How about a thread for youngsters?

Started by sixdogsmom, August 17, 2008, 03:17:26 PM

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I happen to be a very good at spelling, grammar, and writing. I also, know the difference between what shows up in this forum. Some of it is fast typing, posting incomplete thoughts, bad spelling, bad grammar, lazy, etc. While I have a casual attitude to how things are posted on the forum I notice that some of the people that complain about some of these mistakes need to examine their posted ideas. While I may not always speak or spell good I know how to do it well.



Hey, I probly drive y'all crazy with my writin  :P i can speak the kings english perfectly well and know how to spell pretty well, but I have a relaxed manner of speaking and an accent some people say so I have a tendency to write like I talk which ain't exactly prim and proper LOL  ;D
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats


Pam, I always know exactly what you're talking about in your posts! I don't care if they're prim and proper. I'm not great with words. I'm not a big talker and it's hard for me to type my thoughts down in a way that others can understand them.

As for the car sales, I didn't ever even call Davis-Moore. I finally called a friend over at Augusta that I went to school with and she has exactly what I'm looking for. I really truly believe that above the "sign here" line on our mortgage agreement it says in very tiny not even readable words....."You are really going to get screwed."


The forum is a casual conversation. If your post can be understood you have done your job. If you can't understand a post ask for clarification. I don't think it would hurt a lot of us to spell better, use proper grammar;  and learn a little lingo, pop culture from some of the "youngsters" on the forum.



David, thank you for posting the caveats for teens and their parents. I have been thinking about this thread all evening and am happy that I am not alone. Perhaps you could post this on the new teen site?


SDM the caveats I posted are important. I posted them here instead of the teen chat area because I think adults need to know them more than kids. Also, I am a big believer that they(teens, kids, youngsters)need a place where they can call their own and we stay out of, but can monitor to make sure everything is ok. I am more sure that the myspace kids are more privacy safe than people closer to my age. I hope that everyone reads my short rules both young and old.



dn my computer sits smack dab in the middle of the living room and my daughter has been taught that if you don't want anybody to know what you are doin or to know what somebody is sayin then it probly ain't somthin you should be doin. There have been a couple instances where people got inappropriate with her, all she had to do was say hey my moms right here and that was over in a hurry! There have been several people arrested in this neck of the woods for trying to meet underage kids, it kinda freaks you out.
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats


If I had a kid and someone tried doing that, they would have more to fear than being arrested. :angel:


Mtcookson, from your posts on other subjects I know you are a smart,  worldwise person. The point is if you don't set up rules and safety procedures which is common;  by the time you know about the damage it is after the fact. I agree with you what would happen when I\you found out. Hopefully my few points will keep you and me from doing what we would do after the tragedy.



I'd definitely be strict about the computer and have strict rules on it... but there's always that small possibility something could slip up. Luckily I'm rather good with computers so even if they tried to hide something from me, it won't stay hidden. I'll definitely be sure not to teach them my hiding tricks until they're like... 40. :laugh:

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