How about a thread for youngsters?

Started by sixdogsmom, August 17, 2008, 03:17:26 PM

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Judy Harder

Good for you, Teresa.......If you start to censor where will that lead to.

The kids will be going to school soon and did you ever think that when the kids are on here with us, they were NOT out somewhere raising HECK.

I sometimes get Texting attitude, but that is an old lady who still can't get around English and the computer so I have no cause to gripe......IN fact I figure I will learn along with the others.

and, if you don't want to read texting, one says you have to.......that is why we all choose the different threads that we prefer....and that is the way it goes.....

Hang in there and this too shall week there will be something else to nit-pic about.
Let Go and Let God!!!
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!


guess I don't read enough but I haven't seen anything I couldn't figure out what it said?! Lol, but I have a teenager so maybe I have an advantage :P How are kids supposed to learn anything if they don't listen to us ol farts spout off? LOL
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats


Quote from: Teresa on August 18, 2008, 02:10:45 PM
Okay..I will tell you what I have ( in the past 2 months in personal comments)

Seriously................................ for those who choose to leave the forum (for whatever reasons).. and those that choose to stay and use the forum ( for whatever reasons) ..the choice is up to you. No matter my personal opinion.. or my viewpoint in this area... there will not be any intervention with keeping anyone out. This is a free forum..and everyone is welcome to use it, as long as they use it for what it is..
It is a forum for conversations about Local and National issues and happenings and news. It is not a Text Room.. Please leave the texting for your phone conversations.

and that's as it should be in my humble opinion


Well, I WAS deep in thought about this thread and was almost done typing when I lost electricity. Thank you Westar!!! But now it's back on and I'm going to try and re-type everything I had before.

I text. And I will be 22 on Saturday. I do spell out all words and try not to shorten anything. I want the person on the receiving end to make sense of what they're reading. I am a firm believer in correct grammar and spelling. If you can't say it right, don't open your mouth! However, I'm not about to tell anyone how to talk, or what to type. I think that "banning" the pre-teens from the forum would be a huge mistake. Heather has kept us up to date on many things, from mud runs, to the pool, to school beginning. I would not have known a thing about the Junior High needing a cheerleading sponsor if she wasn't able to post.

If I see someone is posting "jargon" that I can't understand, I go on. I don't rant about it. And if you're upset about the spelling and grammar....Re-read the subject line of this thread. "Youngsters" is misspelled as 'younsters'.

I think a seperate thread would be a wonderful idea, however, I am against banning anyone with good intentions.


I know of only one or two forum members on here that are under 18. If there are more then that means they are posting in a manner that does not reveal their age. While I have only been posting a couple months I have visited this forum over the last two years. I am shocked that anyone has found youngsters to be a disruption of the forum. I like the idea of having an area for the youngsters on this forum just for them. With parental supervision I see no reason why they can't participate in any part of the forum that the family deems ok I see this as very PG rated. I am just totally caught of guard and shocked that anyone finds youngsters to be a problem on this forum.


p.s. While Devynn is not a youngster she is younger than most of us and I think her post is a great reason why we should allow "youngsters" also Heather is an asset as well.


You are so right! I just now saw my typo and intend to change it if I can. This thread in no way was intended as a gripe against the kids joining in. I have really enjoyed Heather and suspect we have a couple of others beginning to post. I thought it a neat thing to have their own thread, and if they wish to text message so be it. If they want to use it as a chat room, than's okay too. The adults use it that way too. I get to typing and thinking at the same time and sometimes when I go back and read I wonder what it was that I typed. And sometimes I forget to go back and read! LOL!


I text too.( takes me forever..but I get it done) . but like the "older ones" I type all the whole word and when I use the letter U  for You.. I feel like I have really done something.  ::)

I will see if I can find the time to add a board ( a thread is only one place in the coffee shop) but a board is a whole room....for the younger ones to get together and hang out..
If they use it fine.. if they don't fine..  8) But they will have a place to call their own without us old grumps to contend with.

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


but it isn't a typo - I checked - the original title is spelled right.  So what happened?


Quote from: Teresa on August 18, 2008, 03:09:35 PM
8) But they will have a place to call their own without us old grumps to contend with.

>:( >:( >:( who you callin an old grump?


I didn't mean to sound so crabby.   :-[  I've been in a terrible mood ever since talking to what seems like every car salesman in the Wichita vicinity. Everyone is trying to sell me what I don't want! I don't want a car, I don't want a van! Give me a pickup for crying out loud!

So I apologize if I came across that way to anyone.

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