How about a thread for youngsters?

Started by sixdogsmom, August 17, 2008, 03:17:26 PM

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I was thinking; (dangerous I know), we seem to be getting some youngsters on here more and more. I for one really enjoy their postings and would like to see more of them participate. I wonder if we had a thread only for them if they would use it? Whether or not adults could post in that thread should be decided by the youngsters themselves. I think it would encourage community participation as well as communication skills. They might also learn something along the way. We might also learn something from them. How about it?  ;) ;)

Diane Amberg

I just raised my hand in agreement, but don't they all text each other instead?


they may text and may not, but if they do, they need to do it phone to phone and not through this forum.  Just one persons opinon, however.


Need to get them off of the texting and posting on the forum... not only will it save on their phone bill but should improve on their english/reading/typing skills as well (unlike texting). :laugh:

What's the age range for "youngsters"?


Thank you, I had posted a comment on another thread glad we all agree on texting.
Army Mom


They must be under the age of 18.

What's the age range for "youngsters"?


glad the age "youngster" was clarified cause to some people I'm a youngster.  ;D




If you consider mental age, most of us are youngsters.


Okay..I will tell you what I have ( in the past 2 months in personal comments)

I have received exactly 14 personal messages ( some more than once)  from different people. I have also heard in conversations from a few others about this issue.  None of these people were too happy that "teenagers were using the forum".

The general census is that the adults in this forum find that the few younger teenagers are using this as a "chat room"..  I was told that there is msm and several other chat areas where kids get together and text and chat etc.. They are all of the same age and have most everything in common with each other. They think that they should use those sources for their get togethers..

I have had 2 members flat out say in different ways..that if the "children "continue to disrespectfully interrupt the adult conversations with their bad grammar and bad spelling and sassy attitudes.. that they will not be posting anymore.

I have had more than a few who thinks that there should be an age limit for being a member in this forum.
But as far as THAT request, I can not do that. and I won't do that. We have had some 'kids' post in here that have given some good information and have added some good thoughts to others posts. So age isn't a factor.

I have responded to these people in the only way I can as moderator and owner.
I can not disallow anyone into this website or bar anyone from using the forum.. unless they are foul mouthed or are causing a continuous disruption.
Which no one is doing.  (Weeeeell   :-\  I cause a disruption .. but...  I can't ban myself.. **  ;D  ~~who would do all the updates and behind the scenes work? ~~ ha ha ha )

Seriously................................ for those who choose to leave the forum (for whatever reasons).. and those that choose to stay and use the forum ( for whatever reasons) ..the choice is up to you. No matter my personal opinion.. or my viewpoint in this area... there will not be any intervention with keeping anyone out. This is a free forum..and everyone is welcome to use it, as long as they use it for what it is..
It is a forum for conversations about Local and National issues and happenings and news. It is not a Text Room.. Please leave the texting for your phone conversations.

I will be more than happy to listen to all the comments and suggestions.
What will be done about, I can't say..  it will be decided on later.


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