes and excavators. Justus knows the name of each construction vehicle but prefers to call them "diggers," so diggers it is.

Our daughter and son-in-law have wisely allocated a section of their backyard where Justus can happily dig and work and play with all of his diggers. He spends hours transferring dirt from one part of his work site to another, creating mounds of dirt while building what he calls "massive" cities and then tearing them down to begin again.

One day, our daughter was enjoying a beautiful, sunny afternoon in their back yard with Justus and his baby brother, Hudson. Danna was reading and Hudson was contentedly snoozing in his bouncy seat while Justus was happily playing and hard at work with – you guessed it - his diggers. Justus suddenly stopped, sprung to his feet, and thrust both arms in the air as high as he possibly could. With his smiling little face turned toward heaven, Justus shouted at the top of his lungs, "God, thank You for my dirt!" Time stood still for a moment. I am almost certain heaven paused as God smiled and replied, "You are so welcome, Justus." Satisfied, our grandson went back to his digger and dirt project. And God spoke to my heart.

I tend to forget that God is the ultimate gift-giver. How often do I dismiss His gifts, both great and small, as something to which I am somehow entitled? More often I simply take His gifts for granted. I know better. I just allow my busy schedule to crowd out the wonder of God at work in my life every single day. God used our three-year-old grandson to remind me that God has literally fills every minute of every day with gifts from His hand. Why? God wants me to celebrate life – to live a life saturated with His joy.

In Biblical times – much like today – times of great joy were often accompanied by the giving of gifts.

Matthew 2:10-11 "When they saw the star, they were overjoyed.On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him.Then they opened their treasures and presented him with giftsof gold, frankincense and myrrh."

God gave the greatest gift of all – His love wrapped up in His Son, Jesus. God's love changes everything and everyone it touches. It protects and breathes life and purpose into every minute of every day. God's love is a gift beyond measure that surrounds us and covers us when the fires of life rain down.

Colossians 2:13-14 (NLT) "Then God made you alive with Christ. He forgave all our sins. He canceled the record that contained the charges against us. He took it and destroyed it by nailing it to Christ's cross."

God's love is an unconditional love – a love with no strings attached and a gift that breathes life and joy and celebration into every moment of every day. Jesus came, at the request of God, spelling Himself out in a language you and I can understand – a message of love that exists to give.

There is no condemnation with Him, Girlfriend. He adores you just as you are. He wants to spend time with you, laugh with you, dry your tears and fill your heart with new dreams. Today, no matter where you are or where you have been, He stands - just waiting for you. Come to Him. Accept Him. No matter how ugly the sin may be or how great the failure in your life, He loves you. Come to His love. Receive His gift of life and celebrate God, the Giver of every good and perfect gift!

Let's Pray

Father, I confess that I often fail to recognize the truth that every good gift comes from Your hand. I pray Your Holy Spirit would give me a fresh awareness and a thankful heart for the very life you freely give me each day, and for the gift of eternal life You so freely offer. Help me see Your hand in the smallest details of my world, and teach me to celebrate life each and every day. Thank You for Your faithfulness to me and for Your unfailing love that sustains every step I take. I want to live a life that truly celebrates You!

In Jesus' name,


Now It's Your Turn

Set aside one day to be a day of celebration. Grab your journal and keep it with you all day. Count every blessing and every gift – big and small - that comes your way. Here are a few examples to get you started:

A comfortable bed in which to sleep
Food for the day
Clothes to wear – even if they are worn and not the latest style
A friend who called just to check on you
The doctor's report that the cyst was benign
An unexpected check that covers your rent
You get the idea. At the end of the day, review your list and thank God for each item on it. Remember – every good and perfect gift is from God. And if we belong to Him, everything and everyone that touches our lives today came through His hands – with His permission – for a purpose. So celebrate!

More from the Girlfriends

Tomorrow, your home may be filled with family and friends or you may be celebrating the birth of Jesus alone. Christmas is not a date on a calendar. It is a way of life. No matter where this Christmas finds you, know that you are loved and that God is with you.

Looking for a Bible Study to start the New Year? Check out Mary's weekly online Bible Study, Light for the Journey. Don't miss the new study, How to Tame the Tongue, beginning January 20, 2014.

