McCain Blows Obama Away At Saddlebrook

Started by Warph, August 17, 2008, 03:13:38 AM

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McCain buried Obama tonight.... and Pastor Warren wound up having to say a few words over Obama's badly bruised body before he planted him in the Saddlebrook Cemetery.

This is what I got out of it..... first of all, Obama forgot he was going to a Gunfight.  Secondly, Obama is terrible at extemporaneous speaking, and comes off as Mr Wonk whenever he goes into policy.  It was a look at how Obama idea's of "hope" and "change" are nothing more than rhetoric.  Obama is all talk, and no substance.  All I heard from Obama was a bunch of stuttering and hesitation, which suggested he was trying to think of the most favorable answer.  McCain actually shared very personal experiences and expressed intimately his concerns and views on the issues we are currently facing today.  McCain is also obviously much more educated on foreign issues which should be on everyone's priority list.  How about the fact that Obama was only in the Senate 146 days before Oprah decided he was going to be our president compared to McCains 26 year experience in the Senate.  Can someone tell me, again, why the Democrats nominated this guy?  He's spent his entire post-primary campaign thus far demeaning his own base, while walking on eggshells trying to please center-right voters.  What's the point?  Time to do your research, people and get on McCain's bandwagon.
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Obama is a Show Pony..To my knowledge he has never managed the finances of any institution or business, he has never RUN a business, he has never served in any emergency capacity such as EMS or fire service, has no military service, has never commanded men and women in problem situations. I could be wrong, but I don't think he's ever even coached a kid's basketball or t-ball team. AND he certainly was devoid of accomplishment in two years in the Senate.

He has no business running for president, and our mainstream media should turn in their press credentials because of the way they have bought into this whole smoke and mirrors act.

Although, I have to say,  they just MIGHT turn on know how they are.

We simply cannot have him as president.
But I believe that when it comes time to hit the voting lever, a lot of people who are star-glazed now will think, "Wait a minute, this stuff is serious"....and hopefully they'll pull the McCain lever.
Obama's just THAT scary.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


From John McCain at Saddleback;  I served in Viet Nam, oh yeah, I was a prisoner in Viet Nam. Can I tell one more story about Viet Nam? Georgia is occupying Russia, Oh yeah, I served in Viet Nam. Not one answer about what he will do as president either, just pandering. Did I mention I was in Viet Nam? What is wealthy? Six million dollars according to him. You could predict exactly what he would say after each question, and not one was a direct answer, just plug in a recording and out comes Viet Nam.

I respect John McCains' service in Viet Nam as well as service of any of our military anywhere. In no way does this make a man qualified to be president of the United States. John McCain wanted to be a Navy Admiral like his father and grandfather, but he just didn't have the right stuff. Wouldn't buckle down and study and couldn't handle the self disciplin. He is still lacking in judgement and self disciplin or he would not have had his wife and daughter at Sturgis, much less suggested the participation of his wife in a topless (and sometimes bottomless) beauty pageant. He could not have subjected her to being hooted at by the crowd to show us your boobs, with her daughter present. I was embarrassed for her and her daughter.

I feel that I can critisize John McCain openly even though he did that Viet Nam service. I was married to a Viet Nam vet for thirty years. He had two tours of duty there, and was a C-130 load master. It was part of his duty to supervise the body bags as they were brought back to the states. Once in awhile, he would talk about the war but not often. Most real war heroes don't like to speak of their service; it leaves an indelible mark on their psyche. But when he did speak of the war it was with great sadness and very little self grandizement. He would speak of the orphans and buying them clothing and food, some were not orphans but street urchins panhandling on the street. But he would treat them the same. He spoke of the villiagers they would evacuate and all their livestock and how frightened they were. He spoke of kicking out live cattle as food for the Monteguards, and how badly he felt about that. He also spoke a few names that were on the body bags and had somehow stuck in his mind. He wondered if the family would ever know who has cared for that body while it was in transit. Would he ever have used that service for his gain? Even for the election to the highest office in the land? I do not believe that he would have. For if nothing else he had great integrity, something that I think is lacking in John McCains' character.


One question I would have loved to hear was....
How could you vote and be against the Death Penalty but remain Pro-Choice.?

You can't support killing a killer, but the death of a viable human life is expendable,....?
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


You know, Teresa, I asked a democrat this very question one time, because I may be a democrat but I do believe in the death penalty.  Her reply was "we democrats believe in feeding a hundred guilty killers than to kill one innocent prisoner".  Guess she has a point, but I agree with Ron White, "three credible eye witnesses and you don't sit on death row for 10 years, you go to the head of the line".  Personally, I also do not believe in abortion, however I don't feel I have the right to tell someone else not to.  I don't know their circumstances and why they feel that abortion is necessary.  Guess that makes me a "fence-straddler", huh?


Y'know I watched this too and I've been thinkin about what I got out of it since. It can be said "my" guy won about both of em. They have VERY different styles, the fact that Obama was puttin thought into his answers is not exactly a bad thing, means he might not fly off the handle and do somthin stupid. McCain was bam bam on some "this is what I think"period, which could get him in trouble from bein bullheaded. Really think he trotted out the Vietnam thing a bit much myself, he was there he did it, but so did a whole bunch of other guys who never talk about unless they are severely toasted and some not even then. McCain seemed to be playin to the crowd, Obama seemed to be talkin to Warren one on one. Could of been calculated but nobody knows for sure but him and God. McCain seemed strong on standin up to people and Obama seemed strong on diplomacy, too much of either one is not a good deal, a balance between the two is what is needed in this world. Obama is pro-life, McCain is anti-abortion, the fact of the matter is there have been abortions done since there have been people and always will be whether they are legal or not. Being legal just means a cleaner environment for the woman who is gonna do it no matter what. I think it is wrong, if you don't want to get pregnant keep your pants on but that's MY decision, I can't make it for anybody else and if it's legal at least she may not die from infection from it like they used to do. So that makes me lean towards Obama a wee bit. I still don't think either one of em is the man for the job tho. To say either one of em got whomped is a stretch tho, think they both did alright.
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats


Pam I don't think the man for THIS job has been born nor ever was or ever will be. There is no perfect candidate nor will there ever be one. The best we can do is to educate ourselves as much as possible, say a prayer for ourselves and our country and do the best we can.


It's like somebody said on here before, the people who are best for the job don't want anything to do with the job. I see McCain and what comes to mind is somebodys slighty nutty grandpa putterin around out in the back yard cause he forgot where he was goin and then pitchin a fit and breakin windows or somthin cause he forgot he forgot! I see Obama and I'm human, I see a guy with an arab name whos beeen goin to a church with a reverse racist preacher for the last 20 years. Much as you try to pooh pooh it, it's true and he has been listenin to that for 20 years of his own free will y'know. So I hope sombody can see why I'm screamin PLEASE don't make me vote for either one of em :P
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats


I also like how Obama tried to make the case that he would not have appointed Justice Thomas because of his lack of experience..... ???  Ahhh hello? Lack of experience?
Isn't that the Pot calling the kettle Black (No racial undertones intended)
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


He was talking about experience with the law and constitutional law in particular. Obama has served more elected time than Hillary Clinton for that matter. He also worked with churches and local organizations in Chicago to improve neighborhoods. He also taught law at Chicago University. Know youe facts! At least Obama didn't use catch phrases from his campaign to pander to the audience. But he can think in his own words, not parrot what has been written for him.

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