Do you want to revolutionize your prayer life? Check out Chair Time, a new E-Book written by Mary's husband, Dan. It not only will teach you how to hear from God – it will change your life! And be sure to connect with Mary on Facebook or through email.

Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Judy Harder

December 20, 2013
Held by Hope
Gwen Smith

Today's Truth

But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart. (Luke 2:19, NIV)

Friend to Friend

Have you ever wanted to travel back in time to be an eyewitness of the celestial celebration that took place in Bethlehem the night that Jesus was born?  Now, I'm a bit fussy about fashion, but I'd even consider donning shepherd garb and hanging out with a few sheep for that opportunity! To see angels fill the sky, to hear the voice of God through the cries of a baby. To catch a glimpse of the brilliant Star of David, and to satisfy my curiosity as to what exactly a host of heavenly angels sounds like.

Oh, and to talk to Mary!  Wouldn't that be amazing to hear what she was thinking as she witnessed, and took part in the greatest miracle ever known to man? This baby she gave birth to was God-in-flesh, a true bundle of perfect love.  What do you think she treasured in her heart as she took it all in?  I'm struck by this thought:  As she held the Hope of the world, the Hope of the world was also holding her. Ponder that!

The baby born in a barn that holy night long ago is the Hope of the world - the Grace that saves us - the Love that heals us.  Jesus is the Hope that changes our worthless into precious, our guilty to forgiven, our hungry into satisfied, and our empty into full.  His presence is inescapable.  Once we believe on Christ for salvation, we cannot flee from His stubborn love-grip.  The psalmist, David said: "If I go up to the heavens, You are there; if I make my bed in the depths, You are there.  If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there Your hand will guide me, Your right hand will hold me fast" (Psalm 139:8-10).

The Bible tells us in the New Testament that Jesus Christ sits at the right hand of God, the Father in heaven and that He "holds us fast." Relish that thought. The Hope that holds us is Jesus Christ. You and I are held by Hope.

In the Old Testament, God told Joshua that He would "never leave or forsake" him (Joshua 1:5). God says the same to us. He will never leave us or forsake us; no matter the circumstances, not matter the diagnoses, no matter the financial struggle. Our faithful LORD is the same yesterday, today, and forever. We can rest assured that in everything we are held by Hope.

After His resurrection and before His ascension into heaven, Jesus said, "Surely, I am with you always, to the very end of the age" (Matthew 28:20).  My girlfriend Mary Southerland often reminds people that the word "always" actually means ... drum roll please ... "always!"  He is always with us.  Always loving us.  Always wanting us to find comfort, refuge, joy and satisfaction in Him.

As Christmas approaches and the New Year dawns, let's be mindful of God's promise that we are never alone. Just like the shepherds received the headline news of Jesus' birth from singing angels so long ago, receive this glad tiding of great joy today: If you are in Christ, then you are held by Hope.

Let's Pray

Holy Father, Thank You for sending Jesus, my Hope, to forgive me, to love me, and to restore me to Your heart.  I join the psalmist today in praying, "Sustain me according to Your promise, and I will live; do not let my hopes be dashed.  Uphold me, and I will be delivered" (Psalm 119:116-117a).  I'm leaning into Your heavenly hug today.

In Jesus' name,


Now It's Your Turn

Are you held by Hope? Have you received the free gift of salvation through Jesus Christ?  Are you seeking God?  He's waiting with His arms open wide.  CLICK HERE to find out more about how to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

More from the Girlfriends

Friend, I know that as sweet as Christmas is, it will be hard for many of you this year.   Pain is no respecter of persons, and loneliness can find us in a crowded room.  I pray that you will find comfort in knowing that – whether you feel it or not – you are being held by the loving God of the universe.

My Facebook page will be a page of prayer today. We'd love to pray for you. Please join us there:

Struggling to trust His hope?Sharon, Gwen and Mary's 12-week devotion book, Trusting God, is a great book for individual study or for gathering a group of friends in what we call GiG Groups. With impactful devotions, study questions, journal pages, free on-line video intros, and an index of trust-building Scriptures...this book is a resource you'll refer to time-and-time again.

Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Judy Harder

December 23, 2013
Even Mary Needed a Friend
Sharon Jaynes

Today's Truth

Yes, I see it all now: I'm the Lord's maid, ready to serve. Let it be with me just as you say (Luke 1:38, The Message).

Friend to Friend

Has God ever asked you to do something that seemed illogical in your pretty head? Has He ever called you to a task that seemed nigh to impossible? Can you imagine how Mary, the mother of Jesus, must have felt when Gabriel gave her the news of her impending pregnancy?

This heavenly decision caused an earthly dilemma. An unwed pregnancy could lead to her parents disowning her, her fiancée divorcing her, and her accusers stoning her to death. She had to know that she was called. God sent an angel to explain her calling and sent her to Elizabeth for confirmation.

When God called Moses to lead the Israelites out of Egyptian captivity, Moses tried to convince Him to send someone else (Exodus 4:13). When God called Gideon to lead the Israelites into battle, Gideon reminded Him of his lack of credentials and asked for a sign (Judges 6:17). When God called Jeremiah to be the next great prophet, Jeremiah argued that he was far too young for the job (Jeremiah 1:6).    When God appointed Jonah to preach repentance to the people of Nineveh, he hopped on the next boat out of town (Jonah 1:3). But when God called Mary to bear His only Son, she accepted the assignment with beauty and grace.

"I am the Lord's servant," Mary answered. "May it be to me as you have said."     

In Peterson's paraphrase, The Message, Mary said, "Yes, I see it all now: I'm the Lord's maid, ready to serve. Let it be with me just as you say."

Another translation puts it this way: "Behold, the bondslave of the Lord; may it be done to me according to your word" (nasb).

The Greek word for "bondslave" is doulos or doule (feminine form) and means "one who gives himself up to the will of another, without any idea of bondage." In the Old Testament it referred to a slave set free who chose to stay with his master for the rest of his life. In the New Testament, it was used figuratively of a Christian set free from the slavery of sin who chose to serve his master, Jesus, for the rest of his life.

Here's what happened next:

At that time Mary got ready and hurried to a town in the hill country of Judea, where she entered Zechariah's home and greeted Elizabeth. When Elizabeth heard Mary's greeting, the baby leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit. In a loud voice she exclaimed: "Blessed are you among women and blessed is the child you will bear! But why am I so favored, that the mother of my Lord should come to me? As soon as the sound of your greeting reached my ears, the baby in my womb leaped for joy." (Luke 1:39-44)

At God's prompting, Elizabeth joined Mary on the stage, grabbed her by the hand, and joined her on the journey to fulfill an extraordinary purpose. But this was not simply a supporting role. She was a leading lady in her own right.     

Elizabeth was more than an incubator for the forerunner of Jesus, John the Baptist. She was a prophet who God chose to mentor the mother of His child. Elizabeth's grasp of the situation was remarkable! She understood that Mary was carrying the Messiah when even those closest to Jesus in future years would not.

And why was that? It is simple, really. It was not because Elizabeth was especially smart. It is because the illuminating power of the Holy Spirit revealed it to her. And that is the same with you and with me. We understand spiritual truth only when the Holy Spirit opens our eyes to see.

Isn't it wonderful that God created women for relationship? He knew that Mary was going to need a friend—a girlfriend. God is always with us, but sometimes He gives us like-minded friends with whom to walk the journey.

Let's Pray

Lord, thank You for girlfriends. I am so thankful that You have not called us to walk through life alone, but arm-in-arm with friends. Show me someone who needs an extra hug, a word of encouragement, or a helping hand today. May I be as free with my words of praise as Elizabeth was with hers.

In Jesus' Name,


Now It's Your Turn

Why do you think God sent Mary to Elizabeth?

What do you think Mary did during her time with Elizabeth?

What did she get to experience before she returned home?

How would this have been helpful during her time of delivery in the stable?

Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Judy Harder

December 24, 2013
"Let's Adore Him!"
Gwen Smith

Today's Truth

On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold and of incense and of myrrh (Matthew 2:11, NIV)

Friend to Friend

O come, all ye faithful,
Come everyone! Come sinners! Come saints!
Come if you're tired, hungry, lonely, or faint!

"Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and His understanding no one can fathom. He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not faint" (Isaiah 40:28-31).

Joyful and triumphant;

Come with rejoicing! Come celebrate!
We worship the One who is mighty and great!
"Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!" (Philippians 4:4).

O come ye, O come ye to Bethlehem!

Come home-school mom! Come business pro! Come friend, wife, sister, and daughter!
Let's bow down low and worship Him. Praise Son, Holy Spirit, and Father!

"Therefore God exalted Him to the highest place and gave Him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father" (Philippians 2:9-11).

Come and behold Him – born the King of Angels!

Behold His majesty! Behold the matchless King!
Behold the holy One! Behold the saving Son!
He is the One deserving praise.
He is the Lord of night and day.
He is the God who reigns on high.
He is our holy Adonai.

"The next day he saw Jesus coming to him and said, "Behold, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!" (John 1:29 NASB).

O come, let us adore Him
O come, let us adore Him
O come, let us adore Him – Christ the Lord!

Let's Pray

Lord Jesus, Words can't begin to express the gratefulness in my heart as I pause to adore You! Thank you for putting on a garment of humanity to come rescue me from my sin. You are holy and righteous and worthy of all praise. I bow before you today in humble adoration.

I love You, Jesus.


Now It's Your Turn

Sing to the King! Pause to sing this song of worship (either out loud or in your soul) to our deserving Lord and connect with Him in spirit and in truth. I'll start: "O come, all ye faithful..."

Make a list of 12 reasons that Jesus is worthy of your adoration.

Listen to this new song by Gwen, Lost In Praise, as a final heart-focused portion of our time together. Adore Him!

More from the Girlfriends

We were made to praise. Purposed to respond to the glory of God. Yet sometimes life's challenges and choices keep us from His presence and His peace. Maybe you felt unable or unworthy of adoring Him as you read this. Turn to Him now, friend. His love is unconditional and His mercies know no end. He loves you. He's waiting.

Gwen's new worship EP, "My Strength, My Song," would make a great addition to your praise playlist. Find it on iTunes, Amazon or her website today.

Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Judy Harder

December 25, 2013
Merry Christmas!
Mary Southerland

Today's Truth

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son (NIV, John 3:16).

Friend to Friend

It was Christmas Eve and the family was preparing to attend the church service. Everyone was going, everyone except Dad. He was an honest man, a good man, but he simply could neither understand nor accept the seemingly complex story of the baby in a manger born to save the world. It was just too far-fetched for the human mind to conceive.

How could God allow His Son to give up Heaven for Earth?

Why would Jesus want to die for any man?

The questions lingered and, not wanting to be a hypocrite, the man chose to stay home rather than sit in a church pew one time a year with an unbelieving heart.

As his family went out into the cold wintry night, the man added a log to the fire and settled into his favorite chair to read the paper and wait for his family's return. A knock at the window pulled him away from his peaceful reverie. Glancing outside, he was stunned to see that the knocking sound was actually a small bird desperately trying to reach the warmth of the fire.

The man thought for a moment, contemplating a solution to the bird's predicament. He opened the window, but the bird ignored him. He tried opening the front door, but the bird again refused his offer and continued to slam into the windowpane. The kind-hearted man finally grabbed his coat and stepped into the Christmas night ... and into God's perfect plan. He trudged through the deepening snow, determined to save the tiny bird by opening the barn doors, convincing the little bird that the barn was safe and warm. Still, the bird rejected his plan.

Frustrated, the man thought, "If only I could be a bird, for just a moment, I could lead the doomed bird to safety." The sound of church bells suddenly rang through the cold, dark night – and he knew.  He finally understood the reason Jesus came - to be one of us – to lead us into the safety of His will and the certainty of eternal life.   

"And it was necessary for Jesus to be like us so that he could be our merciful and faithful High Priest before God. For since He himself has now been through suffering and temptation, He knows what it is like when we suffer and are tempted, and He is wonderfully able to help us." - Hebrews 2: 17-18

Wherever you are today, Jesus has been there and He understands. God has tucked a longing into Christmas, a longing for home. That longing can never be satisfied outside of a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. That's why He came.

Christmas is not a date on the calendar. Christmas is a way of life. Like the innkeeper, we are often guilty of posting a sign across the entrance of our hearts and lives that reads, "No room!" We can participate in every festivity of the Christmas season, but until we receive the gift of Jesus Christ, we will never truly experience Christmas.

Jesus is the heart of Christmas. By human standards, Jesus could and should have been born in a palace, a mansion fit for the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Jesus was born in a manger. Shepherds announced His birth - the greatest of all miracles - in the midst of total simplicity.

Even today, this extraordinary Jesus comes to us in the midst of our ordinary lives for one simple reason. Love. God loved us so much that He had to do something about it. He sent His one and only Son, Jesus Christ, to earth – for you and for me.

You really can celebrate Jesus. Do not believe the lies of the enemy when he tells you that your God has forsaken you. God is with you – Emmanuel. God understands your fear and loneliness. He endured the cross because He loves you, and because no one can take your place in the Father's heart. No matter where this Christmas finds you – you can celebrate Jesus. Know you are loved.

Let's Pray

Father, I celebrate You and the love You so freely offer. I may not understand some of the things happening in my life right now, but I choose to trust You with each one. My faith is small, Lord. Give me Your strength for each step and help me remember that You are with me. Lord, today I celebrate Your birth. Thank You for the gift of life and love I find in knowing You. My Christmas gift to You is everything I am, everything I have, everything I hope to be.

In Jesus' name,


Now It's Your Turn

Find some time today to spend alone with God. Praise and worship Him for who He is, Lord, King, Father and Shepherd. Celebrate the perfect plan and design of God for your life.

More from the Girlfriends

Sharon, Gwen and I pray that this Christmas is a true celebration of Jesus Christ at work in your life. We wish each one of you a very merry Christmas. We love doing life with you ... when life is good and when it is bad. Please know that we are praying for you and asking God to fill your hearts with His peace and joy.

May God grant you the light in Christmas, which is faith;
The warmth of Christmas, which is love;
The radiance of Christmas, which is purity;
The righteousness of Christmas, which is justice;
The belief in Christmas, which is truth;
The all of Christmas, which is Christ.

Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Judy Harder

December 26, 2013
Are You Bear-ly Thankful?
Bobi Ann Allen

We hope you are enjoying the Girlfriends in God daily devotions. We (Mary, Sharon, and Gwen) would like to introduce you to some of our special friends. From time-to-time, the Friday devotions will be written by one of our friends in ministry. We call them our "Friday Friends." So grab your Bible and a fresh cup of coffee and drink in the words from our "Friday Friend", Bobi Ann Allen.

Today's Truth

Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe (Hebrews 12:28).

Friend to Friend

My 6 year-old-daughter, Kati Ann, loves the store, Build-A-Bear Workshop. At Build-A-Bear, customers have the opportunity of creating their own stuffed animal. Kati Ann bought her first Build-A-Bear with her own money. At the time, they signed her up to be in their Build-A-Bear "club" (or whatever they call it). Basically, she got signed up to be on their mailing list.

About a month or so later, Kati Ann went to the mailbox and there it was, the Build-A-Bear Newsletter! It's more like a mini-catalog, but, regardless, Kati Ann was beside herself. For days she poured over that little catalog. She dreamed of her next Build-A-Bear and which outfit she would dress it in.

And then she said something that struck me. My daughter asked, "Mom, can we go to Build-A-Bear Workshop so I can thank them for sending me this newsletter?" My first thought was, "What? You want to thank them for sending you this junky mail? Are you kidding? Build-A-Bear Workshop was more than happy to send it. They'll be getting more of our money because of that silly catalog." Yet, I refrained and did not say any of what I was thinking. Instead, I scooped her up, smiled at her, and assured her we could.

And then God used Kati Ann's words to whisper to my heart. Kati Ann saw reason for gratitude while my eyes saw junk. How often I carry on, going about my routine, believing I'm entitled to more than I have. So easily, I forget to acknowledge the abundance of God's gifts in my life.

How can we make a lifestyle of Thanks-giving? Here are two thoughts:

1. Make a habit of giving God thanks for the intangible. Thank Him for a cloudless sky or the unintelligible chatter of a child. Make a practice of recognizing Him as the giver of the fragrance of fall or a phone call with a loved one. Learning to thank God for the seemingly little things trains us to make a lifestyle of giving thanks.

2. Acknowledging His provision for your life also acknowledges His presence in your life. His presence is what produces peace, joy, and contentment. Augustine claimed, "Without exception...all try their hardest to reach the same goal, that is, joy." Could it be that your level of joy is dependent most on your ability to give thanks for all that God has given? Instead of slowing to give thanks, we push ahead hoping to alleviate the disappointment in our lives, lives lacking joy and peace. Continual thanks leads to constant peace.

Thanks ——————–> Presence———————> Peace

God's heart is good, and He is generous toward His children. Make a choice to be thankful.

Now It's Your Turn

What can you thank God for today? Make a list of 5 things (without repeating any) every day this week that help you recognize God's provision and favor in your life.

Question: When was the last time you were truly grateful? What sparked that moment? What reminds you to be thankful?

More from the Girlfriends

Texas native, Bobi Ann Allen's first and most fun job is wife to her husband, Jared & mom to their delightfully silly kids, Kati Ann & Kie. Bobi Ann is privileged to serve as Women's Ministry Director at Willowbrook Church in Huntsville, AL. She loves to laugh, spend time with her family and wear comfortable clothes. Her favorite moments are date nights with her husband and loving on her kids. You can read more from Bobi Ann on her blog and following her on Twitter @bobiann.

Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Judy Harder

December 30, 2013
Struggling Together in Prayer
Sharon Jaynes

Today's Truth

I urge you, brothers, by our Lord Jesus Christ and by the love of the Spirit, to join me in my struggle by praying to God for me (Romans 15:30).

Friend to Friend

I am so glad that God gave us girlfriends who will struggle with us in prayer.  Paul wasn't a Girlfriend in God, but he certainly understood the power of our words to God in prayer.

He wrote: "I urge you, brothers, by our Lord Jesus Christ and by the love of the Spirit, to join me in my struggle by praying to God for me" (Romans 15:30).

"Pray also for me, that whenever I open my mouth, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in chains. Pray that I may declare it fearlessly, as I should" (Ephesians 6:18-20).

The New Testament was originally written in Greek and sometimes looking at the original definitions of the Greek words can give us great insight. The Greek word Paul uses for struggle in Romans 15:30 is sunagonizomai, which means "to struggle in company of; i.e., to be a partner (assistant), strive together with." The root word means "to endeavor to accomplish something: fight, labor fervently, strive," for example, to compete for a prize or to contend with an adversary.

Prayer for another person is not simply a nice platitude or a pat on the back.  When we tell someone that we will pray for him or her, we are agreeing to put on the armor and head to the front lines of battle on their behalf.

Many ancient shields had brackets attached to the sides. These brackets were a type of latch that soldiers could use to lock their shields together during battle.  When the armors were locked together, the soldiers moved as one force, forming a barricade against the enemy.

Alone, the shield was a small defense. Together they formed a human barricade.

Do you see the significance? When we lock arms in prayer with others, we are locking our shields together and forming a powerfully strong wall of defense.

One night I was in the restroom touching up my makeup before speaking to several hundred women. I was having one of those moments when I looked in the mirror and negative thoughts began swirling in my mind. What am I doing here? What do I possibly have to say to these women that could make any difference in their lives? I am not capable of walking to that podium tonight.

While I was mulling over the lies (the fiery darts that Satan was shooting into my mind), my cell phone rang.


"Hi, Sharon. This is Mary. [My GiG Mary.] Where are you?"

"Actually, I'm standing in the restroom at a speaking engagement getting ready to walk out on the stage. I forgot to turn off my cell phone!"

"I want you to know," Mary continued, "God interrupted me while I was cooking dinner and told me to pray for you. Not only that, He told me to call"

I imagined Mary standing in her kitchen with spaghetti sauce simmering on the stove and stopping mid-stir.There might have been a little conversation with God that went something like this: Call Sharon and pray for her, God might have said.

Could you just wait a minute, God? The sauce is almost done.

Call Sharon and pray for her, God repeated.

Ok, Ok, I'll do it now.

There was great power in Mary's instant obedience. If she had waited, I would not have known that she was praying. Not only did God prompt her to pray at that moment, He wanted her to tell me that she was doing so. Why? God knew that there was power in her prayer, and He wanted me to know that I was not going into battle alone.

He had called Mary to "struggle with me," to "strive together in battle," to lock shields with me and march into victory.

Let's practice locking shields today and pray for each other. Click over to my Facebook pageand share a prayer request. Then pray for the request above you.

Let's Pray

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for giving us Girlfriends in God to pray for us and with us. Thank You that You called women to join together as mighty prayer warriors with shields hooked together, marching into battle as one unified force.

In Jesus' Name,


Now It's Your Turn

Is there someone God is calling you to pray for today?

If so, why not give him or her a call or send an e-mail to let them know.

Better yet, e-mail them the prayer or pray for them over the phone!

And don't forget to leave your prayer request on my Facebook page so I can pray for you today.

Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Judy Harder

December 31, 2013
Hope for Tomorrow
Mary Southerland

Today's Truth

God did not give us a spirit that makes us afraid but a spirit of power and love and self-control (2 Timothy 1:7).

Friend to Friend

A cloud of terror hung over the Valley of Elah as snarling threats and vile promises spewed from his mouth. The intimidator strutted along grassy slopes, swinging an enormous club, his mammoth, ironclad feet pawing the ground like an irate bull, ready to attack.

The huge, ugly monster was Goliath, a nine-foot giant who was the pride of Philistia.

Goliath wore massive armor; a bronze coat weighing 200 pounds, a solid iron spear, a heavy bronze helmet. The target of his ranting and raving was a frightened, helpless group of Israelites, cowering in their tents. For forty agonizing days, Goliath had come, taunting them, promising certain destruction and doom. The Israelites, paralyzed with fear, had given up all hope of escape, resigned to their tortured fate at the hand of this Philistine monster.

Then came day forty-one!

I am certain, as the sun inched its way over the mountains that morning, that neither Goliath nor the Israelites had any idea that this day would be different. A young handsome teenager stepped into the valley of fear, fresh from the presence of God.

David, the youngest in a family of eight boys could not believe the scene before him. Tossing the giant's threats and obvious advantage aside, David refused to accept what he saw. Instead, he chose to believe what he knew in his heart; this giant was going down. With simple but certain faith and unreserved confidence in God, David stepped through the fear, ushering in the mighty presence and power of God. Goliath not only met David that day, He met the Lord of Heaven and earth. And the giant fell! Giants always fall in the presence of God.

We stand on the threshold of a new year – a new beginning! If you are like me, you face 2014 with mixed emotions. Personally, I am thrilled that I survived 2013! There were certainly moments when I wondered if I would.

My husband had his second heart ablation.

I had back surgery.

We moved ... and oh, how I hate moving!

I experienced the worst battle I have ever had with clinical depression.

Financial surprises seemed constant.

Yep! I am glad to see 2013 go, but I am so thankful for God's faithfulness and provision every day of that year. I learned so much. I didn't always like God's plan for teaching me His truths, and honestly, I often failed to understand why things had to happen the way they did. But I can also say with assurance that God was with me every step of the way – and His presence was more than enough to get me through it all.

Still, I am excited about a fresh start, a brand new set of days overflowing with new dreams and unmarked possibilities, but I also know this year is crammed full of the unknown as well as a giant or two.

I am not a fan of giants, and if I am brutally honest, I have to admit that the unknown fashions a pocket of fear in my heart where questions and doubts thrive. I don't know what tomorrow holds but I do know that I have to face that fear and refuse to let it take up residence in my heart and mind.

The good news is what lies ahead is no surprise to God. In fact, He has already been where you and I are going. That reason alone empowers us to face every tomorrow with hope, knowing that whatever touches us passes through His hands, with His permission.

It is not God's plan for us to dwell in fear or for fear to rule our lives. He has already set in motion the defeat and fall of every giant we will ever face. Our responsibility is to step through our fear, facing every giant in God's power and with His promises. The Holy Spirit will guide the path of His truth to its destined mark, taking down the giants lurking in the shadows of every tomorrow.

He is the same yesterday, today and forever! The days ahead are saturated with the memory of Goliath's fall when one very unlikely shepherd boy chose to put his trust in Almighty God, the Giant Killer. We can make that same choice.

So then, girlfriend, I ask you, what is there to fear?

Happy New Year!

Let's Pray

Father, I come to You by faith, laying every fear and worry at Your feet. I am not sure what this year holds for me, but I do know You are with me every step of the way. When I am tempted to worry, please remind me to trust You. When fear attacks, help me choose to pray instead of panic, knowing You are my Lord and my Shepherd. I praise You for Your faithfulness in my life, even when I don't understand and can't see the next step. I praise You, Lord.

In Jesus' name,


Now It's Your Turn

Take time to review the past year. What giants have you faced? Was your response to these giants right or wrong? What changes do you need to make as you approach a new year? Ask yourself the following questions:

How do I typically handle fear?

What has been my natural response to giants of the past?

How do the birth, life and death of Jesus Christ affect those responses?

Read Luke 2:8-14. Examine your life in light of this passage. Record your thoughts in your journal.

More from the Girlfriends

Can you believe 2014 is just ahead, like a clean slate filled with new beginnings and fresh starts? What did we learn in 2013 that will make a difference in 2014? As the holiday season winds down, I pray your heart and mind will look ahead to all that this year holds. Guard your heart and mind against darkness. Stand firm in God's power and presence. He is faithful and He is sufficient for whatever tomorrow brings.

Looking for a Bible Study?Check out Mary's weekly online Bible Study, Light for the Journey. Don't miss the new study, How to Tame the Tongue, beginning January 20, 2014.

Do you want to revolutionize your prayer life? Check out Chair Time, a new E-Book written by Mary's husband, Dan. It not only will teach you how to hear from God – it will change your life! And be sure to connect with Mary on Facebook or through email.

Seeking God?
Click here to find out more about
how to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

Girlfriends in God
P.O. Box 725
Matthews, NC 28106




Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Judy Harder

January 1, 2014
Changing the World Through Prayer
Sharon Jaynes

Today's Truth

The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective (James 5:16b, TNIV).

Friend to Friend

G. Campbell Morgan tells a story about the power of one woman's prayers to stir a revival in her home church.

"There are saints of God who for long, long years have been shut off from all the activities of the Church, and even from the worship of the sanctuary, but who, nevertheless, have continued to labor together in prayer with the whole fellowship of the saints. There comes to me the thought of one woman who, to my knowledge, since 1872 in this great babble of London, has been in perpetual pain, and yet in constant prayer. She is today a woman twisted and distorted by suffering, and yet exhaling the calm and strength of the secret of the Most High.

"In 1872 she was a bedridden girl in the North of London, praying that God would send revival to the church of which she was a member, and yet into which even then she never came. She had read in the little paper called Revival, which subsequently became The Christian, the story of a work being done in Chicago among ragged children by a man called Moody.

"She had never seen Moody, but putting that little paper under her pillow, she began to pray, 'O Lord, send this man to our Church.'

"She had no means of reaching him or communicating with him. He had already visited the country in 1867, and in 1872 he started again for a short trip with no intention of doing any work.

"Mr. Lessey, however, the pastor of the church of which this girl was a member, met him and asked him to preach for him. He consented, and after the evening service he asked those who would decide for Christ to rise, and hundreds did so. He was surprised and imagined that his request had been misunderstood. He repeated it more clearly, and again the response was the same.

"Meetings were continued through the following ten days, and four hundred members were taken into the church. In telling me this story Moody said, 'I wanted to know what this meant. I began making inquiries and never rested until I found a bedridden girl praying that God would bring me to that church.

"He (God) had heard her, and brought me over four thousand miles of land and sea in answer to her request.'"

One little crippled lamb by the name of Marianne Adlard, uttered fervent prayers to Almighty God on behalf of her flock and God sent a shepherd to gather the sheep from all around England.

You may not feel that you have the ability to change the world for Christ, but consider crippled girl impacted the world through her prayers. You can do the same.

Amazing...the power of a woman's words to God in prayer!

Let's Pray

Dear Lord, thank You that You allow me to come into Your presence at any time. I confess that I do not pray enough. I confess that I do not take the power of prayer as seriously as I should. Help me to become a prayer warrior that goes to battle on the front lines of spiritual warfare that rages around us. Teach me how to pray.

In Jesus' Name,


Now It's Your Turn

Often Jesus went away by Himself and prayed. Many times He prayed all night. Do you think God is calling you to spend more time in prayer?

As you pray for other people, consider praying Scripture for them. Turn to Philippians 1, Colossians 1, and Ephesians 1 to see how Paul prayed for fellow believers.

Consider writing a prayer for someone based on those verses.

Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

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